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Messages - m3kcomp

Melvins Show Reviews / Bowery Ballroom, NYC - 8/14
August 15, 2008, 06:57:52 PM
so did anyone else actually go to this? I decided to stop lurking to start this thread since I thought it was by far the better of the two NYC shows...Brooklyn was cool, but this was much, much more enjoyable for me...

The asshole contingent was still in full force...some little drunk dipshit was screaming Dale and Buzzo's names every five seconds in my ear...and thowing his beer on people below (yes, I was a rail hugger on the mez.)...and another hipster was spitting beer down on the people below...

also thought there'd be less of a cluster-eff of a pit than Brooklyn, but was wrong on that count as well...

one happy side effect from the assholes attending was actually getting to hear Buzz address the crowd for the first time out of the 12 times I've seen them...I was thrilled to finally hear him speak during a set...

great show...glad I went both nights, in spite of the same setlist. Boris was the highlight both nights...though the entire show was amazing...

again, anyone else have anything interesting to report from last night?