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Messages - surfling

"downloadhelper" works well too - it's a firefox add-on for windows.
Quote from: Oscar on September 06, 2013, 05:11:41 PM
this one is really special.
properly mixed sound (not just a sbd feed) and excellent pro-shot camera work.
this would make a real nice dvd.

does anyone know if they recorded the second set as well?
while searching for a better quality copy of the viva video i came across this:

02/27/94 - Hala Tivoli, Ljubljana, Slovenia (PRO #1)
PRO #1 - professional video (incomplete)
Broadcast on Slovenian TV
Before the show
1:10 Melvins interview
3:17 Melvins performance
8:30 Nirvana
9:54 Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
13:38 Drain You
17:14 Breed
i really like the track, vocals and all - although i agree that the guitar sound could do with some "fat".

having also just listened to "in every dream home..." the thought came up that buzz is doing a jello impersonation on the mule vocals. right?
Quote from: Stonergrunge on May 20, 2013, 01:07:19 PM
Quote from: Salvador on May 19, 2013, 08:34:47 PM
Quote from: Stonergrunge on May 16, 2013, 03:26:12 PM
Quote from: Rev. Mike on May 15, 2013, 05:59:20 PM
Full Paris show, pro-shot.

Seems to be awesome, unfortunately the multimedia player of the website sucks, I can't watch it fluently, the stream stops too many times and it's not like YouTube where at least I can wait for the video to charge completely.
I downloaded it with StreamTransport :

Thanks, I'm downloading it right now. By the way, which one is the right file extension, mp4 or flv?
flv. for me, anyway.
Quote from: beaver on August 02, 2011, 11:44:59 PM
I don't give a shit about Coon-ass Phil. But goddammit, where's the fucking outrage that this recording isn't getting talked about more on this little website? Anything else top it? I think not.
seriously. incredibly i only found this video some weeks ago and now i can't stop watching it.
i was lucky enough to have been in the crowd at this show and it was unbelievably good.
can hardly believe a full pro shot exists of it!!
the band should really go and put this out on dvd as is. PCM sound too please. i'll buy a bunch and give them to every single one of my friends that doubts the supremeness of the melvins.

btw the young gods were also in the crowd and loved the show. no pointing at things though.
residency show flyer

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the rote fabrik has been going for over 30 years, it's got a looong history with tons of amazing shows.
the perfect place for a residency like this one!!

unfortunately the swiss authorities are really strict on their db limit - with some bands it's not so bad but with the melvins that really sucks. the lysol set definitely suffered from being too quiet. but the houdini set then was fine with dave raising the volume.

the second night i enjoyed even more, even though there was quite a few morons in the room who kept chatting through all the quiet songs. at some point dale actually told them to shut up.  i'll never understand that behaviour - why would you pay bucks to go to a show and chat through the night when you could do that for free somewhere else without additionally pissing off everyone else??? kinda sad to see that even melvins have some of those moronic fans....

anyway, loved both shows, i doubt i'll ever tire of listening to lysol or stoner witch or houdini.....

first night a friend from germany brought some 30 screen print posters for the occasion (they of course all went the same night), i'll try to post a scan soon.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Melvins Discussion / Re: HFSPR!!!!!! II
August 24, 2007, 03:43:16 PM
Quote from: deatheats on August 24, 2007, 11:42:39 AM
Does being the greatest rock band in the world have its downsides?
that is my favourite so far.

and please take a picture when you ask that question!
Quote from: bUTTHOLEmAN on August 23, 2007, 12:14:07 PM
It's all one song; the part you posted is part 2 of the song.
ok, that is what got me confused then.
i thought that i'd recognised part two from one of the albums but i guess i was wrong.

that is also the reason that i tracked the hamburg dvd wrong, but i guess no one noticed yet, al least no one complained....

so anyway, thanks everyone for helping me sort that out.

look out for another soundboard sourced dvd soon, this time PRO SHOT though. fantastic picture quality. pcm sound.
just need to sort out an authoring issue and then i'm ready for seeding.

anyone here with any knowledge on dvd-authoring, especially with dvd lab pro?
hi all,

i'm in the process of authoring a dvd from the april 2007 gig in frankfurt, and need help with the setlist (for chapters and the cover).

the setlist for the show that is in the wiki ( is pretty much correct except it is missing two tracks after "oven". the first is "suicide in progress" and the next one is this:

can someone help me out with the title?
