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Messages - tinnitus photo

as vcavallo says, there's a tab on the right called 'photo info' which lists all the camera settings.  it's a canon 30D; upgraded to it about 2 months ago and love it.  thanks for the comments, everyone.
got some of these processed last night, and added one or two other Buzzo pics to the Melvins folder.  figured this was the correct forum, but if not, feel free to move the thread.

Einar was certainly a pretty entertaining guy to photograph.

and if you missed the melvins photos, they are here (click on buzzo):

Quote from: glen on October 10, 2006, 06:34:08 PM
Quote from: klump on October 10, 2006, 04:32:59 PM
that IS a mumu (that Jared is wearing)

the last pic?    huh?   his was black when I saw them, that looks green.  and alot like a t-shirt collar.

as if it really matters.  :D

glen, you are right...that pic was taken when they played the 1st song, long before ghostigital got on stage.  jared was wearing the olive green tunic later on for the regular set.
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Buffalo show 10/6
October 10, 2006, 07:15:33 PM
Quote from: Chief Ten Beers on October 07, 2006, 11:12:47 AM
Setlist (exactly how it's written)

Talking Horse
Bloated Pope
Set Me
Sky Pup
Let It All Be
Blood Witch
History Of Drunks
Rat Faced
The Hawk
You've Never
History Of Bad
Mech Bride
The Bit

that's the exact same setlist as the boston show (down to the same formatting, even)
Quote from: glen on October 10, 2006, 12:46:19 PM
why does jared not have his mumu on in that last pic?  looks like he's got a green t-shirt on.

that pic was from the aforementioned teaser, when they played "the talking horse" to about 50 people at 7:30.

he did complain about the warmth of wearing the tunic, but told the crowd that contractual obligations forbade him from not weariing it. 
this was first time i saw the Melvins, and it was a rockin' good show.  coady + dale = pummeling drum action.  holy christ.  i took a bunch of photos for yr viewing pleasure (only beef was that the lighting was the same for the entire show, and they didn't use any of the backlighting at all).

havent' seen anyone mention the teaser yet...for the lucky fans who got in the club early (less than 50, i'd say), they got on stage @ around 7:30 and played "the talking horse", then after playing they asked where a good place for sushi was.  failing a response, they were looking for hot dogs.  i guess they settled for Indian. 

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