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Messages - didlisquat

Check your lyrics norecess, that isn't in the song leech. Maybe Buzz has used that line before ,but it ain't in leech. And the way he did it at the show was one of those gotta be there type things.It was more like "coooooooooooooughing up bloooooooooooooooooooooood, i think i've had enough" after a long heavy feedback session. Still my favorite single line by Buzz at a show and i've seen over twenty in the past thirteen years.
I believe it was the 4 X 4 tour when Buzz said " coughing up blood, i think i've had enough!". I was jumping five feet in the air (like i do at almost every show), and started laughing my ass off when i heard Buzz say that out of no where.
H.A.T. has slowly come to be one of my favorites.
Stag has alot of kick ass tracks, no doubt.
H.A.T. has a better flow to it.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Ozma Vs Bullhead
May 22, 2006, 07:40:56 PM
small edge to Bullhead.Both fantabulous albums, no doubt. Your Blessened still blows me away thirteen years later, Classic album. Like all Melvins albums i found it necassary to buy the vinyl and the cd.
norecess, if you would give fugazi's-end hits a try you might think differently. That was the one that kicked me in the ass and i have gotting more into them since. They got very sonic over the years .More than just punk, kind of like how the melvins have come so far in variations of sounds over the years.Alot of fugazi's ish is killing.
"newbies", maybe to this internet ish, but i would have to call thirteen years of constantly being into a particular band an "oldie" or just a pretty fucking dedicated fan. Any way i am glad my vote ended up winning this major election. Although i hear that Diebold might have been involved in rigging this one. I hear Dale is going to the supreme court to try and over turn the final result. Dale kicks soo much ass, but come on it's Buzz for crying out loud.
Peeing Tom or Peeping Tom? Billboard needs to check their spelling before they print. But i ain't no school teacher , just think an article should be double checked for mis-spellings.
I really like the Ataxia album. You have to take some primal screaming John Frusciante vocals, but i like all of Frusciante's ish too. Lally lays down some thick lines and it flows through five ten to fifteen minute songs beautifully. There suppose to be a part two to the Ataxia sessions that i have been waiting on. I believe Fugazi is just on a hiatus. Ian Mackaye is producing and part of a cool ass band called The evens. I am excited about this prospect with Lally and the Melvins.
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: Listening to lysol
May 12, 2006, 09:16:31 AM
This was my introduction to the Melvins thirteen years ago, and i have been a die hard fan ever since.Amazing, amazing , amazing......especially on the sticky icky.
Dale is one of the funkiest and underated drummers of all time.But Buzz writes all these kick ass songs and those lyrics are as jive as it comes.Oh, and i fogot to mention his mind blowing riffage.Small edge to Mr. Osborne.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Who would you...
May 08, 2006, 06:56:00 PM
I remember an interview with buzz a long ass time ago when Tricky was doing some kick ass trip hop ,and Buzz saying he dug that ish.I saw someone go for Massive Attack, close as far as the Melvins meet trip hop, but i'll say Tricky and the Melvins.And really though Tom Waits and Tricky sound pretty similar ,so either one will do.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Doomiest Melvins songs
May 08, 2006, 06:42:07 PM
Now their gonna burn me take all my flesh away.....definetly At the Stake
Melvins Discussion / Re: How does POTRE rank?
May 08, 2006, 06:39:43 PM
Pigs of the Roman Empire doesn't rank very high on the list of Melvins albums, but that being said it is a completely engaging experience with great theme and concept. And it is still better than most of the ish out there. If you have the time to take in the entire album it is very rewarding, but if you just need a song to kick your ass Pink Bat does the trick. More conceptually fulfilling than maggot,bootlicker,crybaby ,but not as mindblowing or ass kicking.The Melvins can't be touched, yaknowwhatimsaying?