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Messages - Eye in Triangle

Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins Box Set Giveaway
October 15, 2008, 05:26:36 PM
Quote from: dead mike on October 15, 2008, 04:58:08 PM
it would have been nice if they had provided some sort of criteria on which their selection will be based.
also, i had to re-type mine in from scratch about six times because the fucking page kept automatically reloading.

It said, "we'll pick the one we like the most," so it had to be something that people would like to read.
Quote from: bathroom creep on October 15, 2008, 06:14:31 AM
Quote from: Eye in Triangle on October 14, 2008, 05:59:59 PM
Hope someone has one of that blue Big Business one, I'd like a proper look at that. I had to choose between that and the devil head, and the devil head won out. Damn my pauperish lifestyle.

Could it be this one?  That's the one I thought of when I read your review.  It's a beauty.

Yeah that's the one man. Beautiful.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins Box Set Giveaway
October 15, 2008, 07:33:24 AM
Quote from: cara on October 14, 2008, 09:47:16 PM
the winner will be announced tomorrow. I'm rooting for someone from our team. Preferrably me :P

Or me. Damn I'd love that box set.
I must say, I find people pissing their pants over Buzz walking by a lot less weird than people who would piss from excitement if they came within 100 feet of Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton .
Quote from: blewis on October 14, 2008, 06:29:20 PM
I still want that devil shirt.


You should get some money and goodies in the mail to someone going to the ATP Festival, I guess they might have them there. I might do the same to get this Big Business shirt, if there's anyone willing / trustworthy.
Hope someone has one of that blue Big Business one, I'd like a proper look at that. I had to choose between that and the devil head, and the devil head won out. Damn my pauperish lifestyle.
Quote from: glen on October 14, 2008, 02:43:18 PM
Quote from: Eye in Triangle on October 14, 2008, 01:56:29 PM
Why do people mention they're from the

newsflash:   walsby is a member here as well.   my name is pretty simple.  perhaps he would recognize it.  and he did.

plus I feel really cool like maybe I am a bigger fan than the losers in line outside the joint who said "I hope the melvins play music tonight and not just noise.  I was at this show once and they played feedback for like an hour straight.  dude.. it was crazy!"   8-[

I didn't know Walsby was a member here, still, don't know if I'd mention it.. It still pangs a bit to me of introducing yourself as of a more tuned-in fan than everyone else in the queue, and maybe that wasn't your specific intention, but can you see how it might come across? I dunno, whatever, that's how I might take it after a tours-worth of hearing it.
Jared eats pizza? Dale picks his nose? I eat pizza and pick my nose! Holy fuck!

Oh MAN I'd love to know what kind of pizza Jared likes. But seriously.. I guess the only creepy freak / freaky creep criterion I satisfy is that I come on here. I was pretty pumped for the show I went to, wanted to talk about it.. Seemed like kind of a logical thing to do. I don't have the money or inclination to be an Official Obsessive and Picky Collector of Melvins Merchandise, although I do appreciate the chance to buy a nice band t-shirt and poster when I get the chance. I rarely drink at shows because I hate missing songs to take a piss..... I think I'm clean. I was worried I'd have to check into some kind of clinic and get a swab put in the end of my pee-pee.

I can understand Walsby's frustration with some folks to be honest. I've witnessed the guys he talks about, and selling merchandise is a stressful and hectic job. I'd be pissed off with a month and a half's worth of shit from drunks and nerds too. Why do people mention they're from the It doesn't make you any more of a fan than anyone else.. I guess I'm a partial nerd, because meeting any of the Melvins would be kind of a thrill for me, but I love their music, I have a lot of respect for them. They're cool guys with awesome, inspiring talent.

I think it's all about just doing your thing without bothering anyone.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Gibson interviews Buzz
October 13, 2008, 04:05:53 PM
Quote from: OLD FART LIPS on October 13, 2008, 03:13:50 PM
funny that this year he starts using a custom built aluminum guitar instead of the les pauls.

It's set up exactly like a Les Paul though yes? That's the custom element?
Quote from: glen on October 13, 2008, 12:28:30 PM
Quote from: Gruff on October 07, 2008, 02:31:06 PM
You could see what he had for his lunch, if you know what I mean :oops:


like as in it was all down the front of him?
lets hope so becuase the only other options I can fathom are bad bad places.

Oh, God, mustard stains! That would totally put me off the music.
I enjoyed that interview, and I don't know anything about baseball other than the fact that it involves a bat, a ball, and uniforms that look like pyjamas.
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: Colossus of Destiny
October 09, 2008, 10:01:00 PM
Quote from: anaconda on October 09, 2008, 09:08:37 PM
i'm not the authority but COD's got a bad history with me.

Why's that man? Not to your tastes?

... Get your penis stuck in the middle of it? Because that happens to everyone sooner or later. I got my junk caught in a Phil Colins casette back in the day. The ridges, oh, the ridges! To think I'd waited for that moment, for all my life.
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: Colossus of Destiny
October 09, 2008, 09:07:00 PM
Quote from: anaconda on October 09, 2008, 07:14:33 PM
you could say that. yes.

I'd find that so weird, to be playing and having someone else mess around with all the noise I'm making live. I'll have to pick it up - my Melvins collection is criminally lacking copies of both The Bootlicker and Colossus of Destiny.
Mine's nothing as special as what some of you guys have had, but I did talk a bit to Dale and Jared at a show one time. It was pretty cool. I'd love to get a photo with one of them sometime.
Melvins Album Discussion / Re: Colossus of Destiny
October 09, 2008, 03:30:27 PM
Quote from: anaconda on October 09, 2008, 09:19:23 AM
dale, kevin and buzz improvised noise while adam jones manipulated them live thru a virus synth mixer/module

Cool, so he kind of had control of all the noise that was generated?