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Messages - jaymz

Quote from: oldernie on April 25, 2013, 02:29:43 PM
i think everyone on that list should ebay there tickets and go to bristol instead.
ive not been to this london venue before but having just been to the exchange i can say for sure i now want to see residency there and definately plan to do at least one night in bristol.
probly do houdini/lysol in bristol and stoner witch in london now.

has anyone received tickets from gigantic yet, how am i meant to ebay the fucker when i aint got it yet.

Yeah i was going to go the London shows but after seeing them in Bristol I'm torn as to which ones to go too. The exchange is a good venue and Lysol/Houdini will sound amazing in there.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Bristol, 22 April 2013
April 25, 2013, 02:16:06 PM
Was a really good show. Them three are one of my favourite melvins line ups that I have seen.
Surprised they had so little merch normally they have a bit more for the UK shows.

I always wonder at Melvins gigs who is on here. I guess i should ask next time. We where all pretty close together by the sounds of things.

One highlight for me was sitting in the pub next door at about 5 listening to big business go through their sound check and listening to them play new stuff through the wall. It was loud enough to hear all of it.

Not sure where to do the next two shows now as the venue was pretty good.
Quote from: FartLips on March 05, 2012, 12:42:47 AM
Quote from: Lurch on March 04, 2012, 11:51:18 PM
I dont get it.
where's the pun?
its the second leg of the tour, silly!

Sadly they had to cut it short.
Top 5 would be.

vs Minneapolis

Quote from: homeless_dad on March 02, 2012, 09:37:57 AM
Quote from: anaconda on March 02, 2012, 08:36:59 AM
i'm still holding on for the melvins 83 stuff that buzz mentioned
a year or so ago. something about dale on bass is cool. in that vein,
i'd like to see some more Altamont stuff too down the road.
I'd love more Melvins 83

I only have altamonts monkeys uncle.  Not too impressed but admittedly I don't think I given it a fair shake.  Is that a good album to start with?

I think that album you have to be in the mood for and when you are you wont turn it off.

Not got Our Darling or Civil War Fantasy yet though.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Best Melvins Pic Ever
March 01, 2012, 11:36:48 AM
Quote from: anaconda on March 01, 2012, 07:37:25 AM

Is that the look on their faces after they read this board?
I like it a lot.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Favourite Melvins lyric?
March 01, 2012, 07:32:43 AM
"I don't know but i don't feel so good"
"Like stee, moanin ludlow."
Quote from: Schnabster on March 01, 2012, 06:33:49 AM
Quote from: Twopack Shaker on February 29, 2012, 07:51:44 PM
Quote from: Schnabster on February 29, 2012, 05:13:08 PM
Quote from: Twopack Shaker on February 29, 2012, 04:44:29 PM
Quote from: jaymz on February 29, 2012, 03:34:29 PM
I've really missed the love for each other on the BBS.
i love you. and schnab does too most likely.

If you love yamz, I do to. But who is he?
I dunno. someone who needs love?

Let`s all just come together and sing along to the mighty Wet Wet Wet: (connect, people, for fuck sake connect!!)

Wet Wet Wet - Love Is All Around (From "Playing Away At Home" DVD)

Who am I.. No idea.

But Schnab is right we need to connect more. We need to come together as a board. Coming together is how you build a healthy relationship.

Quote from: glen on March 01, 2012, 06:47:54 AM

100 bucks says it rocks HEAVILY.


PS: I actually dig the idea of an EP.  who does that anymore?    beats the hell out of the other option: jack squat.

I think it will rock heavily, Eggnog is one of their eps and it is one of the best things that they have done.

Quote from: jules on March 01, 2012, 07:13:07 AM
What's the definition of an EP, again? I forgot.

Is it length or track number or just because the band says so?

Quote from: anaconda on March 01, 2012, 07:24:50 AM
Extended Play

more songs than a single, but not a full album

So if it goes on track number does that mean Lysol is a single?
I've really missed the love for each other on the BBS.
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: Melvins Lite - Freak Puke
February 28, 2012, 05:44:03 PM
Been hoping for them to do a studio album with Mr Dunn for many years.

Can't wait for it hopefully they take him on tour and open with melvins lite before doing a four piece set.
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: rate the records
December 10, 2010, 06:55:22 AM
10 Songs / 26 Songs: 6/10
Gluey Porch Treatments: 7/10
Ozma: 9/10
Your Choice Live Series: 7/10
Bullhead: 10/10
Eggnog:  10/10
King Buzzo: 8/10
Dale Crover: 8/10
Joe Preston:  2/10
Lysol:  10/10
Houdini: 9/10
Prick: 7/10
Stoner Witch: 9/10
Stag: 9/10
Honky: 8/10
Singles 1-12: 7/10
Alive At The Fucker Club: 7/10
The Maggot: 10/10
The Bootlicker: 7/10
The Crybaby: 7/10
Colossus Of Destiny: 6/10
Electroretard: 6/10
Millennium Monsterwork 2000: 7/10
Hostile Ambient Takeover: 10/10
Pigs Of The Roman Empire: 10/10
Never Breathe What You Can't See: 7/10
Mangled Demos From 1983: 8/10
Sieg Howdy!: 7/10
A Live History Of Gluttony And Lust: 10/10
(A) Senile Animal: 9/10
Nude With Boots: 8/10
Chicken Switch: 1/10
The Bride Screamed Murder: 5/10
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: The Bride Screamed Murder
December 10, 2010, 06:50:04 AM
Still unsure by this album, don't know what it is about it that just stops me from really liking this album.
I find myself skipping tracks and i never do that with a melvins album, it makes me feel dirty.
Listend to it a few times and still not sure.