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Messages - roadbull

Melvins Discussion / Re: Basses Loaded bundle
January 25, 2017, 09:15:55 AM
Damn. still havent gotten my confirmation. Impatiently waiting!
i always bring my own tube. best thing in my opinion
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Bash 15
July 12, 2015, 05:49:28 PM
Merch. TBSMx2 and Melvins split x2

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Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Bash 15
July 12, 2015, 05:04:33 PM
What a awesome show! Dwr budr and I got to Grumpys at about 11:30. 4 board members already in line, including Gary and flutternuts. Doors opened around noon. Straight to the merch table. Spent damn near a paycheck on merch. Melvins started a bit earlier than scheduled. Pinkus had a great sound heck using his version of the piƱa colada song. " If you like Pinkus coladas, and cleaning hair out the drain" I about died. Opened with Hag me. Perfection. I saw Kevin backstage jokingly pinching hose during Hag Me. Was nice to see those guys have a good time together. Hearing onions, seasame street meat, and bride were definately a highlight. Going to Florida was absolutely hilarious. Buzzo's lyrics had the whole crowd laughing. They used the intro to We Are Doomed as a segue into Youth of America. Great tease. Hearing The Bit with Pinkus owning that song was a treat. Pinkus destroyed Nightgoat! Hell  he destroyed the whole show.And they closed with stick'em bitch. Gay Witch Abortion followed. Those guys always put on a good show. Haze XXL joined them for a few songs off the single. Ran into Kevin, had to have him sign my bath salts poster. Thanks Kevin. Also ran in to Pinkus. Talked with him a bit. He told me he lost his backstage bracelet and security was given him a hard time.😆 What an honor to meet both of them at one show. Dwr  budr posted the pic of them chatting. Also excellent meme. Le butcherettes kicked some ass. During a song the lead singer was yelling Brian Walsby as a lyric! Melvins came up and played their final song with them. Good bonus.People went fucking insane when the cows hit the stage. They played for a solid hour and a half. After that our ears couldn't take any more so we receded in to the night. As much as wanted to see Hepa/titus again, I fear my ears would have exploded. Overall it was one hell of a time. I'll post a pic of the merch haul. May have a few things to trade. Any takers?😆

Long Live Melvins and AmRep!

Set list:

Hag Me
The Water Glass
Captain Comedown( 2x speed)
Onions Make The Milk Taste Bad
Seasame Street Meat
Going to Florida
??? Drawing a blank on this one. Musical overload😀
Bride of Crankenstien
A Growing Disgust
Youth of America
The Bit
Stick'em Bitch
take my money! ok they did! cant wait to see this in person
I think it was rear delivery or something of that nature. It's in one of the videos i'll post
HA. just planned ahead and brought my packpack. it weighed about ten pounds
Quote from: JUDY on June 28, 2014, 11:47:07 PM
Quote from: roadbull on June 28, 2014, 11:36:24 PM
Quote from: JUDY on June 28, 2014, 11:16:28 PM
Quote from: bUTTHOLEmAN on June 28, 2014, 10:08:17 PM
I think math.i did the poster for this show, in case anyone is looking for it.


No special merch. Vol 2 and 3 were for sale, no splatter. Buck Owens, only. King card shirt and KB skull shirt + Ipecac CD. The only letterpress was sausages. Same 7inches as before. Walsby had some amazing work, as usual, plus his manchild stuff.

I left my phone at home like a dummy. No photos. But yeah, small room gig. I was right up front and I thought it sounded way better than the other times. The guys in the back thought the vocals were too loud.

Rev Mike had an encounter with 'whoooooo' guy, which I though was real funny. He was like, 'hey man, can i stand in front of you since you're so tall?' and mike was like, 'yeah, i'm super nice! of course!' dude started with the intimate whooooing, and mike was like, ' hey, man, you can't stand in front of me anymore if you're gonna do that." then whoooo guy spit on him and left. True story. I did not get to see it, just heard it at the end.

Some dude standing next to me in an altamont shirt was recording. I asked at the end of the show if he was gonna post it anywhere, and he replied, ' probably on the board.' I assume this one, but didn't ask.....


