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Topics - manstruate

Melvins Discussion / Melvins Beat
January 02, 2006, 06:17:11 PM
A friend of mine who is a hip-hop producer made a beat using Bar-X.  You can check out a sample at  It's the 8th song on the site if you want to skip right to it.  The title is "Tech."

I think it's a good one, but of course, I'm biased.
Melvins Discussion / Recording Budgets
May 10, 2005, 05:10:16 AM
So I was reading some old articles from the Stag-Honky period in which the recording budget was lightly touched upon.  Buzz mentions that he'd like to be on a major label again after Honky because he feels it's kind of an inferior version of Stag since they didn't have the budget to record things the way they had on Stag.  That said, does anyone have any idea what the budget is like on the Ipecac releases?  Things have probably changed some since that time, though, with the proliferation of digital recording.  I'm a huge fan of the Ipecac releases, but I do wonder what the boys would be putting out if they had more money at their disposal.
So I'm watching today's game between my beloved White Sox and the Twins on my TiVo and I got quite a shock...

MLB Extra Innings picked up the Twins broadcast of the game.  Kent Hrbek, former Twins star, was in attendance and was shown on camera in the "Fan of the Game" segment and who is sitting two seats down from him but the King himself.  I was shocked.  The first thing I did was check the Fantomas tour schedule, and sure enough they're in Chicago for a show tomomrrow.  Announcers Bert Blyleven and Dick Bremer made some snide remarks about Buzzo's appearance.

I've captured the video and have it on my computer if anyone would be so kind to host it.  E-mail me at