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Topics - johnnyg

Melvins Discussion / Dale and Steven on Punknews podcast
September 26, 2024, 01:00:22 PM
Dale and Steven were on two episodes od the Punknews podcast. A lot of Dale talk, a lot of Redd Kross talk, and some Melvins and OFF! talk.
I had Buzz and Roy on my podcast to talk about tarantula heart. They were very cool. It was more of a "discussion" than an interview.
I got to interview the Melvins about their 40th anniversary! It's a pretty long read, but I got it in before the Buzzer!

Melvins Discussion / The Melvins in 2024!!!!
December 28, 2023, 12:42:30 PM
We got a ton of Melvins releases in 2023 for the band's 40th anniversary and a cool tour... even though the band played down the 40th mark to a degree, But, now we are on to 41...

1. What releases/tour have the band announced or teased?

2. What do you think they will release or re-release in 2024 and what kind of tours will we see?

3. And what would you wish they would do in 2024???
Melvins Discussion / New Buzz interview at Punknews
October 15, 2021, 04:32:35 PM
There's a new profile-type interview with Buzz at punknews (by me...)
Melvins Discussion / The Melvins Guide to Romance
February 08, 2021, 04:08:46 PM
I did some quick interviews with the Melvins about their romance skills:
Melvins Discussion / The Melvins in 2021...?
January 16, 2021, 10:55:39 PM
As history has shown, the Melvins have toured in the summer and recorded in the winter. (and according to recent Dale interviews, Summer 2020 appears to have been intended to be something of a light year with Buzz doing his solo thing, and Dale doing his solo thing AND Redd Kross supporting their excellent last album).

Of course, NONE of that happened. Were the Melvins be frantically recording all of 2020? What does that mean for 2021, particularly with live shows not slated to begin until Fall 2021?

What do we know is coming out? (Melvins 1983 is confirmed, and I believe it was Dale who alluded to ANOTHER Melvins LP already done). Does anybody have any inside info or just plain rumours?

And what you LIKE to see come out?
Melvins Discussion / The Melvins in 2020...
December 31, 2019, 10:32:43 AM
Ok! 2019 was a relatively slow year for the Melvins (but for most other bands, it would be considered "highly productive.") What will they release in 2020?! Will we get the rumored 'history of rock' album? More collabs? An interesting tour, perhaps? Who has the inside info? What do you hope they'll release?

Also, Winter is when they usually record. Does anyone know what they're up to?
Melvins Discussion / The Melvins in 2019...
November 05, 2018, 11:30:41 PM
So, as we know, the Melvins usually use the winter months for recording. Does anyone have any inside info on what's in the works? Does the Sabbath single forecast the 'History of Rock' album they were talking about?

Also, as a fan, what would you like to hear from them in 2019?
Melvins Discussion / Pitchfork reviews
August 14, 2017, 10:10:33 AM
I believe that this has been discussed here before, but why does pitchfork hate the Melvins so much? You'd think they would at least dig them *sometimes*- an independent band releases weird, avant-garde metal. That's the stuff pitchfork usually loves (when not covering mainstream hip hop).

The Dale review seems especially mean:

Not to mention, the writer seems to be pretty poorly informed in general - The nirvana stuff is such old hat, acting like Houdini is their only point of reference, and immediately talking about Colossus in regards to weirder Melvins projects as if they havent done anything else unusual. Plus, the weird dale drum interludes seem to go right over the writer's head. That record is cool, people.

I mean, why the beef, man?
There's a new interview with 3/4 of Crystal Fairy at bandcamp.

The interviewer seems like a knucklehead but the interviewees have some interesting things to say.
It's funny, now that the Melvins are releasing hyper-hyper limited stuff, it's making collecting their things really fun again. For me, it has been a little bit of a drag the last 18 months or so.

When they first started putting out the really nice artwork/limited stuff in 2010(?) I wanted to get at least one version of every limited item. At the rate back then, that was fairly easy to achieve (it helped that I lived in the bay area, where the band plays like 3 times a year).

After that, they ramped up the limited stuff, and by 2014 or so, there were so many different limited things (with a fairly hefty price tag) collecting the rare stuff felt more like an obligation, and an expensive one at that. I didn't want to be shelling out a few hundred bucks  few months, but I would be disappointed if I didn't get the rare items. (As a side note, the band/mackie/haze really have done a nice job turning these things into works of art)

But now, there are hyper-hyper limited releases and no one can possibly get everything. So, it kind of makes it more fun. I get the rare things that I can get, and what I can't get, or don't want to spend a lot of money on, I don't get. If you can't possibly get everything, then you don't really sweat not having a complete collection.

