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Messages - cleveland rewind

this venue is amazing. the extra tickets means this thing could get packed

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Quote from: sadcorps on October 21, 2012, 12:27:16 PM
I will be a merch buying mofo at the New Years show. Not for flipping on eBay but to trade with people for Melvins vinyl I do not have.
I will be doing the same thing.
Quote from: jonE5 on October 21, 2012, 11:45:46 AM
Quote from: jules on October 19, 2012, 03:18:29 PM
Quote from: Melvivs_Fan on October 19, 2012, 03:15:20 PM
Quote from: jules on October 19, 2012, 03:08:52 PM
I think as of right now, merch is pretty thin on the ground. Have a look at the individual show reviews; I seem to remember everyone waiting for a top-up at the moment. I'm sure it'll come, at least with some fresh shirts and maybe some more letterpress CDs.

Thanks!  I'll be sure to report what I see next week.
There are a couple of Boardies attending the Austin show tonight. They've been tasked with supplying a full merch report  :D

I just read on the AmRep forum that the only vinyl was FP but they did have COD and Electroretard Letterpress CD's...  they were signed and numbered edition of 10
thanks jones
Quote from: jules on October 19, 2012, 03:18:29 PM
Quote from: Melvivs_Fan on October 19, 2012, 03:15:20 PM
Quote from: jules on October 19, 2012, 03:08:52 PM
I think as of right now, merch is pretty thin on the ground. Have a look at the individual show reviews; I seem to remember everyone waiting for a top-up at the moment. I'm sure it'll come, at least with some fresh shirts and maybe some more letterpress CDs.

Thanks!  I'll be sure to report what I see next week.
There are a couple of Boardies attending the Austin show tonight. They've been tasked with supplying a full merch report  :D
thannks jules
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins craziest album?
October 21, 2012, 11:12:15 AM
i want to say COD or prick but those both from what i feel were attempting to be crazy fucked up albums. prick i thought was a way to fuck with atlantic to get them to put out a noise records but they wouldnt so amrep put it out because its still amazing. COD live record of a noise set, pretty straight forward, you know you arent getting a music record in COD. just my 2 cents.

Honky (high five black stallion)
Quote from: Idlehanz on October 20, 2012, 09:03:19 AM
Number's 7 and 8 will be released around New Years.  Five live songs from Mudhoney on one and an unreleased track from Fucked Up on the other.
Thank you! So I assume that means that they will be at the NYE show.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins 2013 Euro Plans
October 19, 2012, 03:20:00 PM
Quote from: black stallion on October 19, 2012, 07:35:43 AM
i just realized my pants are wet
thats not how you pitch a tent
i have a feeling the CA show will have a nice stock. well im hopping. they live in LA and mackies letterpress is in LA so i would assume that there could be some stuff. these are just my hopes and lately my dreams. i know im not the only one that dreams of melvins merch tables. last year on the melvins lite mini tour they said they had TBSM LPs for the shows and the night before i a dream i got both copies and a letterpress box set. then i woke up and was stoked all day but low and behold all that was there was sugar daddy CDs. amazing show none the less. blew my mind.
Quote from: pinkyslim on October 16, 2012, 06:59:50 PM
Quote from: cleveland rewind on October 16, 2012, 06:14:24 PM
i would suggest standing around in line and ask. it sounds like it helps and i have been with a buddy that did it too. i will be at the show. say whats up if you see me.

p.s. i may have an extra ticket the day of. it all matters if my date cant swing it.

tell your date you need an answer from him now. :D
he is pussy footing around
i would suggest standing around in line and ask. it sounds like it helps and i have been with a buddy that did it too. i will be at the show. say whats up if you see me.

p.s. i may have an extra ticket the day of. it all matters if my date cant swing it. 
thank you
Quote from: (the) flutter nuts on October 13, 2012, 06:14:52 PM
I have a Bulls and Bees  (pink/red haze) and (avocado/orange) smoosh for trade, i'm looking to swap for a red/orange haze B&B, just vinyl swap
ooooooo talk to me flutter nuts. you want the version i have on IG right? dude i will trade it for the avocado. but are we like swapping jackets too. and plus i got the show on the 24th so i still may be able to purchase you a fresh one because that bad girl went strait to the platter.

P.S. i t0o had like sand all over my vinyl.
Quote from: MrLuck87 on October 12, 2012, 06:46:20 PM
Quote from: cleveland rewind on October 11, 2012, 09:28:00 PMi was really high and wanted to play some new school oregon trail

Weed damaged a rare Melvins record.


no i was high and wanted to make a trade. weed always makes my records better