question question question

Started by CaptainPungent, December 20, 2005, 07:21:46 PM

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is euthenasia a recorded melvins song?
i have soatd dvd, and i love the song, but i wanna HEAR it.
if you have a live version or something, please hook me up if you can.
if you guys could help me out with this, i'd appreciate it.
god fuck damn that song rocks on that dvd.
pleeeease help me out.


It's on the Dope Guns and Fucking In The Street compilation.

And yes, it's a great song!



i know i know...
and thanks for doing so.
it just didn't show up for some reason yesterday so i posted it again.
i don't know what happened to the message board.

anaconda seems to be the best option. both Macs and PCs can access those uploads.