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Topics - Pelican

Melvins Discussion / Matt and Buzz
January 07, 2021, 09:48:38 PM
Anybody else follow Matt Lukin on Instagram? He got a wild hair up his ass about Buzz last night. Here are 2 out of the 3 posts he made. Someone asked "what about Dale?" and he replied: "He's a cunt, fuk him too... patsy!"


Melvins Discussion / Who’s gonna buy Mark D’s hat?
September 21, 2020, 03:53:33 PM
He's putting his giant Stetson up for sale on the Crass Consumerism page on Facebook. I'm tempted, but not sure what I'd do with a giant hat like that.
Melvins Discussion / 2 on bass, 2 on drums, 2 on guitar
October 23, 2019, 10:03:13 PM
I keep thinking about how the Melvins over the years have had touring and recording lineups with 2 bass players, 2 drummers, 2 guitar players, but never 2 of everything all at the same time. I wonder if we'll ever get to see/hear a 6 piece double everything iteration of the band? Like, Big Business Melvins, add Kevin and DSS at the same time. Or, Dale/Dillard, Buzz/Jones, Dunn/Pinkus, or, or, or...

Melvins Discussion / Buzz interview on VBS
January 27, 2010, 01:51:21 PM
This is good, and long. The interviewer is a little lame, but Buzz is pretty good.
Since seeing the Melvins as a three piece (and two piece) again on Friday night, I've been thinking a lot about the band and it's past few years. Specifically the bass player. Immediately after seeing the show at Webster Hall all I could think of was "why they hell didn't they hire Trevor Dunn after they fired Kevin?" It seemed like the obvious thing to do. That show was amazing, one of the top 3 Melvins shows I've seen, and I think I'm at about 16 or 17 Melvins shows at this point.

After a couple days I realized that going with Big Business made total sense. The Melvins are a band who have looked for new and different things to do. Big Business is a kick ass band. The first time I saw them, they opened for Pelican and I must say they blew Pelican off the stage. While I was watching them, all I could think was "wow, that drummer is as good as Dale." I couldn't believe my eyes or ears. They're damn good. Within a year of that show, Big Business melted into the Melvins, I never could have imagined it. The first tour they did was great. I'd go as far to say that the second time I saw them on the first tour was also one of my top 3 Melvins shows. Big Business opening, Dale coming out for a few songs on guitar, then getting behind the drums, then Buzz joining, and all seamlessly transitioning into a 4 piece band and opening the set with "Another 4th of July...Ruined". It was brutal, like the end of the world was coming. Just plain awesome. The last tour did not disappoint, but it did have a slight tinge of going through the motions to it.

I do not listen to the last two albums as much as others. Granted, I listen to NWB and ASA more than say Prick or Jelvins, but not nearly as much as almost all others. It's not that I don't like the new stuff, actually I do. I know they are good albums. I think A History of Bad Men is one of the Melvins best songs.

I feel like the current line up is a very different band than any line up in the past. Of course with each changing member, the band changes, but it seems much more drastic with this line up. And, the change is not in the direction that drew me to the band at the beginning. The first time I had heard the Melvins was in concert, it changed my life, I had never seen anything like that before and I haven't been able to get enough since. When they went from a three piece to a four piece, things tightened up a lot. A lot of the weirdness and noise went away. All of the atmosphere did as well. Dare I say it went from high art to commercial art. Warhol rules, but he can't hold a candle to Caravaggio. It's kind of hard to say without sounding like I'm complaining, because I do not mean to complain. This band is the best band on Earth, no matter what the line up. But, when I saw them last Friday, sans Big Business again for the first time in a few years, it was just better. The weird noises were back, they were heavier and scarier at times, they played looser when it was needed (BB Melvins does not really do loose) and it was just beautiful. I've always liked Hag Me. Liked. They opened the Houdini set with that song and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since. It was totally fucking brutal. It really set the mood for the rest of the show, which was well, as Meatwad once said: "remove the chain, cause this is off it." It was incredible. I like Jared's vocals in The Melvins. His voice is a great compliment to Buzz's. But, I did not miss them Friday night. Trevor screaming his parts on Joan of Arc, along side Buzz couldn't have been more awesome.

Where am I going with this? I don't know. I feel like I'm a teenager with relationship issues trying to explain shit to my girlfriend and really having no idea what I'm trying to say.  :lol: Bottom line is, I think it's time to move on baby. We can still be friends.
Melvins Discussion / Melvins Jeopardy clue
February 06, 2009, 02:17:01 PM
Anybody watch Jeopardy last night? There was a category about how bands formed, I don't remember what the actual title was. Anyway, one of the clues was (this is not the exact wording, but close) "Kirst Noveselic was introduced to Kurt Cobain by Buzz Osbourne of the Melvins and they went on to form this band" which the answer was of course Nirvana, and the guy got it right. One guy cleaned up most, if not all of that category. I just thought it was cool to see a Melvins reference on Jeopardy, I watch it when The Simpsons go to commercials. It totally shocked me, I just kind of sat there with my jaw open, my girlfriend just looked at me and laughed.
Melvins Discussion / The Bloat, wtf?
December 03, 2008, 09:15:39 PM
Someone is not quite right in the head:

Melvins Discussion / Buzz and Dale, married for 25 years
September 28, 2008, 10:46:59 PM
I thought this was a pretty good clip. I thought it was true, now Buzz has confirmed it. Thanks to the Italian who posted it, whoever you are:
Does anybody have footage of the Melvins "thank you" sign loaded on youtube or anywhere? I've seen videos with the sign with the Melvins side facing out on it, but have never seen one of the long pause and turning of the sign. That was one of my favorite Melvins moments, just wondering if it's been documented on video.
Okay, so it's very slow at work. My co-worker and I are going round for round on what musician could beat what other musician in a fight. Yep, it's that slow here.

