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Topics - HogLegged

Sorry if this has been posted already, but where is this show happening? In SF? Any Sacramento shows? Thanks.
Melvins Discussion / Melvins at the Blank Club
July 24, 2009, 02:00:16 AM
Kind of exited, I just got my tickets. Melvins in San Jose on Friday, August 7th, Sunn O))) the next night in SF!
Does anyone know who is opening for the Melvins for this show?
Melvins Discussion / Some old Melvins flyers
February 04, 2009, 08:51:16 PM
I was looking through some old flyers and found these. The first one is from '91 or '92, the second one is from '88 I believe.

I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the song "Euthinasia" from this video. Is that a Melvins song? Cover song? Never heard it on any of their albums.
Melvins Discussion / Question about Dale's gear
April 02, 2008, 04:41:29 PM
Does anyone know what the percussion instrument/cymbal is called that Dale uses in in place of the hi-hat on a lot of songs? It makes kind of a hissing sound. A good example of this is the end of "The Bloat". I'm sorry if this has been discussed before.
Hello, everyone, this is my first post. For the longest time I have had a cassette that someone made for me called "Leng Tch'e". They told me it was a collaboration between John Zorn, The Melvins, and Mike Patton. It is one long 1/2 hour track. The guitar sound is very Melvinsish, and I'd swear the vocals are by Mike Patton. But recently I looked up John Zorn on Wikipedia, and this album is listed as a Naked City release, and the credits don't list Melvins or Patton as playing on it, but they are thanked at the bottom. Anyone have anymore information on this? Thanks.