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Messages - chopklop

Melvins were good of course and I almost hate to say it but Redd Kross blew them off the stage. At least I thought so. The last song when Frightwig (who were a lot of fun as well) came out and played with them was great.
They always seem to stop here on most of their tours and don't get me wrong, I am thankful for that since it's very close to my house. But it seems like the sound system at this place never does the band justice. Their sound is a little to big for the joint or something, seemed muddled. But thanks to them all the same for not making me have to trek the cursed 101 on a weeknight.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Troubadour LA 11/28/08
November 29, 2008, 01:32:59 PM
Dog Island was worth the price of admission alone. Can't wait for tonight to do it all over again!
Melvins Discussion / Re: Post your Walsby '08
September 29, 2008, 11:47:55 PM
I gotta call from the Troubadour. I can wait till November. I want them to be 100% Get well soon Buzz.
I'm not pissed. At least this is better than the Kevin fiasco. "A sickness and they are not playing AT ALL!" I thought maybe Jared turned into a green globule on stage or something. "Best leave it unsolved."
Troubadour just called me. Both dates rescheduled for November! : (
Melvins Show Reviews / Costa Mesa 10-24-07
October 25, 2007, 07:14:59 PM
In the words of Jeff Spicoli,"Awesome! Totally awesome!"

Coady Willis is a maniac.
Melvins Discussion / Re: aug 4th?.....L.A.
August 05, 2007, 01:49:11 AM
I hope the 400 Blows dude comes through alright but the Circle Jerks? If it was 1983 maybe I'd be excited. I already paid $20 last weekend to see the Melvins but hopefully they put on a good show.
I thought Tool was still on tour. I saw David Yow, boy is he short! He's a nice chap though.
Once again, this board is full of FAGS.
I concur with the dude above. The show was uh....eeehhhhhh. They rocked it pretty good but it seemed it was just business as usual, no acknowledgment of anyone but themselves being there and they all ran off stage at the end like they were clocking out. But I think I would pay to just see Dale play drums. I got a couple a pics I'll post when I get a chance.
Can't wait for this show. The show they did last November will be hard to top but the Melvs always seem to come through.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Israel, April 27th
April 29, 2007, 01:39:32 AM
They went to Israel? Jesus (no pun), just be thankful and shut the fuck up! Hahahahahaha.
Um, all I can say is FUCK YOU.

Jealousy sucks, you fuckin prick.