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Topics - VaticanShotglass

So, I was just browsing this site:

And I was thinking that it would be a nice place to host/preserve various live Melvins material.  It's free, so that's nice.  The only restriction being that it should be live material by a "trade friendly" band.  I always got the impression that the Melvins were such a band, so long as the show hasn't been commercially released.  Unfortunately I don't have any lossless material to upload.  But surely, if anyone does it would be somebody here.
Melvins Discussion / Buzz, so snuggie
September 27, 2008, 01:20:41 PM
Check this out:

I don't even have to mention that I thought of the Mumu's.  If only they shipped with alchemic symbols on them.
Melvins Discussion / melvins audio tones...
July 23, 2008, 04:31:51 PM
I'm restless so I'll step out of my lurking.  I've noticed that a lot of folks here are talking about how buzz's guitar tone sounds different (less pleasing to most) on the last two albums.  I've picked up on this live an on the records.  So I'm trowing my two cents in on a new thread.  What the hell I'm sure many of us are tone nerdy enough to get into a discussion about this stuff without it being tucked away under other discussions.  I'd like to hear you guys talk about not just the issue i just mentioned but anything tone wise regarding shows albums specific songs, whatever.  I'm a nerd about this sort of stuff.  When I was younger I used to try to identify what songs Jimmy Page was using a telecaster on.  The point wasn't being right, just scratching the itch. 

So, do you guys hear a hint of blue box on the noise from Charmicarmicat?

Did you guys notice a distinct change in sound on the first big biz tour and were surprised to look down and not see a Rat on the floor? 

How much do you think that affects the 'new' guitar tone?  Boss fizzies?

I'm curious to hear drum nerds too.

I also really dug Jared's bass tone the first time I saw him(06-Ashville- seemed to be playing a cheap black squier with the tone rolled off) but less so the second time (07-Knoxville- a nice fender sunburst that "[was] fucked!"). 

I'm not that worried about better versus worse, but I will say the guitars from H.A.T. are one of my top 5 guitar tone favorites. 

If this goes anywhere I might add more opinions.
Melvins Discussion / Fuck this town...
July 08, 2008, 01:18:57 PM
Ok, so I just moved to Kalamazoo (for real) last week because I'm going to start grad school here next month, and after sweating and busting my ass, killing my back moving across six states I sought to claim the light at the end of the tunnel.  My july 8th answer to months 0f salivating and patiently avoiding premature gratification.  And guess what.  This entire town has no music stores other than the CD warehouse I just left in defeat.  I was told that they had no plans to order Nude With Boots and when looked up it is apparently on back order and unavailable for special order--and, no there are no other music stores other than Best Buy and Barnes & Nobles. 

So I know its a little lame to complain about it all, but I'm just bummed out.  i wanted to pop open the new cd and squeak my fingers on the virgin plastic case.  Just out of impulse I replaced my old copy of Highway 61 Revisited that an ex made off with.  Just not the same.  I guess I could rock out to the melvins myspace page while I place my order on Amazon (which I didn't do originally because during moving I haven't had computer access in weeks and wasn't sure of my exact apartment number). 

Well dicks.  Does anyone else have lame town woes?
Melvins Discussion / Finally got Stag
January 29, 2008, 08:14:29 PM
The album has some of my favorite songs from live shows, but I finally snagged a copy for 12 bucks off an Amazon seller in like new condition.  I can't stop listening to the thing.  I think Goggles ate my soul.  I always loved the bit, the bloat and tipping the lion, but I'm surprised how much i LOVE skin horse.  I can't get that song out of my head.  I fine myself really digging the atmospheric tracks a lot also.  Its been along time coming but I think all I lack from the core releases now are the singles disks and the Biafra stuff.  Oh, and Glutony and Lust... and Prick... Joe Preston EP.  It never really ends.  Meh.