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Messages - m3kcomp

Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins and Down to tour
June 04, 2009, 01:14:29 AM
never happen.

if it does, it won't happen for me...well, the Down part anyway.

I'd rather see them tour with, well, anyone else...anselmo's a douche.
hey Hanz, did you record the entire show? kind of hoping for audio from this night...
Quote from: I am the Sun on May 24, 2009, 04:17:54 PM
I'd like to see a tour that incorporates all of the most recent incarnations of the Melvins, plus a few side projects for opening acts. It would be a Melvins variety show, of sorts.

Just picture it:

Men of Porn followed by
that Moss/Crover/Willis/Kasai noise thing  they did on the last tour then
Melvins 83
Melvins Duo
Big Business
Melvins/Big Business
Melvins Trio playing selections from Houdini, Lysol, and Eggnog

It's not going to happen, but I can dream

I can picture this pretty easily...since most of it (sans eggnog) happened within a year or so for a lot of people...
this is the most fucked up thread I've read on any board, anywhere...


I want the last half hour back.
I think some people can have the end outweigh the past. It appears all ended badly with most of the people in/around why look back like the bad shit didn't happen? I know many people including myself who look at some past relationships, where many good times were had, and have nothing positive to say about those people.

I also think that some folks have no sympathy for people who destroy themselves. I think of a guy like Buzz as someone who won't shed many tears for people who make bad decisions...but who the fuck knows.

I personally never gave a fuck about any Nirvana connection. it actually prevented me from liking them until about 10 years ago. I had seen them a few times before that, first time in 93,  and didn't pay much attention because of all the cobain quotes.
26 songs is a must as well...

get cracking man! you'll be glad you did. really, really, really glad.

only things i haven't heard are the Jelvins releases...kind of weirds me out.
my mind switches back and forth. right now I'm focussed on the three piece. specifically how those shows with Kevin used to feel.

when I heard BB wasn't on this tour I was a little bummed at first. when Dunn took the stage, I couldn't be more thrilled that they weren't there.

I've enjoyed the BB shows and the albums (a little less-so), but getting to see Dale play how he always used to...instead of teaching a drumming master course...was nice.

and it def. felt harder, darker...better than it has with BB.

it could also be a question of the material they have been playing. Boris still was amazing with perhaps if they choose some Maggot material on the next tour we'll see more devil horns.
I think King Fucko got his name for a reason.

it was a joke about being Lukin dude...did you see Lukin proceed to take over the drums and kill it the rest of the night just like Dale Crover would?

(also pretty cool how Lukin decided to dye his hair blonde for the night, huh?)
I ended up buying the Adam Jones poster last night after seeing it in person. I originally was bummed about it, but I'm glad I got it. Bummer was being the first stop and not having a shot at the other posters yet.
totally didn't realize it was "spread eagle beagle" in spite of enjoying houdini more than most seem to here...adding insult to injury is having that pointed out by someone who was 2 years old when I last saw them play a lot of those songs. oofa.

it's funny because I was close to the back, and it felt like most of the people around me fell into two distinct camps...the diehards and those who didn't appear to know what they were watching.

what I feared most came true at work today...I could barely turn my head without reeling from the pain.
Quote from: Andy on May 16, 2009, 04:27:30 AM
Sounds great! Can anyone remember which songs were played as a two piece?

a handfull of the songs from NWB...can't remember which ones.

where is everybody? I was there and I want to hear what other people thought, too!
I hope someone posts a setlist as I was there but don't remember the order even close to what it was.

Joan of Arc was the highlight for me, though it didn't pack the punch of most of the other stuff played...even most of 1983.

Dale did a crazy, for what seemed like almost 10 minutes, drum "solo" deal with (I think) Dillard and and Dunn flanking him on either side drumming along with him. There was some mindblowing portions of it that reminded me (not that it was needed) how amazing Crover still is...and how unique a drummer he will always be. What could have felt like a drum circle ended up being one of the most powerfull moments of the night. also, felt like Crover's vocals were really on point tonight.

was a great show...I agree about the feeling of the three piece, especially since I haven't seen them as a trio since Kevin. (missed the handfull of shows before BB and the few since) Those shows with Kevin are some of my best melvins memories...and how good that band was during the HAT tour.

while melvins83 was playing...I kept thinking how interesting it would have been if Lorax or Deutrom had been brought on for these shows. Dunn is great, so no complaints here at all - far from it, but seeing the 83 lineup made me think how great a show would be if everyone could bury the hatchet and do a "stop making sense" style evening with the Melvins working through their catalog with different bassists.

wishfull thinking.


total side note: not sure if anyone else here saw him, but Gibby Haynes was there to see the show. Thought it was kind of funny as things didn't go too well for him the last time I know he was at webster hall. was cool to see him there supporting the melvins.
you're all nuts...Duty Now is their best record...way better than any of their others. after that, go for Hardcore I & II. (Red Eye Express, mofos!)

to bring this back to the thread, am I the only one sometimes put off a bit by the Third Reich refs? The poster with the eagle emblem looks great, but very hard to make a clean break imo...same with all the past use of the iconography in melvins releases...oddly, the only one time it didn't give me the creeps was with the Trilogy makes sense there for some reason.

Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins turn 25!
March 17, 2009, 10:56:55 PM
Quote from: erin on March 17, 2009, 09:15:25 PM
anybody want to share a room with me? in a totally non-platonic way?

I'd be down for non-platonic...but I don't think that's what you meant.

at least your bf hopes.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins turn 25!
March 07, 2009, 09:23:26 AM
Erin's right..false alarm on my part last night as the TM website was having problems. at first it said there were none available, then later it just said that no tickets were being sold because of a problem with the site.

got mine this morning.