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Messages - rhett E rock

listening to Bullhead Live right now on headphones.  LEGIT.
merch guy said it was a tour only version of TBSM vinyl.  hope so.  that artwork was sick.  i almost wanted to drop the $200 for that but didn't feel like waiting in line again.  oh well, i got my fix on merch and Melvins.  can't wait for tomorrow!!!
holy shit do you see what they'll be selling at the shows!?
can't fucking wait!!!  going on both nights.
were the Buzzo ones already up for sale?  jesus, with all these inflated eBay listings and being on the ball with this shit, i should have just opted buying a test pressing.  i will have this on vinyl!!!
Melvins Discussion / Re: TICKETBASTARD!!!!
March 26, 2011, 10:37:57 PM
yeah, i doubt they sell out right away, but i sucked up the service charge just in case.  going on both nights!!!

and seriously whatever happened to WILL CALL!?
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins 2011 dates
March 26, 2011, 01:37:10 PM
tickets went on sale for Seattle dates this morning.  i'm going to both nights!!! glad they're playing the Croc and not the Showbox.
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: Sugar Daddy Live
March 02, 2011, 07:47:16 PM
Quote from: glen on February 28, 2011, 03:58:26 PM
Quote from: Joe Deutrom on February 28, 2011, 02:57:07 PM
Don't you guys already have live recording of these songs?

Yeah, but not profesionally mixed and mastered live recordings.

yeah, i gotta say though it if weren't for Walsby's accompanying book i would have been disappointed with Pick Your Battles.  that show from 2009 sounds harsh quality-wise.
wow, ordered one a couple days ago expecting to get an e-mail saying "we're out of stock".  got it in the mail today.  it looks even better than the picture! 
the Melvins put out an album of new material every year.  not to mention special edition singles, remixes, the list goes on and on.  and your bitching about this?  c'mon they give us PLENTY.
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: Sugar Daddy Live
February 26, 2011, 03:47:58 PM
Quote from: jonE5 on February 26, 2011, 11:45:37 AM
I'm exited about this release. Can't wait!

                  -Then we will hopefully get the Spaceland DVD sooner than later

the Spaceland DVD is just assumptions right?  this hasn't been a stated fact?  if not this should happen.  the Melvins would be fools to pass some type of release of this out. 
Melvins Discussion / Re: Spaceland Residency
February 26, 2011, 02:49:17 PM
yeeeeeah.  thanks for the heads up.  downloading now.  hopefully it's better quality than the last version i tried.
Melvins Discussion / Re: possible new live album?
February 24, 2011, 08:10:24 PM
i like Houdini Live way better than the original.  Going Blind and Honey Bucket are the only songs that don't sound as good.

Sugar Daddy should be good.  Dog Island sounds brutal live.  hope it comes through on the CD.
Melvins Discussion / Re: H.A.T. on vinyl?
February 24, 2011, 02:15:28 AM
i bought my copy of C.O.D. for 2.99.  didn't even look like it was played. 
Melvins Discussion / Re: possible new live album?
February 24, 2011, 01:54:12 AM
Quote from: )))((( on February 23, 2011, 04:53:33 AM
Im totally looking foward to this one but in my heart of hearts i hoped it would have included older material that sounds better nowadays in the live context. To see so many Nude and Senile songs together, often in the same order as the albums seems a bit of a let down. Nice to see Tipping The Lion featured tho! I would have killed for something like this....

1 Lovely Butterfly
2 Let It All Be
3 Let Me Roll It
4 Pigs Of The Roman Empire
5 Anaconda
7 Zodiac
8 Oven
9 It's Shoved
10 Roadbull
11 Mr DNA
12 With Teeth
13 Boris

now that i would love to see.