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Messages - dontyoutellme

you witty ditties.
i was really into buzz's mumu this tour.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: webster hall nyc 6/18
June 20, 2010, 12:41:18 PM
Quote from: Brooklyns Finest PoonTang on June 20, 2010, 08:50:36 AM
Quote from: Vcavallo on June 19, 2010, 12:36:12 PM
i totally agree about the "newer" crowd thing.  It's what ruined the brooklyn show for me last year.  The hipsters there took the "newness" thing to a new level totally losing their shit for the recent songs and then going to the bar for the classics.  Stupid fucking fashion show, that concert was.

that, and the $30.00 ticket is what kept me away from this show. Looking forward to checking out your recording tho

It was quite the ticket price. Would it kill them to have size s merch? The set was good- but short. Not sure about the blending of some of the new and old- usually its flawless but it felt odd to the ear at times. I was pissed Isis was headlining. The Brooklyn show killed me last year. Couldn't enjoy myself. Def. enjoyed myself this go around. Melvinsismelvins.
i miss kevin. at least they'll play anaconda.
will weigh in if its worth its weight on the lates.
best since h.a.t. - that's a really bold statement i can get behind.
Quote from: bUTTHOLEmAN on May 06, 2010, 09:05:46 PM
I don't really hear wise you can tell the four piece from other incarnations..but bullhead, I don't hear yet.

i could be crazy. get the medic.
got this on lock. like this better than a lot of the other bb collabs. don'tyoumutherfuckerstellme that they are one, that is a lie. i will have that argument until we get drunk and work it out temporarily... but this sounds oddly bullheadish to me in parts. anyone else?
Quote from: ManWithNoName on April 15, 2010, 10:17:16 PM
Count me down as one of those who gets the leak but also buys the album.
same here.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: 9/11/09 New York City
September 13, 2009, 06:47:13 PM
The melvins were okay. This show was the my least favorite of any melvins show I've ever seen. EVER. Shut the fuck up buzz, play more old shit (and play it slower), fuck Down fans. Seeing Phil Anselmo a-live was alright. Don't mean to be a negative nancy over here, but this was not worth 35 bucks AT ALL. Also, I wore my bbs shirt because all of the recent merch from the past 3 years has blown...

I had more fun going into the m&m's store and watching tourists pose with keychains and shotglasses modeled after the green, sexy, m&m.

Yours truly, deeply, forever,
Quote from: King_Fucko on May 17, 2009, 01:02:18 AM
Quote from: dontyoutellme on May 16, 2009, 11:15:46 PM
Quote from: m3kcomp on May 16, 2009, 10:36:36 PM
totally didn't realize it was "spread eagle beagle" in spite of enjoying houdini more than most seem to here...adding insult to injury is having that pointed out by someone who was 2 years old when I last saw them play a lot of those songs. oofa.

it's funny because I was close to the back, and it felt like most of the people around me fell into two distinct camps...the diehards and those who didn't appear to know what they were watching.

what I feared most came true at work today...I could barely turn my head without reeling from the pain.

gah. i've got a heated pad on still. i really overdid it.

Heating pad, what did u get ur period? Don't eat chocolate. Think I saw you with some dudes there. I saw some girls in dresses too.

Yeah heating pads are only for periods. You've got a fucking full deck FuckMuck. I wasn't in a dress because all the blood from the headbanging would've splattered onto your precious anonymous face. PM me and call me next time, we can talk all about it. Unlike everyone else from the board in New York, I'm not afraid to show my face or meet people. I'm not sure if your mix of sarcasm, egoism, headstrong keyboard tapping rat trap of a bloated tongue is purely incidental, or if it's in commonality with your real persona, but you suck a bag of bloody period stained dicks and I accept niceties and apologies in person only. Kill em all.
Quote from: m3kcomp on May 16, 2009, 10:36:36 PM
totally didn't realize it was "spread eagle beagle" in spite of enjoying houdini more than most seem to here...adding insult to injury is having that pointed out by someone who was 2 years old when I last saw them play a lot of those songs. oofa.

it's funny because I was close to the back, and it felt like most of the people around me fell into two distinct camps...the diehards and those who didn't appear to know what they were watching.

what I feared most came true at work today...I could barely turn my head without reeling from the pain.

gah. i've got a heated pad on still. i really overdid it.
right: i also took a couple of photos:
hey. fantastic show.
saw ryan filming up top and then saw him briefly afterwards.

it was truly a melvins retrospective. out of the seven shows ive seen i'll give this the number three slot!
the good old days were back. can't remember the setlist -but someone will post it.
was grooving so hard i am actually laid up in bed unable to move. seeing melvins is like being blackout drunk in a way. i do things i have no control over and wake up sore the next morning. melvins orgy. i remember most of what happened, but i do this thing where i close my eyes when im moving and headbanging. the crowd was so much better than last year in brooklyn. i had a couple of friends with me who are def fans of the old school stuff. i can honestly say it was a flip the bird to big biz night. some of you may not like that, but it was really fucking sick.
dillard and dunn. nice.

umm,...c ,d. its already almost halfway through the year and nothing can top that. thanks to hanz for the dvds, sicksicksick. thanks to the crowd for not spilling beer on my head or screaming and obscuring my favorite songs. with ma heart<3
Quote from: King_Fucko on May 14, 2009, 09:08:23 AM
Quote from: GrimReaper on May 14, 2009, 03:19:46 AM

I will be in town tomorrow at around 7 pm. Is there anything going on Thursday?

Any good local bands?

Check your PMS

the knitting factory is closed dude?
yeah i'm going to this. call me. i'm rolling five bros deep hopefully. drink drank drunk.
that dress code is for the club the way.

meet you there. im the one with the red hair, melvins tattoo, hanging around dudes with beards/ vinney.
say hi or be shy, your call.