So, we got to thinking, put the current Melvins line up in a cage match, every man for himself. Who's gonna win? Melvins Thunderdome.
Not sure if this has been posted before, but it kicks ass.
Does anyone know if there is any footage online from a couple tours ago when the Melvins had that light up sign on the amp and they took about a 5 minute break and just stared into the crowd, and the crowd would work into a crazy frenzy, then Kevin would go flip the sign around and it said "Thank You" on the other side? That was one of the coolest things I've ever seen at a concert. I'd love to see it again.

How's that for a run-on sentence?
Melvins Discussion / Opening song for this tour
October 22, 2006, 02:17:56 AM
What is the song the Melvins are opening with this tour? The crazy drumming thing? Kind of a miltary sounding beat. That was intense. Is it just a live thing, or is this part of a song I'm not familiar with? It kicked fuckin ass.
Cover of Nuge's Stranglehold live. This has to be one of the best videos I've seen on youtube yet.
I've got my tickets to see the Melvins and Cameron Jamie. I know the Melvins, and I know Cameron Jamie is some guy who makes movies. From what I understand, they play a movie by Cameron and these Melvins play music during the movie. Is it like a silent film with Melvins acting as the piano player? Is it a modern movie with dialog and a plot and the Melvins play whenever there is a car chase or a love scene or someone getting killed? Do the Melvins play Melvins songs, or do they play Cameron Jamie songs, or do they improvise, or what do they do?

I know I should just wait and see what happens and enjoy whatever it is, but like a good thriller, the suspense is killing me.

Oh, and isn't this Cameron Jamie guy the one who made the videos of suburban backyard WWF wrestler kids? Or am I thinking of someone else.

And yes, that was a Duran Duran reference in the Subject. No, I won't apologize for it.

Melvins Discussion / What is this Melvins song?
April 29, 2006, 03:18:24 PM
I found this on from 1984. I don't remember ever hearing this song. Is this a Melvins song or a cover?
Melvins Discussion / Melvins patches?
March 01, 2006, 11:10:09 PM
Did The Melvins ever make any patches? I don't ever remember seeing any at the shows, but then again I wasn't looking to buy one until now.

If so, does anybody know where to get one?
The show rocked. Mouth Sewn Shut opened, they were horrible. Nothing good to say about them. Then, Alice Donut played. They were pretty good. I don't know their music, but they put on a decent show.

Then, out comes David Scott Stone for about 5 solid minutes of bass and mouth noise. Prettycool stuff, and the sound was great. Then, Dale comes out and starts hitting the drums, it gets even better. Then, finally Buzz comes after a while and they break into a killer rendition of Pigs of the Roman Empire. The song sounded AWESOME. Probably the best sound I've heard out of them to date, and I think this was my 9th Melvins show. Then, they played amazon and AMAZON. Awesome again. Don't remember the whole set list, but there were two tracks off of Houdini I believe, and The Bloated Pope. After the first POTE song though, the sound got kind of muffled a bit. But, they still sounded really good. Seems like they played another couple songs, but I really can't remember. Dave was great. And, maybe it was just me, but the drums sounded a bit more metalic or something, they were really great sounding.

Then, they disapeared for about a minute, and returned with ski maskes on. They started playing, then Jello came out in a white trench coat, jumping around like a madman. They all sounded great together. Again, don't remember the set list but they played quite a bit off of Never Breath, and it seemed like 50% of the set was Dead Kennedys music which kicked major ass. All the NYC punk kids seemed to love that, they were going nuts. Highlights were Kalifornia Aber Alles, a Weslie Willis song about Rock and Roll McDonalds, Caped Crusader kicked total ass, I love that song,  and the climax of the show for me was Holiday In Cambodia during the encore. It was just awesome to be in a room full of people screaming Pol Pot. Jello had a couple rants, which were kind of tired but expected. Not too bad I guess. Oh, and it was Dale's birthday and they brought out a cake. Dale said it said Happy Birthday Bitch on it.

It was a great show, and I'm glad I finally got to see Jelvins. For an old fat dude, Jello sure does jump around and have way too much energy. He's very entertaining to watch. And, he's always doing this mime stuff. He kinda reminded me of the landlord guy  from The Big Lebowski when he does his little recitle thing that The Dude and friends have to go watch. Kind of a tubby guy who can't jump, but trys real hard. He's a great performer, he gives it everything he's got.

Oh, and they had a poster for the show which I picked up.

The Melvins have yet to let me down in concert. Another great show. And, I'm glad they played a few non-Jello songs first too because I took a friend to the show, then he could get a taste of why I'm obsessed with them. He liked both parts a lot, but especially the Melvins only part. I may have another conversion on my hands.  :lol:
Melvins Discussion / Kevin's "Teen Spirit USA" shirt
August 06, 2005, 03:34:22 PM
I remember a long time ago, probably shortly after Kevin joined The Melvins, there was a pic of him, and I saw him once wearing the shirt before a show, it was black and had Kurt Cobains mug with glasses in the center, and under his head two crossed shot guns to make a Jolly Roger like image, with the words "Teen Spirit USA" written around it.

How's that for a run on sentence? :lol:

Anyway, I always loved that shirt. Does anybody know where you can buy one?