yeah i think so to...bad mood felt way shorter today, and i just... nooo already?
So i did the natural thing in my position, I took 1st listen to five L D ... headphones didnt come off
i paused after eye flyes had stuck on repeat ....that one is outstanding! so that lead to I couldnt keep my hands away from my classical nylon...
So i have most of the album for later ...
finally really good albums again...i been kind of disapointed about everything since basses loaded, and the even worse with mike & death i need to listen more, maybe listened to it twice. pinkus i put in the car so that got many spins ... i have heard it 50 times easy, not because its super good but i really wanted it to be ...Dont forget to breathe is a masterpiece, Pinkus creation mainly?? that bass and the vocals is really nice. Or maybe steven had his fingers in that bassline ... i never listened to redd kross ... so. And working with god i really had my hopes up there to...i know 1 or two tracks got extra spins but i cant remember ... but i have to Headphone that one !!
And Dales two albums ...
i like my headphones more and more ... they are bluetooth from not hifi .... i guess since it is enjoyable it good enough
I have heard about headphone listeners and the money they dish out sometimes are insane,
Im curious, maybe should go to a real hifi-store where the the fuses are dipped in molten gold and speakercables are cured in pure pixie-dust.... just to se what REALLY good ones can sound like...
Now when i look back at what i wrote im thinking im spoiled favourite band is workaholics and releases something album like at least once a year ....
Could be worse for shure.
So i did the natural thing in my position, I took 1st listen to five L D ... headphones didnt come off
i paused after eye flyes had stuck on repeat ....that one is outstanding! so that lead to I couldnt keep my hands away from my classical nylon...
So i have most of the album for later ...
finally really good albums again...i been kind of disapointed about everything since basses loaded, and the even worse with mike & death i need to listen more, maybe listened to it twice. pinkus i put in the car so that got many spins ... i have heard it 50 times easy, not because its super good but i really wanted it to be ...Dont forget to breathe is a masterpiece, Pinkus creation mainly?? that bass and the vocals is really nice. Or maybe steven had his fingers in that bassline ... i never listened to redd kross ... so. And working with god i really had my hopes up there to...i know 1 or two tracks got extra spins but i cant remember ... but i have to Headphone that one !!
And Dales two albums ...
i like my headphones more and more ... they are bluetooth from not hifi .... i guess since it is enjoyable it good enough
I have heard about headphone listeners and the money they dish out sometimes are insane,
Im curious, maybe should go to a real hifi-store where the the fuses are dipped in molten gold and speakercables are cured in pure pixie-dust.... just to se what REALLY good ones can sound like...
Now when i look back at what i wrote im thinking im spoiled favourite band is workaholics and releases something album like at least once a year ....
Could be worse for shure.