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Topics - Vcavallo

Just saw this on Facebook:

Hello everyone!
Well, I'm off to disappear into the netherworld again.
Melvins Discussion / Lori Black news....kinda
December 17, 2008, 08:01:47 PM
"Now, despite her sterling surname, Buffett is getting by on $40,000 or so a year, largely on the sale of her paintings (collectors include Shirley Temple's daughter Lori Black and Hollywood special-effects guru Scott Ross). There's no denying that the Buffett name piques interest in the art world, where Nicole's pieces have fetched as much as $8000. One of her techniques is to leave unfinished works outside, exposed to the elements. "I like to see what happens," she says, hovering over canvases mottled with sunbursts of color. "
Melvins Discussion / buzz featured on lolrock
October 28, 2007, 07:03:06 PM
if you're familiar with the always hilarious LOL CAT internet meme, and you like the melvins (which you do) you'll love this:

look who i found hiding at the bottom... 
i don't appreciate them insulting him, but it's nice he gets some attention.  other good bands too.

Melvins Discussion / melvins in NYC this weekend
October 05, 2007, 02:18:51 PM
i haven't been on the board in ages.
i've got no time to read right now.  no time to write.

i'm going to the fillmore show tonight and the luna lounge show tomorrow.
i'm wearing black shorts and a white shirt (or maybe a black sweatshirt if it gets chilly) and i'll be with a tall-ish brunette.

if you see me say hi. 

i don't know if this date has been posted about before, but i know there a bunch of NYC board members... hopefully we'll get to talk.

MELVINS! whoa it's tonight....  and tomorrow!
my roommate works at American Apparel and she brought home an issue of Vice magazine tonight.  as she was looking through it she said, "they gave the melvins a thumbs up".
i looked at it.
i guess they do "thumbs up/thumbs down" + some little nonsense blurb and call it a record review.  stupid hipster publication if you ask me...
anyway, They gave it a thumbs up and the words went something like this:

Amy: "do you think only boys like the melvins?"
Sarah: "no, i like Houdini"
Amy: "yea, but they have like 50 other albums"
Sarah: "oh, well then Yea"

pretty funny i guess. 
still a trash hipster rag though
che- che- che- check it out, check it out:


The following was overheard in the dark alley known as the Melvins-L
Listserv List:

BOYCOTT the MELVINS on Oct. 13. by schneidlomat on Oct 1,2006 6:40pm

: post by schneidlomat at Oct 1,2006 6:40pm

There is one person I will not hate if they do decide to not heed my call to
BOYCOTT THE MELVINS SHOW on Oct. 13, 2006 at the Living Room in Providence
RI. That is Jonathan W. He is a fan and should over-ride this and go.

Everyone else, should think hard about what I am about to write.

Back in the day, Arab on Radar was very excited to play a "big" show with
the Melvins at the Living Room. A few of us worked wt that place for brief
stints and really hyped the show up bigtime to Mr. Randy Hein (RIP). Randy
as a result, took our word and gave the MELVINS everything they demanded in
thier rider - including beer, a compelte catered dinner for all thier crew
and themselves, it was literally a room full of stuff, Randy shelled out
major cash for it...

Long story short, and hour before thier sound check (apx. 6 PM) thier
manager calls from Boston trying to shake Randy down for an extra 1000.00 to
play. They debated for a while and Randy could not pay them what they asked.
Then they moved on to the reason - they didn't want a local band on the
show, they did not want to pay the local band yadda yadda...
They basically did not want to play...

So, they screwed everyone, did not show up, and continued on thier tour.

We in AOR put up a sign letting fans know that they weren't playing. About
250 people looked at it, turned around and left. We played to about 50
people... bad show.

Thats do-able, OK.


The next week my homie from Atlanta (thier next stop on tour) mailed me a
clip from their local Phoenix type of newspaper, I think it is called the
Atlanta Weekly or something like that...

It contained an interview with King Buzzo, that stated the reason they
cancelled Providence was because the club owner "did not support local
bands"... ! You can find all of this online if you care to do some googling
or other forms of websearching.

SO that was BS, we e-mailed thie management and threatened to kick thier
asses if they came back... which (funny enough) kept them out of Providence
for many years. no lie...

