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Messages - Dranas

I'm actually in Portland now...  To lazy to change my profile on ebay.
I have two Melvins related auctions that are ending on Sunday night.  One is an XL hoodie from the Maggot tour.  The other is a Houdini print set by Frank Kozik.  If you happen to win either auction, mention you are from the bbs and I'll send you a very cool Melvins related bonus.

Melvins Discussion / New S.F. Tour Date
December 09, 2009, 10:45:32 PM

GAMH Melvins - Saturday, January 2 (on sale NOW!)
Melvins Discussion / Re: melvins shack rip
November 29, 2009, 06:45:09 PM
Gene is just about the coolest guy ever.
I've been to five High on Fire shows and have never seen a fight.
Melvins Discussion / Re: never seen this shirt before
August 02, 2009, 11:17:44 PM
That shirt is pretty lame IMO.  I don't like the "oven" one either.  Have you guys seen the (bootleg) Melvins shirt in the kiss lettering font?  I like that one!  Did they actually sell those officially at one time?  I have the sticker... 
Gallagher was sp, Barton was sucking as usual, Powell hit a hr, Rivercats lost...  Was hoping to see Mazzaro pitch. The game started at 11:35 and there was a  bunch of A's fans in attendance.  The AAA all star game is here this year so I'm going to check that out. 

Has anyone seen a show at Roseland?  I heard it holds up to 1400 people...  Largest venue on the tour?
I've already have seen the Melvins as a two piece...  It was only my second Melvins show ever at a place called The Smell in downtown Los Angeles.  It must have been right after they kicked Mark out...  I remember it only cost five bucks and it was some type of benefit show.  I got Buzz to sign my stag cd cover and I pretty much made an ass of myself asking questions.  Felt like a total dork after that one! 

So I was checking online for a box office for the Roseland and I could not find anything.  Do I HAVE to get a tix through ticketwest? 

Anyone going to the BB show at Dante's the night before?   
I'm not sure about my last place A's on cable here?  I have a friend who has the MLB package here but it's like pulling teeth trying to get him to sit through an A's game.  I do watch the games when they play Seattle down at the bars!  The Portland Beaver's have a super cool stadium here.  I was able to check out the Rivercats when they came through.  GO A's!! 
Melvins Show Reviews / Sun 05/24/09 Portland, OR
May 20, 2009, 09:26:53 AM
Any of you nerds going to check this show out?  It will be my first show since moving to Portland so I'm pretty excited!  It bums me out that the merch table is going to be scarce.   
Melvins Discussion / Re: California Dates
September 27, 2008, 02:05:15 AM
Canes is alright...  Nothing to complain about if the Melvins are playing. 
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins Classifieds.... Wants
September 27, 2008, 02:00:55 AM
I'm looking for a fetus that I did not buy when I had the chance...  who knows what I'd be willing to do for it...
I'm going but not too happy about Negative Approach playing on the bill also.  I hope Big Businees does not play a shorter set becasue of it.  No mention about Porn on the Glass House web site...   
Melvins Discussion / Re: The Melvins Comic Book
August 24, 2008, 02:36:31 AM

No one has said anything about the belt buckle!!!  I'm pretty excited about it.
Melvins Discussion / Re: new popularity?
August 21, 2008, 10:55:42 PM
Are you guys serious about the Melvins having shirts at hot topic or was that a joke????