Buzz was awesome as always. I love that guy  :love:

Bonus : Mike Patton story. Have you all heard it yet? Best one  :lol:

I was the guy in the Altamont shirt. in process of uploading as we speak. will post link asap. nice to somewhat meet you JUDY

Thank you, nice kind sir! Was that your wall of PBR piled up next to you? If so, I got one for at the next gig!

Some where mine, others belonged to dwr budr and our friend Anthony. Much Appreciated. What was the deal with the guy with the fucked up hair right in front? also known as knucklehead in my first post on this thread. we had a good laugh about him. I think you joined in as well.
Quote from: JUDY on June 28, 2014, 11:16:28 PM
Quote from: bUTTHOLEmAN on June 28, 2014, 10:08:17 PM
I think math.i did the poster for this show, in case anyone is looking for it.


No special merch. Vol 2 and 3 were for sale, no splatter. Buck Owens, only. King card shirt and KB skull shirt + Ipecac CD. The only letterpress was sausages. Same 7inches as before. Walsby had some amazing work, as usual, plus his manchild stuff.

I left my phone at home like a dummy. No photos. But yeah, small room gig. I was right up front and I thought it sounded way better than the other times. The guys in the back thought the vocals were too loud.

Rev Mike had an encounter with 'whoooooo' guy, which I though was real funny. He was like, 'hey man, can i stand in front of you since you're so tall?' and mike was like, 'yeah, i'm super nice! of course!' dude started with the intimate whooooing, and mike was like, ' hey, man, you can't stand in front of me anymore if you're gonna do that." then whoooo guy spit on him and left. True story. I did not get to see it, just heard it at the end.

Some dude standing next to me in an altamont shirt was recording. I asked at the end of the show if he was gonna post it anywhere, and he replied, ' probably on the board.' I assume this one, but didn't ask.....


Buzz was awesome as always. I love that guy  :love:

Bonus : Mike Patton story. Have you all heard it yet? Best one  :lol:

I was the guy in the Altamont shirt. in process of uploading as we speak. will post link asap. nice to somewhat meet you JUDY
Quote from: charlesfromcoonrapids on June 28, 2014, 08:04:06 PM
Nah Sober, Third time is a charm. I was able to see all three shows. It was pretty good. Buzz played in the smaller room next to the bar, small crowd. very quiet at first. you could hear a pin drop. I had a friend with who never seen the Melvins/Buzz before. Buzz open up with Boris, then followed up with the Alice Cooper cover. His howl and vocals was really strong and sounded more intense then the first two times he played this solo tour. Then he broke into his new stuff, And the guitar work really shined thru. It was a great set, nice song selection. My friend also thought the show was pretty good. As far as items for sale?../shrug beats me..A few eps/cd/posters/flyers and shirts at the usual prices. I scored the skull and cross bones shirt at his birthday party for 15$,Last night paid 20$ for the King buzzo card shirt. nice quality and both fit well. But as far as review/input about the show?...It is worth a watch and something to do. But even seeing Buzz doing this, IMO, I cannot and will not accept the Batman without Robin. I mean by saying this..THE DALE...He needs the Dale. I really do not give a rats ass who is on bass, They all been good. kudos to them for taking a break and exploring other projects and playing with others, and giving us a chance to see them in a another skin. But a honestly think the two have another level to blow us away. here is a idea. Melvins/Fantomas/Shrinebuilder..with Saint Vitus/Big Business/neurosis/Porn, And buzz/kelly and wino tidbit it between sets for the next grumpys summer party. Just a dream. Any who...Yea The King Kicked Ass last night.

Ok. Here's a real review. Made the 6 hour a journey again with dwr budr and our friend Anthony. Got To Grumpy's around 5:30. Had a Juicy Lucy burger. Highly recommended. Talked a bit with Walsby as he was setting up the merch. People were just stalking the merch table asking when they could buy. Kinda felt bad for Brian. When he's ready, obviously he would be sitting behind the counter, but I digress. When Brian was ready he waved me over and got first crack at the merch. Thanks Brian.

