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Messages - Brooklyns Finest PoonTang

I had to choose between buying tickets for this show in Portland and buying tickets for Both's last show in Seattle and Botch won for now. Hopefully I can afford tix for Buzzo before it sells out
Melvins Discussion / Re: Dale Crover Get Well Page !
August 24, 2023, 08:57:49 PM
Even though I have never met him (yet), Dale and I share a special bond. We were both born on the same day, in the same year.

Dale, I wish you a speedy recovery and wish you and the rest of the gang best of luck!
Where is the Stag-era unheard track that they discovered whilst doing the third man reissues that didn't even make it on the third man LP version of Stag?
Quote from: baruk on December 08, 2022, 04:45:50 PM
I wonder if the Senile Animal pressing is different than the ipecac one that came out in 2021/2022. It seems like this one is a single lp while the Ipecac was 2lp.

That occurred to me as well, but it did not stop me from buying it. I have a feeling it will also be a 2xLP (or maybe best of Senile Animal?)
Melvins Discussion / Re: The Electric Roach Tour
April 30, 2022, 11:12:56 AM
Been a minute since I have seen Helms Alee. Just got tix for the Portland show
Buzz would say he doesn't own a turntable
45 RPM is preferred by some as it has a higher sampling rate than 33 rpm. I have not done a side by side comparison yet
Quote from: sadcorps on April 28, 2021, 06:59:33 PM
I'm holdling out for the Basses Loaded and Hold It In reissues

I got my first press Basses loaded lp from AMAZON
I saw the Melvins with Kevin several times and each time he was different. I will never forget the HAT tour, as they played at a club called North 6 (which eventually turned into the Music hall of Williamsburg). I played that CD to death in the weeks before the show. It was by far my favorite Melvins album to date, and they played most of the album and it was a truly remarkable event. ISIS opened up, I think. Kevin did not play slide bass to my memory. Maybe that was just for the album recording.

Also, for this HAT vinyl release, I think this is the first time Melvins have included lyrics to any of their songs on an album. Amirite?
Got my pink HAT yesterday and played side 1 today. I think it sounds great, better than the CD (more detailed), but I recently changed my cartridge and can't make a full review until I get my original cartridge replaced. The liner notes are awesome

Also, I was super dubious about getting this as all Ipecac vinyl I have sounds like shit. This one is a HUGE improvement, and no warping!
Melvins Discussion / Re: More stuff to come...
October 25, 2020, 06:29:13 PM
if HAT vinyl is coming out on Ipecac, it will sound like shit. They have a horrible track record
Quote from: bUTTHOLEmAN on September 29, 2020, 01:43:50 PM
They should set up a Melvins/Judas Priest tour for 2021.

Would love it if they would do 100% covers of each other's songs

That was a great interview. Thanks for posting
Melvins Discussion / Re: Dale in the Obsessed
May 03, 2020, 02:25:00 PM
Lunar Womb was also reissued by 20 Buck Spin. I forget the year though. 2008?

Incarnate was released as a double 10" vinyl and only available on some European tour, I think. only 300 pressed. Discogs would probably be the best place to look for this info
I just hope black vinyl is an option at some point. I remember when Yob first released a few older recordings about 10 years back, the first presses were on colored vinyl and later pressings were on black. I have not found colored vinyl to have more pops, but it usually does not have the dynamic range of black vinyl
QuoteDisc 1 on White vinyl, Disc 2 on Doublemint Vinyl.

Ugh. It is too much to ask for black vinyl? Don't think I can do doublemint vinyl. Any Ipecac's Fantomas vinyl box set was pressed really bad. Why can't Third Man do this reissue?