They apparently did come back later with HELMET and basically snag stupid
showtunes and fuckedoff the whole show.

in a nutshell, they absolutely suck, the music, the hairdos, talentless
cronies and jaded old farts.

I call on all people, who care about local music to pass on this show...

I find it personally repugnant that anyone in Providence would BOOK this
shit knowing the score, but someone did, and ya know... someone always does.
It is like being an intern for Antonin Scalia, theres always some poor
schmuck that will sell out all principles and do it... sad, truely sad.

But please do not go.

I can offer a free 7'' (made in mexico) to anyone who seriously can convince
me that they were going and decided not to due to this call to boycott.

This is the first and probably only boycott I would ever contemplate, but we
need to make it not profitable to screw over bands and awesome club owners
like Randy was.

I loved that guy and miss him much.

Melvins Schmelvins (you can download every good album of thiers for free
easily, they suck live, they have sucked for years, give it up)



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read the comments on the guy's blog. i posted one.  the name's "Me, Motherfucker."
the famous GENE posted this wonderful piece of journalism to Ye Olde Nerde List.
i haven't read it all yet, and i don't know if it has been posted before and i am very tired so excuse the previous two transgressions mentioned.

here! :

The following was overheard in the dark alley known as the Melvins-L
Listserv List:


The Melvins' Buzz Osborne Says Band's 19th LP Is Way Better Than Rest.
Guitarist insists two drummers and three vocalists distinguish (A) Senile
09.22.2006 6:00 AM EDT

For years, Buzz Osborne has been hording songs like a chipmunk stocking
acorns for a bitter winter.

The guitarist with the gray and black mop-fro
This is a 5 day only poll.
Melvins Discussion / t-shirts??
March 12, 2006, 11:21:43 PM
i only better see one vote for the final option......
October 20, 2005, 07:05:51 PM
i hope i didn't scare anyone wiith that subject line, and plaese excuese me if i make spelling errors, i am typing incredibly fast and i am shaking a bit.

i've just been told that if i get to boston by 6pm tomorrow, i am interviewing the FUCKING MELIVNS!!!!!! 
this point of this post is to get quesitons.  if anyone has any good questions i'll be sure to ask them. 
also, if anyone would like me to tell them anything special or something let me know. 
give me some good question ideas, i don't want to bore them.
i'lll be sure to give a shoutout from the whole bbs communiutey. \
holy fuck i can't believe this is ahpppening to me tomoror.w  i am more excited than i've ever been beofore i think.


so, if anhyone has any questions or special comments be sure to let me know ASAP!
part two of the poll, to see if there is an difference between the two albums or if people feel a certain way about the "band" consistently.
thanks for participating part 1
hopefully this will turn out some sort of meaningful data, as long as enough people take it.  many people say, "i used to listen to DK, but that has nothing to do with why i like this album" sure maybe that's true, but i want to see statistics!

thank you for participating
a friend of mine, and one of the only people i know who enjoys the melvins, drew a melvins shirt a while ago for self-amusement.  her mother recently donated it to the salvation army, and it has presently popped-up for auction on ebay as a one-of-a-kind hand-drawn melvins tee.  the guy selling it lives about 5 miles from where it was created, in a county where melvins fans are hard to come by.
i thought this situation was pretty improbable... another melvins fan happened to be in the salvation army where my friend's mother dropped off this shirt, he finds it and decides to auction it off, and the creator of the garment sees it up for sale (jaw probably drops round about here).  i contacted the seller and he gave me his number, told me to call if i'm ever in his neck of the woods [a stones through away from my neck.  of the woods.]
seems like there is often a cloud of improbability around this band.  maybe it's just cuz we're all a bunch of creepyfreekies.
Melvins Discussion / Pigs Vinyl
August 18, 2005, 03:48:42 PM
got my copy in the mail today.  it's pretty beautiful... i wrote this thread so i  could post some pictures for the interested.  when i get a chance later, i'll photo graf the elements and put em up.  sorry to tease
Melvins Discussion / interview in RED
August 10, 2005, 01:24:58 AM
has this been posted before/added to the archives?
the following is a short [internet]dialog i had with Lustmord (AKA Brian Williams).  the last thing he says is a real tear-jerker...

Regarding Pigs Of The Roman Empire:
B:"I did about 75% of the final mix, the rest was done by Toshi."

