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Messages - acid policy

what was the deal with the high end cutting in and out?
Melvins Discussion / Re: Buzz interview - The Phoenix
October 03, 2012, 01:56:00 PM
"interviewer: Don't listen to me. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Buzz: Nobody does."

great interview. the live footage sounds great, too.
Quote from: black stallion on June 09, 2012, 04:49:58 AM
Quote from: acid policy on June 08, 2012, 08:57:49 PM
it sounds like a different band

you mean than the previous stuff recorded with Big Biz?if so i agree with you

not really. the 1940s drumset, the standup bass, and what i think are different guitar tones all make a new sound for the melvins. the vocals, guitar and drums are recognizably buzz and dale of course but it seems more like a new band than a melvins album. its melvins LITE
this album is awesome. it sounds like a different band. the highlights for me are tracks 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
Quote from: Jackie Treehorn on June 02, 2012, 11:33:10 AM
Freak Puke is more to the true form of Melvins weirdness and jamming than what they have done in recent years. This is not in anyway denigrating their releases with Coady and Jared I like them too. But being a long time fan, Freak Puke is more of what I am used to coming from them.

The only thing I would like to see coming from the dual drumming of Dale and Coady is more independent drumwork rather than both doing the same thing. If you are just going to do the same thing always, then whats the point of having two drummers?  Play around with right channel and left channel sweeps to really mess around with headphone users or listening on stereos and mp3 players.  There is just so much you can do with two drummers than playing in sync the same things.

from what i've seen at the live shows i got the impression coady and dale don't play the same thing for a great majority of the material they wrote together. for pre-big melvins songs they play the same as each other more, but i like the way they do that with some new things here and there. they mess with the stereo, too. for example in the drum duel at the beginning of we are doomed you can hear one drummer on one side and the other on the other side.
Quote from: black stallion on May 27, 2012, 06:03:36 AM

"disposable dessert sessions track" read "i dont know what i'm talking about"
Quote from: MrLuck87 on May 11, 2012, 07:48:13 PM
Also, can anyone confirm that the cd actually sounds better than the 320kbps mp3s?  The gaps make me wonder if they just burned the mp3s to a cd.

no way, the cd sounds alot better. it's too bad that most people will be listening to the mp3s.

ask scion for a cd, they send them out free.

southern lord is sending them out with dopesmoker cds, too.
1 ticket to nyc show apr 29

cant get out of work

face value, $30

Melvins with Neurosis' Scott Kelly: Melvins Dark
Melvins with Tweak Bird's Caleb: Melvins Brown Ale
Melvins with Kevin Rutmanis: Melvins Stout
Melvins with Matt Lukin: Melvins Porter
Melvins Discussion / Re: Covers I'd like to hear...
March 21, 2012, 10:53:34 PM
neurosis - a sun that never sets

maybe buzz singing at first then jared for the screaming
the bit, bloated pope, night goat, lovely butterfly, mombius hibachi, amazon, billy fish, you've never been right, blood witch, revolve, berthas, the fool the meddling idiot, suicide in progress, the bloat, civilized worm, dog island, skin horse, evil new war god, rat faced granny, national hamster, blood witch, safety third, it's shoved, honey bucket, queen, water glass, war on wisdom, boris (from sugar daddy), pigs of the roman empire, we are doomed, friends before larry
Melvins Discussion / Re: new Melvins song
March 08, 2012, 11:21:58 AM
cant pick one. this album slices the planet in half.