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Messages - perusha

Melvins Album Discussion / Re: The End (2003)
January 14, 2008, 03:05:56 PM
SOLD OUT!  you bastards!    :shock:

Just kidding.  Got one.  Thanks Cry Baby for the heads up in advance.  I almost forgot to check back in today.  You're the best!!!!!!!
Melvins Discussion / Re: Buzz interview at the Echoplex
January 07, 2008, 08:26:52 PM
Holy crap...the pressure.   :-({|=
You all realize this isn't MY daughter right?  I'll try and produce that picture for you all. 
Melvins Discussion / Re: Buzz interview at the Echoplex
January 06, 2008, 07:41:15 PM
My best friend took his two young daughters to Disneyland a few years back.  Somewhere in the park one of his daughters, who was probably 5 years old, spotted what she assumed was some new crazy Disneyland character and begged her dad for a photo with this new "character."  Yes, it did turn out to be King Buzzo and no, I am not making this up and yes the story goes that Buzzo was super cool and was happy to have the photo taken and thus the story of a new, young Melvins fan was born!!!

She has since heard the Melvins and is still indeed a fan with 'Bar X the Rocking M,' and 'Let It All Be,' being her favorates to dance to.  She's 8 now.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Buzz interview at the Echoplex
December 31, 2007, 02:43:51 PM
Pretty cool.  Dale & Buzz love Disneyland.  I don't know if they still do, but they used to hold their business "band meetings," at Disneyland so they could go and then write off all the expenses.  Brilliant idea.

And as someone that actually has a pretty serious and inspired Buddhist practice myself, I found the Dali Lama comment to be pretty f'n funny.  Good job!
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Melvins Echo 30 Diciembre 07
December 31, 2007, 01:20:59 PM
Does anyone know what kind of a set list the Melvins did in place of Tweakbird?  Just curious if it was the same set or completely different songs.

Melvins did sound amazing last night (as usual) but got there right when 400 Blows went on.  400 Blows doesn't seem quite as powerful with the new drummer, which is too bad.  Just not quite the same without Ferdinand.
The bootleg poster guy was just insane, but when you think about it, it's kind of a weird backhanded complement to the Melvins that someone thinks there is actually a "market" for that?  F that guy anyway though, hope he didn't sell any.

And BTW, it was heartbreaking for me to see after the show the amount of people giving the Mexican food vendors shit outside of the door.  There were a couple of women hot dog vendors who were receiving all kinds of comments from just these idiots just for being there which was very insulting and borderline racist.  Sorry, but true.  I was really shocked.  For those that don't know, Echo Park is historically a Mexican and New Immigrant neighborhood for generations and the only reason the Echo is even there is due to the hyper gentrification going on.  Whatever, it was just f'd up to see that.  Certainly no one on this site would stoop that low...

But the moral of the story is:  Melvins is THE best live band in the history of the world.  Period.

Melvins Discussion / Re: Buzz story from
December 14, 2007, 01:53:54 AM
I've been heavily into The Melvins forever, but I swear the first time I heard Stinkfist, which was live before Aenima was released, I thought for sure these guys must really like The Melvins.  Maybe it was just the structure of that song more than anything else, but I saw a connection there somehow.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins w/ ZU
October 26, 2007, 06:50:46 PM
Been waiting for this thing to appear since ZU was in the LA area to record it.  This should just be amazing.  Zu also did some recording with Nomeansno that should be amazing as well when that comes out.

Easily one of the best shows I've seen in the last few years that did not involve the Melvins was Zu headlining over Saccharine Trust and Dos (Mike Watt and Kira Rossler) in LA.  Zu were just incredible (as were Saccharine Trust and Dos as well).  Most in the audience had never heard Zu before and everyone's jaw was just on the floor.  They were so damn good I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

BTW an absolutely fabulous CD is Zu's Igneo record.  Great place to start and you can easily find it on Amazon. 
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Costa Mesa 10-24-07
October 26, 2007, 02:00:44 PM
For whatever it's worth, I can't agree with the "all business" attitude of the show at all.  The Melvins just killed it, I thought all four were completely into the show and it was definately up to par with any other So Cal show in the past few years.  I could care less how the audience were reacting being that I'm not there to play with the audience anyway and there was nothing going on that affected the band at all.  The sound quality was quite good and seeing them in such a small club is pretty f'n amazing after seeing shows at the Troubadour and Henry Fonda.

Amazing set list, amazing show...this lineup is so special, there just is not a better live band out there anywhere.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Melvins, Oslo 3/4
September 19, 2007, 09:14:39 PM
I know.  I was just being sarcastic because it was pretty clearly displayed.  So it's just me taking a shot at myself.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Melvins, Oslo 3/4
September 17, 2007, 09:22:10 PM
Oops.  Sorry.  Didn't see it in the Discussion Board.  But I mean, come on, it's only five pages long by now...
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Melvins, Oslo 3/4
September 17, 2007, 01:20:25 AM
Some amazing footage of the show that I somehow can't seem to figure out how to play for more than say 10 seconds at a time, but most of you computer savy people can probably figure it out.  The footage is just top notch, but damn it if  I can't figure it out...

Find the drag down option for "onsdag" on the right,  scroll down to "lordag" and find Melvins...

Melvins Show Reviews / Re: last night? 9/15/07
September 17, 2007, 01:02:20 AM
My first post ever to this site, but I've been lucky enough in life to have been seeing the Melvins live for around 18 to 19 years now.  They are always nothing short of amaizng, what else is new.  I do have to say though that last night for me was just one of those special shows where everything just seems to line up perfectly and it was just beyond incredible.

Obviously the set list was limited to the entire Houdini record which is not my favorate Mevlins record, but they just killed it last night.  Houdini with Cody and Dale is just beyond phenomenal and Buzz sounded amazing.  Buzz was so animated and into it too, which was cool.  Last time they played the Henry Fonda theatre  I thought the sound just sucked but somehow the sound last night, at least towards the back, was very, very good.  Their set was just amazing and blew away the Houdini live record by far, too.

I would rather have seen a mixed set list but the show last night was easily in my top 5 Melvins shows ever...maybe higher.  I've seen this band about 25 times total, probably more now, easily.

I know this is a Melvins site, duh, so whatever, but sometimes I just can't believe just how amazingly powerful this band truely is and this lineup really is something special.  There is just no way there is a live band better than this.

Unfortunately, I missed Flipper, which sucked, and I can't imagine what it must have been like to be Mudhoney to follow up that set, but no one else could have either, so I left after Melvins, and I'm sorry to say I was not the only one.  Have no idea how Mudhoney was.  I'm still trying to pick my jaw off the floor from the Melvins set...