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Messages - deatheats

Melvins Discussion / Re: melvin/patton oswalt
July 12, 2007, 09:56:07 AM
Thanks Butthole!  I actually bought this album but don't have a record player to play it on :)
This will be the first time I've gotten to hear it!
Yeah baseball I can understand.  I'm almost more surprised fox news would have him on, then vice versa.  I bet Buzz would do just about any show if they asked him politely :)
Melvins Discussion / Re: "Waiting for Beck ..."
June 19, 2007, 06:39:11 PM
Yeah to me the last decent beck album was midnite vultures, then the girlfriend blues hit!  I really don't understand why scientology appeals to so many in Hollywood. 

Though if I were to theorize it would go something like this:  The unsatiably hedonistic appetite of Hollywood (with a capital H) is much like a tidal wave the artist/actor rides.   A drug fueled sex romp several years long leads to the inevitable crash upon the shores of reality whereupon the victim is dragged along the razor sharp gutter of their own self importance.   Realizing the situation they have created for themselves they come to the realization that they really don't have the lives they wanted.  At this point they rebel against their previous selves behaviors;  including promiscuous sex and hard core drug binges; turning to the Scientology Savior who explains how they can have the life they always wanted (with just a small entrance fee).

Of course some people realize they are on a wave and start paddling hard and fast to keep ahead of the gargantuon flood heading their way.  They don't have to rebel against themselves because they like who they are and don't need a cult to affirm their existances for them.
I'd rather see Buzzo do the Henry Rollins show, but I guess you do the shows you are invited to.
I must say fox news is about the last place I'd expect Buzz to do, but then again Buzz is a contrarion so he specializes at doing things no one expects.
Melvins Discussion / Re: pink floyd tribute
May 25, 2007, 03:09:58 PM
Two of my favorite artists playing a pink floyd tribute and I'm 3000 miles away.  Damn you Atlantic Ocean!
The video is also quite reminiscent of Jan Svankmeyer's movies.  Czech claymation at its best!
Check out Little Otik, Faust, and Alice.
I do love the bloated pope though I wouldnt say its my favorite.
Melvins Lyrics & Tabs / Re: 2006 - (A) Senile Animal
December 30, 2006, 01:37:06 AM
"And now she stays with me. It's crazy, but she's mine
She tells me I'm insane, because she doesn't mind"

And now she stays with me. It's crazy, but she's mine
She tells me I'm insane, because she doesn't lie.

At least thats how I hear it.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Roll Call
December 29, 2006, 10:16:17 AM
I'll be at the Portland show.
Melvins Discussion / Re: interview from july 1.
December 29, 2006, 01:46:46 AM
We live in a fairly stable environments which not last long (geologically speaking).  A shift in temperatures by 20-30 degrees f. would be enough to create massive difficulties for the human race.  Don't kid yourselves we are hitching a ride and our time here is quite limited.  That being said we could, if we ever wise the fuck up, stop fighting over resources like some trampled gift shopper looking for the last cabbage patch doll and make something special out of our borrowed time.   I know that petroleum and other non renewable resources allow me to type the message I am writing but we could do it in a more intelligent way (everything on this planet is powered by the sun) which doesn't spawn global wars and leave the atmosphere filled with our leftover crap. 
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Melvins 12/30
December 22, 2006, 06:49:06 PM
Quote from: spunkmonkey on December 19, 2006, 01:08:07 PM
Only if she listens to them (which, knowing her, I would have to say no).  I wish you two would come out for New Years, the wives could hang out and we could go to the show.  Saddly, that's the only way I'm going to be there.  :(

I'm lucky enough to have a wife who will also be seeing her 2nd melvins show this year.  We've seen 5 shows together, though I don't really think she liked them much the first time around (she asked to leave early because of a headache).  Since then I've been playing so many melvins albums that she really has no choice but to sing along.  She thought the senile animal show was great and shes wants to see em again on the 30th.  I think I picked the right woman ;)
Melvins Discussion / Just heard melvins on air america
December 21, 2006, 07:25:42 PM
Coming out of commercial the randi rhodes show (who is on vacation and has someone filling for her) was playing revolve just a minute ago.  Not really topic worthy but I thought I'd mention it.
Quote from: steve on December 15, 2006, 04:01:36 PM
It still amazes me how so many reviews refer to ASA as "experimental"... it the most straighforward "normal" recording the Melvins have made.

For the Melvins a straightforward, "normal" record, is experimental  :lol:
Quote from: jhirte on December 01, 2006, 01:15:43 PM
I got my tix last night at Safeway. I'm tix number 44.

Got me 46 & 47.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins Magazine
December 05, 2006, 07:45:26 PM
(November 1995)
Melvins mainman King Buzzo visited the offices of Roger Corman's Cosmic Comics recently
and made his pronouncement to Detroit lass and Cosmic factorium Ellen Sawyer.