V:"was the spastic volume at the beginning of "pink bat" your work or Toshi's?  i thought that was a nice touch and an interesting way to go beyond melding the sounds, and get into melding musical personalities.  that is to say, the melvins seem to enjoy fooling around with their audience, and in that song, that Mixer has a little fun with the listeners patience.  sorry that was a bit cryptic."

B:"Toshi recorded the original version, but the track was a bit problematic (being deliberately harsh etc) and it rambled a little too much towards the end. Dale and Kevin bought a mix over to my place (while Buzz was away with Fantomas - though he was in on the decission) and I cut out a section that nobody liked and tweaked the mix a little. They also wanted that opening to be more annoying, so I fucked around with it (a technical term) until it had the effect they were looking for. We though it was fun at the time, and you have to annoy someone now and again just to keep them on their toes."

V:"agreed.  i like that bit.  it really amuses me that it was decided that part should be "more annoying".  it makes me happy that they actually do think that way."

B:"Let's just say that they're quite mischievous, which means we get along well.
It should also be noted that they also have a healthy respect for the intelligence of their audience."
Melvins Discussion / melvins track? what is this?
August 06, 2005, 03:17:50 AM
i found this through itunes music store somehow..
apparently gear head magazine has a CD called runnin' on fumes and there is a song called "i can't shake it" on there by: "the melvins"? huh?  who are the melvins? why do they have such a dumb name, and is this really them?
see for yourself and hear a sample at the itunes music shed.

also, charmicarmicat can be found on there as a part of the album, "International Pop Underground Convention.  also known to me just now as I-PUc(KE)
Melvins Discussion / Sawed Off?
July 23, 2005, 06:29:38 PM
i don't know if this post is in the right forum.  read on to find out why.

what is sawed off?  is this a complete melvins-lineup side project using pseudonyms?  i remember hearing something about it but i never really investigated..
Melvins Discussion / Melvins Stickers pleeeeease??
June 30, 2005, 11:42:27 AM
does anyone here own any melvins stickers they would like to sell to me?  i've been searching for one for a long time but have never had any luck.  i would really like to slap one on my bumper.  of my car.
Melvins Discussion / ISIS' melvins homage
March 07, 2005, 02:31:18 PM
I realized a while ago but never posted this fun fact:

on the ISIS album "The Red Sea" the first song is called 'Charmicarmicarmicat Shines To Earth", the song is composed entirely of the riff from the melvins' charmicarmicat and the same melvins are included in the thank-you liner notes.  no way.  

i guess ISIS had to add the extra "carmicat" into the song title for legal reasons?  or maybe not.  

anyway, ISIS is cool.  listen to Oceanic, its amazing.
Melvins Discussion / Melvins' favorite bands
February 18, 2005, 04:11:32 PM

aside from the Latin Playboys, does anyone else know of music that buzz, dale, or kevin listen to?  i would like to know about non-rock stuff they enjoy, but any information would be keen.  thanks.
Melvins Show Reviews / Melvins in Boston
September 16, 2004, 09:32:20 AM
hey fellers.  I drove 3 1/2 hours and 230 miles (one way!) down from school and back in the same night to see my fucking melvins and it was worth every minute of the seven hours of delirious driving...
have to go to class now, will post a review later.  was anyone else there??
Melvins Discussion / PIGS TROUBLES
August 08, 2004, 11:39:44 AM
hello all.  i've been reading all the reviews and i am getting really anxious to hear this fucking CD.  it pisses me off that it is out and i can't hear it.  i am a mac user (FUCK) and don't have soulseek...aren't there any other mac people out there that have the same problem!??!  is there anyone that has an ounce of sympathy and can help me out with this huge problem?

