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Messages - Erikkerik

Quote from: Schnabster on August 02, 2007, 11:16:07 AM
You know, I could have been your father, Erik, 13 years and fistful of hormones. Thank your god, Erik, that it isn`t so.  :lol:

You have a more than decent music-taste, Erik, you`re showing it once more by pulling out Primal Scream as one of the gigs you will watch. I saw them live at Roskilde in 20o3 and believe me, that`s one of the best concerts I`ve been to. They have a very heavy soundscape live, and they severlyh kicks ass when they`re playing the songs from Evil Heat.

Swaztike Eyes, Leeds 2006:

Here you have them live from Roskilde:

My favourite-song, not live but still, Miss Lucifer:

If you haven`t seen PS live before, Erik, get ready to get goosebomps. Enjoy!

XTRMNTR is what it`s all about ;)

but yeah I saw em at roskilde in 2006 which was my first real introduction to them,and I`m really looking forward to seeing them again when i know the songs. I REALLy hope they will play swastica eyes, as they did in 06
Quote from: Schnabster on August 01, 2007, 02:08:52 AM
Quote from: Erikkerik on July 31, 2007, 01:40:33 PM
I mailed the festival and asked them if I could work as a volunteer thursday and friday even thoug they were only asking for people who could work on saturday(the day Melvins are playing), and I now am. Hooray, Melvins for free

They sell tickets on for saturday. Original price 525 NOK, 900-1000 NOK from the greedy salesmen. If I had the possibility to travel I wouldn`t have hesitated a second, though, Melvins is the only band I could pay a lot to see.

Regarding the Garage-gig 00:00 at night, Erik: It`s prioritized for those with festival-passes. If a voulenteer is reckonned as a festival-goer, then you`re home-free, but you should hear with the festival also if it`s ok that you leave 20:00 to reach the queue at Garage. The festival ends 22:00, and I guess it`s not unlikely that voulenteers will have to stay some time after the festival, to help with some clean-up etc. I don`t know how this is in reality, but I would definately check out how rigid it is. Garage (old So What!) has a very limited capacity, with about 300 in admittance. 

According to the chap I spoke with they will have two queues, and they will start to let people in from 21:00.

The Garage-gig doesn`t in fact have anything directly to do with the festival, it`s Garage "borrowing" Melvins from Oya-festival.

I don`t know why I have blabbered away about all of this, cause Erik is clealry a very intelligent chap, but I guess it was the father in me speaking.  :lol: Have a feast, Erik!

Im not working saturday Schnab, however I really would like to see Primal Scream which starts at 21.00... hmm... maybe I`ll get a friend to get a ticket for me to be on a safe side. Anyways thanks for the concer paps :)
I mailed the festival and asked them if I could work as a volunteer thursday and friday even thoug they were only asking for people who could work on saturday(the day Melvins are playing), and I now am. Hooray, Melvins for free
damn em! Couldn`t they have booked Melvins BEFORE the tickets ran out? Bastards! Oh well, BB`s still available
Quote from: bUTTHOLEmAN on July 29, 2007, 03:35:53 PM
Quote from: Erikkerik on July 29, 2007, 02:59:35 PM
someone did:

""i filmed this. i have a sanyo cg6 camera, and it's not too bad. the camera does not do so hot in low light, but i'm sure this has value for fans. i was upstairs a few rows back from the balcony railing, straight back from crover. trevor dunn was on bass. this camera records video in mp4 format, audio in  AAC with a built in stereo mic. there is a cut out, as the batterey unexpectedly crapped out 15 minutes in. missing about 10 seconds replacing the dead batt. i'll try to get this up soon...."

from the comment field

btw. welcome to the board
The above quote references the LA show, not the SF shows.

you`re right,  I didn`t mention the SF part in the sunken whalebones question
someone did:

""i filmed this. i have a sanyo cg6 camera, and it's not too bad. the camera does not do so hot in low light, but i'm sure this has value for fans. i was upstairs a few rows back from the balcony railing, straight back from crover. trevor dunn was on bass. this camera records video in mp4 format, audio in  AAC with a built in stereo mic. there is a cut out, as the batterey unexpectedly crapped out 15 minutes in. missing about 10 seconds replacing the dead batt. i'll try to get this up soon...."

from the comment field

btw. welcome to the board
the recording that was made for the LA show has

01. Charmicarmicat
02. Wispy
03. Hog Leg
04. With Teeth
05. Antioxidote
06. Second Coming
07. Ballad Of Dwight Fry
08. Sacrifice
09. Hung Bunny
10. Roman Dog Bird

I guess w e can suppose SF was the same?
Melvins Discussion / Re: King buzzo Simpson-ized?
July 13, 2007, 08:41:28 AM
My shot at Dale

Melvins Discussion / Re: T-Shirts Round 2
July 05, 2007, 07:17:16 AM
you`re ruining this thread, it`s horrible. Stop it.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Songs You Cant Stand
June 20, 2007, 08:22:58 AM
Quote from: yancey on June 18, 2007, 08:29:23 PM
Quote from: Dudbean on June 16, 2007, 04:03:11 PM
Quote from: yancey on June 16, 2007, 03:31:01 PM

:shock: I'm sorry, that answer is incorrect.

sorry.  but it is correct.  I don't like that song.

I still say you`re kidding, but if not:
play it as loud as you can on a good headset or a good stereo, smoke a joint if you do. Repet until you get it. If you don`t get this song you`re missing out on so much of what the Melvins in all about. The answer is wrong.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Songs You Cant Stand
June 16, 2007, 03:40:07 PM
Quote from: yancey on June 16, 2007, 03:31:01 PM

Classy first post
like taking a beating from a gang of thugs armed with baseballbats or being runned over by a bulldozer or having your limbs sawed of, but instead of hurting it feals really goood
Ok, here`s the final list:


Glue Porch Treatments
The maggot
The bootlicker
Hostile ambient takover
+ hag me
+ Charmicarmicat
+ Skin horse

Obviously the list got a bit bigger than it was supposed to due to the same number of votes, bootlicker, hat and ozma all share the fift spot on the list.  In all the voting was very tight.  I don`t think there are many other bands who`d show that much versatility among the favorites of their fans.  17 different releases was mentioned, 10/26 song, Prick, The crybaby and Houdini-live was not, nor was the Fantomas record, one song from the Jello albums was.  Early as well as newer stuff is well represented, but, though not by much, the early stuff is the most popular.  15 out of 22 people had Lysol on their top five. None of the albums usually (at least as far as I`ve seen) hailed by critics as their best (Stonerwitch, Houdini, ASA) made it to the final list. None of the albums (or the song) from Buzz`s list either.
Quote from: Andy Wood on May 10, 2007, 11:40:21 PM
- Gluey Porch Treatments
- Stag
- The Maggot
- Electroretard
- Tanx
+ Creepy Smell

What is "Tanx"?

Also, the two weeks will be over in 3 days in case anyone want to review their list

...and aren`t we all bubbling with excitement? :wink: