05/05/2003 Seattle, WA Showbox

Started by Grim Reaper, July 17, 2003, 10:14:52 AM

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Grim Reaper

Well, I've finally recovered from the Geek show. It was an awesome show. Melvins played a powerful set, never letting up.

I got off the Alaska Way viaduct at the Seneca St. exit, and when I got near the Showbox there was a line down around the corner. I thought "fuck this" and went to the Pike Place Brewery and proceeded to get shit housed. The show was sold out.

I had tickets at "will call" and no one searched me. Everyone in the place was smoking cloves.

At the merchandise table there were vinal copies of the Trilogy for $50.00 a pop. Some guy bought a copy and was bummed out when his buddy told him "Lysol" was not included.

The Melvins had some buttons and designer T-shirts made by Essential Monsters Grafic design company from LA. The buttons had a candy corn and an electronic device that looked like an inductor if I remember my electronics. The t-shirts had a robot on them. I didn't think they were worth buying.

The Melvins had a black silk screen on white T-shirt that looked like it would fade after the first time through the wash. The other Geek show t-shirts were descent. This stuff and c/d's from all the bands. 26 Songs was sold out.

Skeleton Key were pretty good. I figured if the Melvins put them on the Crybaby, they are all right with me. They had two drummers and one of them played a bunch of garbage cans, a keg, an empty oxygen bottle, fire extinguisher, tire rims and other bullshit. I think the sound was fucked up at first because I couldn't hear anything he was playing. Then later in the set I could make him out. He kept getting crazy and knocking his equipment over.

The bass played was wearing a red underware like you always see in Disney western movies. Maybe in respect for Les Claypool.

Only two people in the audiance were getting off to Skeleton Key until about the 4th or 5th song, then the moshing started. I stayed back at this point and went to the bar. I got two 16 oz. MGD's and only got charged $4. Bonus points for me.

During their set the guitar player thanked the Melvins. He said it was a "pleasure and a priveledge" to play with the Melvins and their new "side project". I thought this was great, kind of a dis on Patton.

I was hopeing to hear Spineless from the Crybaby and they came through. They closed their set with Spineless.

After watching that second drummer there may be hope for me yet, I know I can play the fire extinguisher.

need to finish this up before I forget..

I positioned myself in behind where I figured the bloodbath would take place, right side of stage. The lights go down and these two strobe lights start going off with a klaxon alarm. It was wicked, like a warning. Next thing you know Melvins are on stage.

They started out with The Fool, the Meddling Idiot from H.A.T. The Melvins were awesome. One of the hardest and tightest sets I've seen them play. Buzz and Kevin had brand new black mumu's on. Kevin's had a big red "F" on his and Buzz's had a red "U".
I cannot remember the set but here's what I remember:
The Fool the Meddling Idiot
Revolve/We all love Judy/Brain Center medley
Black Stooges
The Bit

Someone help me out if you taped it.

The crowd was going nuts. Next thing I know I get smashed in the head. My fucken head still hurts. At first I thought someone sucker punched me, I totally lost situational awareness. Then this asshole hits the floor and I realize he was crowd surfing. But his folly opens up a huge gap and I moved right up to the stage in front of Buzz. Only one big Samoan looking dude between me and the stage. From this view point I can see Dale drumming his ass off. He is not in his usual underware, but wearing a black nighty. Fuck , I wish I had a camera. The pressure from the crowd was intense, more violent than I can ever remember. I was drunk and did not give a shit, body odors, bad breath and all.

Then the Strobe lights and Klaxon again, and I knew it was another warning: that the end was near. Then the Melvins were gone again. I almost started to cry but I had to piss so bad I didn't have time.

While I was in the head, I hear the crowd going crazy. When I came out there is Mike Patton setting up his equipment, center stage. He has the gas mask from the Mit Gas Tomahawk cover. This he tests out. When the set starts he uses the Mit Gas mask as a sound effect. Kevin is doing his normal gyrations over to the left.

No one could possibly follow the Melvins, and I lost interset in Tomahawk and moved to the back. A lot of people were into Patton I guess. but some of the audiance started to leave. At the end of the show I went out side and and bought the manditory sausage with cream cheese from the middle eastern dudes. Then went to my truck to sleep a while. I woke up at 4:00 in the morning freezing my ass off and tried to start my truck. No luck. I have a breath interlock and it wasent until 6:00, afer a McDonald's breakfast, that I was able to start my truck and go home. My probation officer will probable revoke my differed, but it was well worth it to see the Melvins.

Here's a set list form the Ipecac Web site:

The Fool, the Meddling Idiot
At a Crawl
Night Goat
Black Stooges
Revolve/ We all Love Judy / Brain Center at Whipples
The Bloat
Mombius Hibatchi
The Bit

Not very much of We All Love Judy was played.


I posted that setlist on Ipecac and I forgot one song:  Let It All Be.  I think they played it right before Revolve.