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Messages - m3kcomp

Melvins Show Reviews / Re: webster hall nyc 6/18
June 18, 2010, 10:36:47 PM
Quote from: camaroballa22 on June 18, 2010, 10:28:28 PM
now i feel gutted!!!!!!!!!
did you PHYSICALLY see the box sets on display?? Cus i didn't see any.
Time to get in the amrep line.

I saw the box on the table maybe 5 mins after they let people upstairs. I didn't even ask about it because I knew I wasn't going to throw down. Maybe they only had a few?
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: webster hall nyc 6/18
June 18, 2010, 10:23:01 PM
Quote from: camaroballa22 on June 18, 2010, 10:12:48 PM
Still HAD BOX SETS??????
THAT STUPID LADY told me they were SOLD OUT! Plus i didnt see ANYONE with them and it WASN'T on display.

I got there early, I think the girl you saw (totimoshi's bassist) wasn't at the table until halfway through Melvins set. I passed on the box, but now I wish I hadn't. They are probably setting some aside for each show...
Melvins Show Reviews / webster hall nyc 6/18
June 18, 2010, 10:06:54 PM
Back early since I didn't stay for was amazing, as always, but I have to admit I was a tiny bit bummed that Isis was the headliner. The shorter setlist is still amazing, but was shitty to not get to hear everything they rehearsed for this tour...especially Bacon Industry.

Still, the band was as tight as I've ever seen them...AMAZON and Hung Bunny/RBD were the highlights...but they def. shortened Hung Bunny so the set would fit the schedule...which was about 75 mins.

Tshirts were same except they are only down to M on the octopus. Still have box sets. No poster which was odd since we saw the image for these 2 NY shows. I normally would go both nights, but I'm skipping tomorrow. Isis has been great the times I've seen them, but I'm not paying to see a short set 2 nights in a row.

I can't really complain, but I do feel like it should have been made clear Isis was going to headline. I didn't know until I saw the marquee...
Quote from: VaticanShotglass on June 15, 2010, 04:07:14 PM
With the Cracker Barrel you get predictability on the road. 

true. like it or not, it sure beats McDonalds. It's always better if you have the time to go off the highway and search out a local place, but how often do you have that luxury when on a trip?

and I second the "start with breakfast" advice, they gots some yummy breakfast...served 24 hours!
Melvins Show Reviews / Re: Athens Georgia!
June 10, 2010, 08:43:34 PM
I'm crossing my fingers for "We Ate Sand" but I doubt I'll be rewarded when they get to NYC.

still, any Karp is good Karp. still surprised they're playing any.
Melvins Discussion / Re: melvins/cigarettes
May 13, 2010, 10:32:45 PM
Jared smokes.
Melvins Discussion / Re: the Melvins in Israel
May 09, 2010, 09:18:48 PM
Quote from: Jared Preston Esquire on May 09, 2010, 01:04:04 PM
It would be cool to see the Melvins play live in front of the Wailing Wall or in front of the Dome of the Rock similar to Pink Floyd when they did the Live at Pompeii thing.

would be cool, but impossible. Pompeii looks amazing, but isn't nearly as loaded a place as the old city. halfway through the intro feedback to Hung Bunny you'd see Buzz go bye-bye.

I lived in Jerusalem for almost a year, and saw a robot blow up a tiny suspicious package in front of the Wall. the Melvins might attract a little more attention than that.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Best Melvins album as of 2009
February 10, 2010, 11:22:18 PM
had to go with the Maggot as well, but Bullhead and HAT were dam close.

this is fun to see, but I really could never pick a favorite...I could easily pick the worst...
Melvins Show Reviews / 9/11/09 New York City
September 11, 2009, 12:46:18 AM
well, even though I missed the show, I ran up there right when I got out of work to try and nab the shirts. while waiting for security to help me out, I spotted Buzz down the block a ways...he couldn't have been nicer considering he had just finished the set and had to load up the van. I know many have said it before, but Buzz is really polite and kind - I don't know how I'd be in the same situation.

anyway, glad to have grabbed the shirts...hoping to hear how the show was for the folks who saw it.

I could have checked out Down after security let me in, but decided to head for zee hils. the dude at the merch counter didn't seem to pleased to be selling anything other than the several dozen (it seemed) Down shirts available.

there was no other melvins stuff other than the two eagle shirts.
this sounded exactly like I thought it would...I'm worried the whole album will be like this.

hopefully some people were able to make decent tracks...this one just sounds like a "patchwork pinchloaf" to borrow a phrase from someone else.

much rather hear eggnog itself, though I'm still holding out hope for other remixer's work.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins and Down to tour
June 19, 2009, 10:01:40 PM
in my case, at least, there was no need for such an elaborate scheme for me to admit I don't want to give Phil Anselmo my money...I would have volunteered that information without pause.

I'd rather pay double for a standard melvins show and let those guys get my hard earned dough...I don't want to give a penny to anyone who has said some of the shit anselmos has said over the years.

now, why there's some hardcore melvins fans getting bent about some others not being pumped about this is mindboggling...I think people like Buzz and Dale find it funnier when we lick their ass no matter what they do...and probably appreciate when there's some critical thinking going on.

my reason for not being excited about this is simple...and when I can give the melvins my money direct, as I have since 1993, I will do so. Sorry to upset the apple cart, but I didn't know that being a fan entailed blindly following everything someone does.

(this is sort of in response to Hanzy's biting post several pages back, but I guess if I got to hang backstage I'd lick ass too...god knows there will be more than pizza backstage if Down is headlining!)
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins and Down to tour
June 16, 2009, 10:01:02 PM
just thinking about how shitty the posters will be (if there are any) when the billing on them either equates the two bands or is topped with down.

I only saw the melvins open once for a "bigger" band...wasn't a good scene. I'll pass on this and wait until the next swing through NY...which won't be too long a wait, I'm sure.

one good thing about this tour is that it will be a chance for people in a bunch of cities to see them who normally don't. I'd imagine there will be many, many dates.

if it's a cash grab, good for them...if it's not, maybe then this can still be stopped?
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins and Down to tour
June 15, 2009, 10:18:57 PM
why does anyone feel the need to push their fratpig metal band on others? I'm not giving Down a chance, because I've already heard the music. I hate anselmo's singing and I'm not into their type of shit.

who care's if Melvins fans don't want to see you're crappo band? go circle jerk with your 16K fans on your board while we wallow in our "ignorance," K?

but one thing you said struck me as odd...the bit about the Melvins struggling to play while Down is an arena band. the odd part is Melvins have never had to struggle to play. they've never fucking stopped playing. never missed gigs or broke up bands like a certain junkie singer with a deep voice.

can't wait to not hear anselmo's latest rap about fucking shit up with his heavy music. even the worst melvins tracks are heavier than anything anselmo ever dreamed of.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins and Down to tour
June 15, 2009, 12:34:53 AM
the crowds at melvins shows...their headlining tour shows...have a fair share off assholes in them. this tour is sure to have the king's bounty of them.

I'll only go if the Melvins are headlining, because there will be plenty of room to rawk after the Down fans leave.

But speaking realistically, I don't see dealing with heavy metal meathead goons as my idea of a fun night. I put up with Tool's audiences a handfull of times (but I like Tool). Anselmo's king douche of that whole gang of idiots who go to see him wail.

this blows.
great interview...really great...

I agree about not understanding why people love HB so much...but hearing him slow the riff down made me go nuts.

without a doubt the best Buzz interview I've ever seen. I wish there was more clips!