N.P.: BULLHEAD!!! i forgot how much i love this often does that happen with the mlvns e i
Melvins Discussion / another Vinney discovery/musing
April 15, 2004, 04:04:32 PM
i was listening to the 2000 orlando live show and noticed something.  halfway through the guitar sound check, buzz starts playing the riff from brain center at whipples.  now according to my calculations this is 2 years before the release of the album.  i remember them playing that HAT drumbeat to open live shows in '01, but i didn't think they had the songs (brain center at least) since 2000...that's crazy.  i wonder what they are holding onto right now that we know nothing about.....
Melvins Discussion / magic pig detective tab
April 09, 2004, 02:45:45 PM
hey, does anyone have this?  im sure it's pretty easy but i don't have a guitar where i am to figure it out right now.  could someone post it or PM me if they know how to play this awesome song?
Melvins Discussion / How --++--
February 27, 2004, 04:29:37 PM
the drums in this song are somehow electronically manipulated, right?  i mean i know dale is badass, but i don't think it is humanly possible to slowly and steadily speed up a drumbeat for 3 minutes and 26 seconds....
Melvins Discussion / bullheagg nog
February 25, 2004, 03:12:49 PM
during my chronological melvins marathon to commemorate the birth of buzz today, i stumbled on something neat.  now, wether it is a coincidence or not is past me, but when one goes directly from the last drum beat of Cow on bullhead to the first drumbeat of Wispy on eggnog (the next album released)  they seem to go together quite well.  it was earlier today so i don't remember for sure, but i think the timing on the cymbal is even the same!  one ends as a disjointed drum solo, and the next kind of begins as one.  check it out and let me know what you think.
Melvins Discussion / BUZZ ART
February 10, 2004, 11:01:10 PM
alright my minions, there is some kind of iggy pop art show in some chicago gallery and i was able to find the piece that buzz made for it.  peep it nya:
.go here ~~>
.then click on search
.at the "title" field, slam in BUZZ
.marvel at the awesome, somewhat predictable (swastikas, a single word) piece that buzzy buzz buzz contributed.  

.i like it.  and if i had a thousand bucks i'd buy that sucker.  
go buzz.  
go melvins
go Lovely Butterflys!
Melvins Discussion / buzz osborne on drums?!
January 22, 2004, 08:52:08 AM
what the fuck...go to and type in "country teasers" as the artist.  scroll down to discography and select "Satan is real again".  i think you will all notice that at the bottom of the window for this album, under credits, you will see the drums attributed to none other than buzz osborne.  very interesting to me.  also when you input "buzz osborne" in the artist search, you get a page that shows a picture of him with the other melvins, and the link to this album appears in the window as well.  

has anyone heard of this?  is it a very well-hidden piece of melvins trivia?  gene? (heh heh)
Melvins Discussion / melvins on beavis and butthead
January 20, 2004, 09:24:22 AM
if anyone knows what beavis and butthead episode honeybucket was featured on, please please, share the knowledge.  unless of course that was a silly myth and i got duped.  thanks.
Melvins Discussion / HAT singles and "666" on vinyl
January 02, 2004, 04:57:34 PM
i recently (today) purchased a few (four) of the HAT singles on vinyl, as well as the "666" frank kozik art picture disc 7" in the city.  i as hoping someone could tell me how much i could get on ebay for these.  i plan on keeping the 666 thing (even though i paid 25 smackers for it), but i would like to sell the hostile ambient takeover singles.  i bought em for 7 plus tax.  enlighten me.
hey fellers and lady.  or ladies.  im pretty sure there is only one.  anyway, i am looking for the correct setlist for the 7.1.1995 Hollywood concert at the Dragonfly.  i have the MP3s but they seem to be out of order.  like at the end of a track when buzz is counting off easy as it was, yet skweetis comes on next... i probably could take alot of time and figure it out, but i'd much rather someone who has the answer to just tell know how we melvins fans are.    
i've anally (hmm..) organized the whole lot of shows (about 30?) and this one is bugging me.  

thank you melvins army
Melvins Discussion / Waaaaay back when
December 07, 2003, 04:48:59 PM
hey, i just got the salad of a thousand delights DVD and i was really enjoying the footage from looking for really really early video stuff, around this time.  if anyone has anything like this please reply or email me, i'll trade if i have something you want, or just plain pay for it.  help me out, oh melvins buddies.
Melvins Album Discussion / The Crybaby
December 03, 2003, 12:08:28 PM
i left my CD case at home, and being at school with a digitized 'the crybaby' on my computer, i am left with many questions.  i am confused about who performs what on each song...are the guests only responsible for vocals?  i can't find any detail on the "internet".  i am particularly curious about Divorced..who does what on there? which members of tool and which members of Melvinos?  do they cover each song and allow the original band's singer to do the...singering? if somebody could fill me in on this mystery it would be very appreciated.  im in the dark up here in vermont with no CD jackets and linear notes to speak of!