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Topics - Andy Wood

Melvins Discussion / Melvins vs Godflesh
July 06, 2008, 05:33:25 AM
compare: The Talking Horse and Veins. An ode to Broadrick or just a coincidence?

EDIT: Holy crap it's topic #10,000.
Melvins Discussion / Your Selfish Ways
March 28, 2008, 02:13:32 PM

Track 7. We must find it.
Melvins Discussion / Making Love!!!
March 05, 2008, 03:31:52 AM
Here it is, the mysterious, unmastered missing track from the eponymous demo (I felt this was too important for live music downloads):

Melvins Discussion / Tribute Album
January 18, 2008, 08:39:53 PM
It's been years coming people, it's time we cut the shit and put this tribute together, whether we can find a label or not.
The way I see it, it should be completed by the end of the year, provided that someone here is able to compile everything.
Each snivleM song should only be covered once, and one song per artist (to avoid a million song tracklist, yes I know it's tempting)
EDIT: After some consideration, Love Canal may be better off for a Flipper tribute. I'll stick with Heater Moves And Eyes.

A History Of Bad Men > seas of luck > RECIEVED

Heater Moves And Eyes > Andy Wood
If I Had An Exorcism > jakepositive
It's Shoved > FART LIPS
Let It All Be > lamestain, Dead Cowboy > RECIEVED (awaiting DC's vox)
Lone Rose Holding Now > Rusty Shackleford > RECIEVED
Lovely Butterfly > NickP
Night Goat > armofinfant's friend
Oven > Eponymous > RECIEVED
Over From Under The Excement > norecess
Queen > GrimReaper's son
Real Fucking Nasty > Clint Flick
Scared > Idlehanz (pending final decision)
Set Me Straight or The Talking Horse or Honey Bucket or Matt-Alec > w a s s a k a (pending final decision)
Skinhorse > mopafeena (pending final decision)
Sweet Willy Rollbar > armofinfant
The Bloat/The Bit medley > anaconda
Toy > jgarver
Vile > bulva
Wispy > MAR
Melvins Album Discussion / Making Love Demos
October 05, 2007, 12:36:34 AM
WOW!  :D

definitely their rawest and heaviest work to date IMO

Vile Vermillion Vacancy will be kicking my ass for weeks!
Melvins Discussion / Melvins Charicature
May 21, 2007, 06:17:18 PM
don't know if its been posted already
Melvins Discussion / Melvins Army History
February 16, 2007, 11:57:44 PM
Can anyone tell me about the history of the Melvins Army? I've scoured the net and found absolutely nothing. First one to tell will be awarded Plastic Treasure.