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Messages - VaticanShotglass

Much agreed.  Loved the old stuff.  I went in blind not knowing what set to expect and it was brutal.  Loved the Lysol and Eggnog stuff.  Priceless.  I just wish I wasn't so exhausted when I got there.  Being a grown up sucks.  Oddly enough I popped out of bed ready to work early this morning so, that is good. 
The Cincinnati poster was a huge let down.
I had fun, but I'm tired.  The Lysol and Eggnog stuff was the highlight for me.  Lots of technical malfunctions.  Buzz's amp crapped out mid song, but Jarred had a gold star moment where he vocalized the guitar part while continuing to play bass.  That was great.

Had several old man moments when watching the kids mosh.  Fucking moshing.  One asshat decided to stage dive where only a few of us were standing.  We all stepped to the side, but I still caught impact, mostly deflected.  I think he face planted.  He was too fucked up to notice me flip him off.  Lots of spilled beer.

Good times.
Lots of good points folks. 

Back to the discussion of taste, I've been listening to Freak Puke a lot lately and I really like the final product soundwise.  The Bass sounds fantastic, drums too.  I initially didn't like the guitar sound, but I do now.  I think it suits the overall package.  Lots of good sound choices on that album. 
Quote from: Leroy on April 11, 2013, 08:45:35 AM
Dunno why nobody mentioned this, but I thought the production on A Senile Animal, Nude With Boots, Bride Screamed Murder, and Freak Puke was damn good.  Think about it.  It doesn't give you a headache.  Everything is mixed pretty well.  You can hear the bass just fine.  The drums, although there are 2 drummers for ASA, NWB, and TBSM, are NOT too over-powering, and the guitars and vocal harmonies are all mixed well.    In my opinion, the production is great and is NOT over-compressed.  There are no loud-ness wars going on with these 4 albums...

Any thoughts?

I can't weigh in as I think a lot of their albums sound good, but perhaps not nice.  Without popping them in again I can't name many names.  I think Ozma sounds disappointing while The Maggot doesn't sound very hifi but the sound suits the music.  So maybe it is about being a good match.

But anyway I really don't like the sound of NWB.  To be fair It is my least favorite album since the Big Business merger (despite having some of my favorite songs somehow).  But I often make mix CDs  with tracks from various albums to proselytize the band to friends.  And when I do I usually throw in a few NWB tracks because I love some of those songs, but the production does sound waaaay too compressed and harsh.  Even when back to back with other new tracks from TBSM.
Any news on the Indianapolis show poster?  Trying to decide how much money to bring.
Melvins Discussion / Re: My cover of We Are Doomed
March 17, 2012, 08:23:56 PM
Since I've been in Grad School I never get to play anymore.  My skills are way down.  But these vids inspired me to pick these riffs right up.  Kudos.  Great job.

Actually, I'd like to encourage you to play more Melvins like this.  It is the easiest way for my selfish lazy way too busy ass to to learn songs.
I'm really loving B&B.  Fucking love it.  It strikes me as the sort of missing logical link between Pigs of the Roman Empire and A Senile Animal.  Pigs is one of my favorite albums, so I love this.

Also I think the tracks cohere nicely with each other.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Buzzo's guitars?
August 30, 2011, 03:29:12 PM
Long time no post...

Maybe we can make a list or something.

Les Pauls:

At least one Sunburst Les Paul Custom.  Dunno if they are the same guitar or not, but here are my fuzzy memories.

    -can bee seen in the 1983 Matt Alec video
    -can be seen in the House of Blues concert video from early 2000's or late 90's with Keven and DSS
    -did one of these once sport a Kiss sticker below the bridge?
    -I've never seen one played in person as he was using only the black ones by the HAT tour.

At least two Black Les Paul Customs.
    -seen all over the place
    -one has a zodiac symbol carved below the tail piece.


At least two shiny aluminum Electrical Guitar Co. instruments.
At least one transparent Lucite aluminum necked EG co. guitar.

At least one vintage Dan Electro/Silvertone guitar.  (the one that looks like a cooky strat shape)
    -seen in the Let it all Be video already posted
    -also seen (if the same one) in a room with other Buzz possessions in that video where Buzz tries to buy a house with street cred.

At least one Japanese 69 Mustang reissue (I think sonic blue, but don't know if that is a memory or an assumption)
    -Mentioned in an interview (perhaps gift from Cobain; cant remember).
    -I've never seen it.

At least one Telecaster
    -Mentioned in a few interviews; I think he mentioned it was used on parts of NWB.
    -I've never seen it.

At least one baby blue SG knock off (Ibanez?); I think it had a bolt on neck, but dunno for sure.
    -I've seen it in Chapel Hill for the 2004 Fantomas tour.

I know there is other stuff, but this is all I feel I can come close to describing.  Maybe you guys can clean this list up.
Quote from: vili501 on January 03, 2011, 12:56:26 AM
Quote from: MrLuck87 on January 02, 2011, 03:46:50 AM
I was thinking about where Buzz said all conspiracy theories are bullshit.  I know Courtney killing Kurt is a big one and there doesn't seem to be a doubt in Buzz's mind that Kurt offed himself. 

I have it on good authority that it was the Colombian hit squad at the end of Scarface that did Kurt in...

Melvins Discussion / Re: another guitar for Buzz?
September 09, 2010, 01:47:14 AM
I remember reading that he owned the mustang, tele, and a vintage silvertone.  You can see the silvertone here: Melvins - Let It All Be @ Launch and in the background of Buzz's place in that video where he tries to buy a house on street cred. 
Melvins Discussion / Re: Buzzo Interview on LA Music Blog
September 01, 2010, 09:58:41 PM
"I don't know, but I've been told."  is a common line in military cadences, if movies are to be believed.  You know, stuff like, "I don't know, but I've been told, your old lady's pussy smells like mold." 
"And I don
Cat's Cradle, Chapel Hill 2002
Cat's Cradle, Chapel Hill 2004
Orange Peel, Asheville 200? (it was on the ASA tour, the show that Walsby recounts in that Manchild issue.  I think I still have hearing damage from this)
Blue Cat's, Knoxville 2008?  (second ASA tour)
Double Door, Chicago 2009 (Houdini anniversary mini tour.  This was such a pro-fan show; they play many many songs from all over their catalog.)

I wish I could have caught the BSM tour, but the money wasn't there at the right time. 
I also saw Fantomas in Chapel Hill in 2005.  This thread makes me miss NC.
Melvins Discussion / Re: new Honey Bucket version?
August 29, 2010, 03:06:34 PM
Quote from: erin on August 19, 2010, 06:38:26 PM
Quote from: VaticanShotglass on August 15, 2010, 12:18:19 AM
Yeah, that's what I thought, but some bands will play songs in "cheater tunings" live.  I know they used to tune the one string way down to A on the fly for Boris, etc.  Drop C seems like an inconvenience in the middle of the set.  I once saw buzz swap guitars in a set long ago (presumably for a new tuning), but I doubt he did that here if he only has the one aluminum guitar.  I only ask, because I'm such a lazy bitch when it comes to tuning.  
It's a pain but you don't have to put the whole guitar into that tuning. Only the strings you need to use in the song  :D A professional like Buzz can probably drop tune really quickly, I've only been playing about 7 or 8 years and can go from standard to C in the span of less than a minute, sans tuner.
Also I know for a fact he has more than one aluminum guitar.  :D

Yeah, I think you are right.  Ugh, I'm just exceptionally lazy about tuning for some reason.  I think its mental rather than practical.