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Topics - chopklop

Melvins Show Reviews / Costa Mesa 10-24-07
October 25, 2007, 07:14:59 PM
In the words of Jeff Spicoli,"Awesome! Totally awesome!"

Coady Willis is a maniac.
Melvins Discussion / Who the fuck is Ron?
December 31, 2006, 02:17:53 PM
I scored this poster at the Costa Mesa show, I'm assuming Ron is some sort of road warrior for the Melvins.
Click it to make it larger. I also got another one that dubbed the tour "Stoner Rock" "Kyuss rules maaaan" but I gave it to a friend for sporting me the ticket. I'll try and get a photo of it.
Melvins Show Reviews / Hollyrock, CA 11-30-06
December 01, 2006, 11:52:55 AM
Got to the lovely Troubadour before anything started which made me happy because I missed the goddamn Venice exit off the 10. After back tracking throught Santa Monica I got there with time to spare. Going to a show a few weeks ago at the HOB on Sunset made me realize what a great venue the Troub is. Great sound, you can kick back on the balcony with a great view or be down on the floor. And it always seems to be properly ventilated. And it is still possible to find free parking in the surrounding area if your willing to walk a few blocks, nothing like that god forsaken clusterfuck neighborhood around Sunset Blvd where your lucky to pay $7 and still haft to walk a mile to the venue.

Anyway, first up was Altamont I believe. I was standing right up front and the bass was ringing the fuck out of my right ear. Couldn't hear the vocals at all and they seemed to be all looking at each other like a band who hasn't practiced in a long time does. They weren't bad though, the BB dude was drumming for them. I remember seeing him with Dead Low Tide and he's just as bad ass as I remembered him to be.

Then we got an appearance from the fabled Hot Sauce. He had a side kick with him this time named Soy Sauce (an asian dude who apparently didn't know da English langwitch) who just stood next to his master the whole time not saying much. Hot Sauce made it clear that his side kick came up with the name himself so he didn't want us to think he was pulling some Laugh Factory bullshit. Then he went on to tell us he was from Tallahassee, FL and that him and Soy Sauce had a comedy routine which he tried to demonstrate. Didn't work out so great... Anyway, after telling the crowd to "shut up" repeatedly he went on to a Queen cover ukelele style where Soy Sauce ripped a bad ass solo on his uke with distortion. After some parting words Hot Sauce says, "Fuck y'all" and that was it.  On his way backstage he started pointing at and admonishing the crowd without his mic. Kind of a surly bastard. Hilarious shit, all of it!

Porn next. Pretty heavy. Dale and two dudes whom I've been seeing for years roadie-ing for the Melvins. The guy who looks like Jesus and then the dude who looks like a pudgy version of David Scott Stone.

Big Biz (who's set was short but bad ass) and then the new Melvins ensemble. Let me start by saying that I had been waiting for a Melvs show to redeem that Jello bullshit at the Henry Fonda a few years back (their last gig in town that I knew of). Since before that they cancelled the Pigs tour before they got to California. Well the wait was definitely worth it. Watching Dale and BB dude from above was worth the price of admission alone. The new bass player sings pretty well and has a bit more range than does Buzz, the two together sounded great! A History of Bad Men sounded amazing. Great show all around. Can't wait for Costa Mesa. But $20 for a fucking tour poster!!!
Melvins Discussion / 11-3-05 Jellvins interview
November 15, 2005, 03:56:35 PM
This fruitcake is at it again Go to the What's New button on the menu, it's pretty funny. Has this been posted elsewhere? Well fuck off then!!! :x
Melvins Discussion / Do you guyes think...
August 09, 2005, 02:52:49 PM
I think Buzz's involvment in Fantomas really influenced his approach to the Melvins stuff. I think the trilogy was right on the heels of the first Fantomas and maybe only the Bootlicker has that ambient Fantomas vibe, but I think looking at HAT and POTRE it is obvious. They started using keyboards and shit on the first (HAT), but Pigs I think it is definitely obvious, it's pretty much a soundtrack Melvins style. Anyway, just a theory-let me know what yall think.
Melvins Discussion / Kevin Rutmanis
August 04, 2005, 11:29:19 PM
So does anyone know what's what? Like how he's doing or if he's into anything else music related as of yet?
Are the Melvins going to play the remainder of the venues they did'nt play due to their tour cancellation or what?!!!! Hopefully something after the Fantomas tour yes?
Melvins Discussion / SICKLY UPDATE
October 22, 2004, 07:53:16 PM
Hello everyone; I just thought all you Melvinites'd like to know that I went to see T Dunn's Trio Convulsant last Thursday in SF and spoke breifly with him after the show regarding Kevin. During his set said he said,"I hope the Melvins resolve their illness soon." Did'nt know what he meant by that since he's known to be a bit of a smart ass anyway so I asked him if Kevin was indeed sick and he said," Yeah he came down with something." I asked if he was still with'em and he said yes and that everything as far as he knew would be cool. He did'nt really get into details and I can respect him for that but you could tell he had nothing but respect for'em and that they would have loved nothing more than to continue the tour. You don't want to play shows and charge people unless you can give your best. I was a little reluctant to approach Mr. Dunn because on his site's Q&A he comes off a bit acerbic but he was probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. A real class act. Get well soon Kevin.