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Messages - rhett E rock

#376 we all know the song.  the part where it's just a distortion hum followed by a long drum solo.  you know the part?  of course you do!  i was listening to this on my headphones and realize that when the drums pause you hear either music or more drums.  but, it's REALLY, REALLY LOW.  anybody notice this?  i can't figure out what it is?  but i think it's drums.  if so, why did they turn them down?  boggles the mind...
i listen to at least one Melvins album a day.  that's because my girlfriend hates them to no end, so whenever she's not around i need to get my fix.  i'm just never satisfied.  i love torturing her with the Melvins though!!!
Melvins Discussion / King Buzzo look-alikes
July 28, 2005, 07:56:11 PM
Dub EMC, that's fucking awesome!  this thread was going to hell.  someone needs to sample that line.  wait, too late.
my guess is a lot of people just don't hit the bong that often, and are forced to go with often.  these results are just astounding.  i can't wait to take them to the lab for further testing.
Melvins Discussion / Ballz Deep?
July 27, 2005, 12:45:55 AM
QuoteIt was, and yet it wasn't. You kinda had to be there.

in the words of Scruffy McGruff; "What happens!?  What happens!?"
these seems like an obvious question.  nevertheless...
Melvins Discussion / Ballz Deep?
July 25, 2005, 11:52:33 AM
what!?  elaborate!!  HOW CAN YOU LET US HANG LIKE THIS?!!!
Melvins Discussion / Ballz Deep?
July 24, 2005, 11:44:30 PM
sorry to say, but GOOD!!!  i couldn't call out of work, because being dead is apparently the only thing that can get you out of it.  i'm getting another goddamn job.  i'm just glad i didn't miss them play.
Melvins Discussion / Ballz Deep?
July 23, 2005, 03:45:29 PM
i hope this is true!!!!!!
well, i'm not in any rush to get the songs.  i'm on at random times.  so i guess when you catch me you catch me.  eventually i might need a fix...
goin' blind...i like symptom of the universe as well.  god of thunder rules.  yeah, god of thunder is my favorite that i heard.  

VCavallo - did you ever get my message?
Melvins Album Discussion / 8 track hat
July 21, 2005, 07:42:47 PM
i believe it.  a lot of their demos and live stuff are recorded just off two tracks and they sound good.  fucking magicians.  or maybe they're just liars!!!
Melvins Discussion / having two drummers.
July 17, 2005, 08:18:06 PM
two drummers could be good.  they just have to know how to play off each other.  so many bands can't pull it off and it just sounds like one person.  POINTLESS!!!  but yeah anything's possible as long as the songwriting is good from all aspects.  but i will forever have faith in the Melvins.  timeless fucking shit.
for some reason Pigs of the Roman Empire reminds me of Sun Ra.
Melvins Discussion / Album ranking
July 17, 2005, 01:51:04 PM
in no particular order...

Pigs of the Roman Empire
Hostile Ambient Takeover
Stoner Witch