So, I was just browsing this site:
And I was thinking that it would be a nice place to host/preserve various live Melvins material. It's free, so that's nice. The only restriction being that it should be live material by a "trade friendly" band. I always got the impression that the Melvins were such a band, so long as the show hasn't been commercially released. Unfortunately I don't have any lossless material to upload. But surely, if anyone does it would be somebody here.
And I was thinking that it would be a nice place to host/preserve various live Melvins material. It's free, so that's nice. The only restriction being that it should be live material by a "trade friendly" band. I always got the impression that the Melvins were such a band, so long as the show hasn't been commercially released. Unfortunately I don't have any lossless material to upload. But surely, if anyone does it would be somebody here.