It's just fun to see what you can get, and the fact that the latest things are mega-rare, does make them that much more special. And if you can't get the mega rare stuff, well, there will be something else cool in 4-6 months. Just my two cents.
My bad if this has been covered before (I couldn't find it in the search function):

So, the Sawed Off 7-inch has two covers by "The Ronsons." I always figured that there never was a band called "The Ronsons," Buzz, Dale, and Pat wrote the songs, and the credit was just a gag referenced to Mick Ronson.

But discogs seems to think that there actually was a band called "The Ronsons." I tried to google them and just came back up with Sawed Off.

Was there ever a band called "The Ronsons?" Did they record the Sawed Off songs? Or, is the "ronsons" reference just a cheeky joke?
Hi all,

I did a short interview with Buzz about the band's many collaborations:

Melvins Discussion / More Jelvins!
March 18, 2015, 01:02:00 PM
While there are a lot of speculative Melvins releases on the horizon (and a lot of announced stuff) I'm just going to sit here and hope for more Jelvins. I think both of the LPs are great. Sieg Howdy is my favorite non-DK Jello release ever. Also, the Roxy cover from Sausages totally blew my mind and actually got me into Roxy music.

But, honestly, what I really want is a live Jelvins album. Why has this not happened yet? I would assume live albums are cheap to make, but maybe I'm wrong? I saw the Jelvins live three times and they ruled, so I doubt it's a quality issue. (Heck, I don't even mind a few secret overdubs here and there if they make the release better)
It seems to me that until about a year ago, you would never ever see used Melvins records at the record shop- especially Ozma through the beginning of Big Biz era stuff. Though, now, it seems like I see the records there once a month. though, they usually have the $100 price tag. I just saw Stoner Witch for $99 and then Ozma for $60. Before this year, the only time I ever saw one of those records for sale in person was at a record fair in NY where the guy had every single LP (including orig lysol) for like $150.

Has anyone else noticed this? Care to put forth a hypothesis for the cause?
Melvins Discussion / Color of noise showings
September 19, 2014, 11:11:10 AM
Did anyone go to any of the color of noise showings? Was there any Melvins swag for sale?
Saw Buzz in Philly last night. Awesome show, but as per philly these days, two drunk assholes had tot ry and ruin it for everyone. When will this city get some class? I've lived in SF, DC, NY, and Philly, and by far, Philly has the worst crowds- well, rather, the crowd is great, but there are always 1-3 pricks in the audience. Not so with other cities.

anyways, here is my review
Melvins Discussion / Buzz interview at Punknews
June 03, 2014, 08:03:59 PM
Here's an interview with Buzz at punknews. He talks the new solo LP, Biafra's influences, Dylan, and just a tiny bit of the next Melvins album near the end...
Melvins Discussion / Brian Walsby Interview
March 18, 2014, 11:16:04 PM
I got to interview Walsby about his art. There is a little Melvins talk:
Melvins Discussion / Mackie Osborne interview
November 19, 2013, 07:27:34 PM
I did an interview with Mackie Osborne about her Melvins and non-Melvins art. A few minor revelations. She was really cool.
Melvins Discussion / Melvins' influences at MTV
June 06, 2013, 09:36:47 AM
The Melvins just did a piece naming 8 modern bands that influence them at MTV:
Melvins Discussion / Winter Begins...
October 31, 2012, 02:37:52 PM
As the Melvins have previously expressed on multiple occasions, they do not like to tour in the winter as it is a dangerous time due to ice, so they prefer to write and record instead.

It is now almost winter, which means that although the band shall hibernate for the next four months or so, when they again awake, they'll have lots of new sonic goodies to bequeath.

Any inside words on new projects coming up?

I've heard rumors of a Roxy music cover with Jello (awesome!) and Venom covers with Scott Kelly of Neurosis (awesome!)
Melvins Discussion / Melvins interview at punknews
August 22, 2012, 07:05:38 PM

Here's my interview with Dale about the 51 in 51 tour.
Melvins Discussion / A new Melvins single series?
September 14, 2011, 01:06:22 AM
From the Am rep Facebook:

[Am rep] "has a top secret test pressing for upcoming 13 single series. Easy to guess what band would do a 13 single series, but guess who this band is appearing on the flip side???"

It's gotta be the Melvins right? Is there another Am rep band that has put out a lot of singles in succession?
Melvins Discussion / Melvins.... and OFF!....?!!!!
July 28, 2011, 01:58:13 AM
From the OFF! twitter account:

"OFF! + Melvins = something brewing"

Could they be recording together? Boy, I hope so!