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Messages - JJ

Melvins Discussion / Melvins UNKL vinyl anyone ?
March 29, 2008, 07:40:09 PM
while supplies last....

...and if your wallet is wide enough....
Quote from: grays harbor mafia on March 16, 2008, 02:53:43 AM
So there is a stupid dude on ebay asking an arm and a leg for a lot of 10 7"s $600 buy it now, bidding starts at 500.There is some nice records on there.  The list is: 4 H.A.T., revolve with teeth, both versions of message saved/Thank you!, both Pig Skin, Starve Again, and the HOF tour set....Here is a lin from his sales pitch, its pretty funny..."This lot is for the SERIOUS COLLECTOR and ONLY the serious,with the fluid funds in hand should bother bidding...."  Who the hell does this guy think he is? He makes it sound like he is a "Serious Collector" or something.... He is just a Schmuck powerseller..  if ya want to see the auction just type in Melvins Lot... Im gonna offer him $100 dollars for it... :lol:

good christ.....I have most of those......  Is that what they are worth?
I just bought that revolve 7" for $4.......
<edit> or one for sale on ebay right now for $1.96 <edit>
I'm not cool enough to get that kids super duper kneepadding style.

Although I guess if you have talked to Black Mountain you must be so cool you can slag anything you want....

everyones entitled to their opinion - even if they have their head up their pooper
BBS Nick name :  JJ
Real name:  JJ
Sex: Male
Age: 40ish
Nationality: Canadian
Where you live:   BC
Sexual orientation:  I'm a girl kisser
Occupation: Engineer....
Hobbies: Printmaking, making music, doing stuff outside, training border collies.
Favourite food: Pizza
Favourite drink: Single Malt or Kilkenny
How many other Melvins fans do you know (on here not included): around 10
How long have you been a Melvins fan:  since I saw them at the Beat Klub in Regina when I was a teenager
First Melvins album you heard: Gluey Porch Treatments
First Melvins album you owned: Gluey Porch Treatments
Favourite Melvins album:  The Crybaby
Least Favourite Melvins album: Prick
Favourite Melvins Track:   Revolve
Least Favourite Melvins Track:   Meh.... they all grow on you
Favourite Melvins track performed live:  The Bit
Least favourite Melvins track performed live:'s all good live
How many times have you seen the Melvins live: ....I'm thinking 4 maybe 5 over the years
How many Melvins albums do you own: ....pretty much the full discog of full length releases...a few of the 7"'s tora tora tora, etc...
Second Favourite band after the Melvins:  Hammers of Misfortune
Any other business: artsy fartsy shit.....
I just took a boo at the black box copy in my little collection.....

Thank you patton, The Melvins....   I never even looked at the damn credits until now.....wild.....
that woman on the cover is some kinda scary......close second to Courtney L........
cool.... thanks for posting the links
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: The End (2003)
January 27, 2008, 01:52:38 PM
 hows the wooden octupus CD? - was eying that one  up

Quote from: Eponymous on January 26, 2008, 11:43:43 PM
I also ordered the Wooden Octopus Skull CD & Mag. They gave me two, as well as a Larsen CD and a Gravitas CD (no sticker, though).
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: The End (2003)
January 26, 2008, 05:38:16 PM
I just got a Gravitar CD - no 7" or sticker...but really any bonus is pretty damn cool!
Quote from: bathroom creep on January 26, 2008, 01:10:04 PM
I was surprised as well that I got my lp that fast.  I thought the people in the US would get theirs first.

Quote from: Brooklyns Finest PoonTang on January 26, 2008, 09:20:44 AM
Here is a scan of my sticker
I like that hindu sticker even better. 

And I didn't get any 7".  Seems like everyone got one.. ?
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: The End (2003)
January 24, 2008, 09:10:42 AM
233/500 showed up in my mailbox yesterday...........nice nice nice
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: The End (2003)
January 14, 2008, 07:15:11 PM

thnaks for the heads up crybaby!
Melvins Discussion / Re: a new MELVINS LP...
January 12, 2008, 04:46:23 PM
well isn't this just like waiting for paint to dry
downloaded....will have to see what sounds this can be smooshed with