Probably the worst decision ever on the planet posting this thread right now hammered as shit, fuck it. Im sure I will catch shratnel from foes and possibly allies alike but here goes. I train in MMA(mixed martial arts) and before my sparring session today I listened to Night Goat(Houdini Live lp) like 6 times on repeat. I went through the full range of emotions the song provides during each listen. While sparring I was in the zone like never before. Lets just say I handled my fuckin bizness on the mat. I never used music as a muse in MMA but I'm fully convinced the adrenaline I felt from Night Goat was an insurmountable force. Not gonna lie I feel fuckin invincible when I hear this track(along with almost every track the Melvins have spawned). Am I alone in thinking the pure force behind Night Goat would fuckin knock ur aunt Connie's sox off or what? I realize this thread could place me into the douche bag Hall Of Fame forever!