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Messages - jack5990

Melvins Album Discussion / Re: Tres Cabrones
June 07, 2015, 10:18:43 PM
I felt the album was very listenable and it threw a couple of spanners in the works to the original sound. I remember listening to the "Dr Mule" Single and wondering if this was really buzz singing, it felt quite surreal. Additionally it changed up the formulas for regular Melvins song structuring. For instance I feel you could group "The Onions Make The Milk Taste Bad"  and "The Bloated Pope" in the same category for structuring, as they both have an eerily similar groove/ feel. Songs like "Dogs and Cattleprods" and "I Told You I Was Crazy" feel different to anything they've ever done before (I'd love too see them done live too). 
Just my opinion but, I don't feel as if this album is lesser just because of Dillard's drumming ability...Buzz and Dale still deliver the goods.
I too would appreciate a subtitle option for the DVD/BluRay release. Just makes it easier sometimes.
Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins in Gearphoria Vol 3
February 18, 2015, 09:07:51 AM
DC. in an interview he did with premier guitar a while ago he claimed to have changed to the OBD-3 around the early 2000's.
The Compressor could be used for increased ridiculous sustain, especially with feed back stuff (ie Roman Bird Dog).
They've been using delays for ages, prior to the Aqua Puss he used Boss delays like the DD7 or DD4, they use delays for things like POTRE live.

Melvins Discussion / Re: Melvins in Gearphoria Vol 3
February 17, 2015, 02:40:42 AM
thanks, there's a pretty good image of his sunn unit for anyone wondering how he sets up his amps
Melvins Discussion / Melvins in Gearphoria Vol 3
February 17, 2015, 01:50:31 AM
I don't know how many of you have seen this. But it gives insight into the gear change in 2014.
Sesame Street Meat live? Now that sounds like fun! If anyone comes across a video of the performance or is kind enough to upload a recording of it, could you let us know thanks! It's a bit harder to get content like this in Australia, not all of us have the fortune of accessing NBC. Thanks in advance. :D
Melvins Lyrics & Tabs / Re: 2014 - Hold It In
October 28, 2014, 12:25:03 AM
Track 07 - Sesame Street Meat

Watch it boy with the large tin mouth
And they're rolling, as it's going south
They're turning green
They left the oven open
Now it's all up to me

Follow into an exit grave
Cos' I got another life to save
I walk in circles
I scream and doubt
But I won't believe, Ah!

You think I was a pain to mind?
And I'd like to see it from behind
I paint it green
I turn the other over
I won't breathe and I will no law

I could wait for the paint to dry
So I told him how to get me high
I made them leave
I open train, but I cannot sell the lie

Several days I was left alone
But I won't cos' I will not hold
I walk in circles
I scream and doubt
Was confused, but never in light

Sometimes words that I cannot read
Any loose live , they can believe
I look at him, I hold at me
I won't conform , and I will not speak

Interpreted by K.Mackie
Melvins Lyrics & Tabs / 2014 - Hold It In
October 27, 2014, 10:38:36 PM
Track 01 - Bride Of Crankenstein

What was that shit you sold me?
We both know, you should have told me
Got me spinning round the wrong way
It's gonna be a long day

Spinning round the wrong way
Spinning round the wrong way

Don't think I'm coming down soon
Can't tell if that's a full moon
Wanna know my opinion?
I don't respect the thoughts of minions
I got a thought, it's in this light bulb
It's burning bright, the bitch is over though
Got me spinning round the wrong way
It's gonna be a long day

Spinning round the wrong way
Spinning round the wrong way

(Solo section)

Spinning round the wrong way
Spinning round the wrong way

Interpreted by K.Mackie

Melvins Discussion / Re: Best Melvins Pic Ever
October 27, 2014, 10:16:23 PM
... Actually my mistake. They've been using the Distortion + and the Way Huge Aqua Puss since last year.
Here's an image from their show from 9:30 Club :

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Melvins Discussion / Re: Best Melvins Pic Ever
October 27, 2014, 09:58:06 PM
As of last years 30th Anniversary tour he's been starting to use the Aqua Puss... I remember seeing a photo of it, but I can't find it right now. As far as I know, this is the first time i've seen him use the Distortion +
Melvins Discussion / Re: Best Melvins Pic Ever
October 27, 2014, 09:42:50 PM
From what I can tell, the pedals are:
Boss OBD-3
Boss TU-3
MXR Dyna Comp
MXR Distortion +
Way Huge Aqua Puss

I'd interested to know what else was in his rack, besides the SUNN Beta Leads.
Yeah, no problem at all. Always interesting to see what other people think was said, as until he starts reprinting lyrics we'll never truly know.
Melvins Discussion / Re: King Buzzo on KEXP 22 June
July 22, 2014, 05:52:38 AM
Full video performance with muck ups and everything available right here:
the G and D part forms a Bar chord together,
where as the C and G part forms it's own separate bar chord in the same way traditional Drop C does

If you try and play all three strings together like traditional Drop C, (CGC alltogether) you will get a dissonant chord. So it's recommended to keep the two chords separate (unless you like dissonance).

If you need more info on the Tuning Soundgarden also uses CGDfad for the song "Mailman".

also this tuning allow for the slides (9 volt Battery) in Charmicarmicat live to sound like a power chord, thus a more pleasant sound.
Here's a setlist for Proof of the CG tuning.

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