Merch as follows:

Sugar Daddy Splits  King Buzzo  and Melvins 1983
King Buzzo Volume 2 and 3
Helmet/ Melvins split 7"
Six Different  Clown Face Split Singles  (Bowie,Queen,Pot O Pies, and 3 others)
Buzzo Skull Shirt
Buzzo Card Shirt
numerous Walsby posters  no actual show poster that I saw
Manchild 6
Everybody Loves Sausages  letterpress Cd
King Buzzo Cd

I walked away giving Walsby $605 with a $15 tip.

We were right up front. Opened with Boris. Amazing. Followed by Ballad of Dwight Fry. Some new stuff off the album such as Dark Brown Teeth, Rough Democracy, Laid Back Walking, Drunken Baby, Vaulting Over a Microphone, New River, Everything's Easy For You, Suicide In Progress, War on Wisdom, We Are Doomed, ended with Revolve.
Not the complete set list, still working that out. Buzzo told some funny stories including the Mike Patton story. I recorded some videos of the banter and other songs. Will post in the coming days. Also dwr budr recorded the audio for the show. once we are happy with the final version I'm sure we will post that as well. A Good time was had by all.

To the Knucklehead trying to get into the "LOCKED" OXOP room in the back parking lot:

I hope one of the Grumpy's guys witnessed you try it again after I informed them of your misdeeds. Hopefully they made you pay.

Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Grumpys bash 13. 7.20.13
July 21, 2013, 10:57:01 PM
Quote from: roadbull on July 20, 2013, 04:14:40 PM
Short but sweet melvins set. Pinkus fit in well. Dale and coady played drums for a honky song. Dale played for the rest of the honky set. They were badass.

Hag me
War on wisdom
We are doomed
Sweet willy rollbar
A growing disgust
Let it all be
You're blessend
Night goat extended.

More details later

Wasn't sure how to get this message to the top of the page. Maybe a moderator can help me out with that one. But anyways here is my full review of dwr budr and I's experience.

Hit the road at 6 am. 6 hours to Minneapolis. Arrived at Grumpy's at about 12:30. Hit the merch to secure a few things. Grumpy's Vinyl was $50. 7" vinyls were $30. Letterpresses $25. I donated about $300 to the cause . dwr budr donated about $150.

Melvins were doing soundcheck at about 12:45. They played War on Wisdom. After hearing how good that sounded, we knew it was going to be a heavy set.

Opened with Hag Me. Loud. War on Wisdom. Fast. We Are Doomed was unreal. Buzz's menacing lyrics. Pinkus' droning bass. Dale and Coady were on their game. Sweet willy rollbar. Nice to hear that one again. A Growing Disgust was extra heavy. Let It All Be. Gets better everytime. You're Blessend. Need I say more. and the final song Nightgoat(my personal fave). Pinkus put his own stamp on this one. He changed up the intro, took me a bit to figure it out. It sounded like he muddled the bass line at the beginning, but it got cleaner and cleaner until he smacked you in the face with it! Extended ending which segued into Honky! My hat's off to Mr. Pinkus for a job well done. He fits in well. I don't think he used a pick the entire Melvins set.

Coady and Dale played on WFO. Dale finished the rest. I was very impressed with Honky. Good ol boys that have a good time on stage.
I know they played mostly from their newer album, but a couple of older tunes as well.

Skipped Negative Approach. Gay Witch Abortion was up next. As always, these guys put on a hell of a show. Mudhoney played after.Met a good looking woman that flew in from Vegas for the we waited for Hepa-Titus to play, a very big man, who was close to us passed out while standing up. It was a sickening sound to hear his head the pavement. Paramedics were called. He was responsive but was taken to hospital. Hopefully it was nothing to serious.

Hepa-Titus I cant really put in to words. Kevin was a madman. For the last few songs, a guy that I'm not sure who he was, came up and did vocals. As he took the stage, he acted super creepy like he was about to whip it out for everyone. Turns out is was just his banana. Ha.

All and all it was another successful journey.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Grumpys bash 13. 7.20.13
July 21, 2013, 09:45:42 PM
Honky shirt

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Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Grumpys bash 13. 7.20.13
July 21, 2013, 09:35:19 PM
Clown shirt front
Clown shirt back with other goodies

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