MELVINS are godhead and Ill smash you if you say Otherwise

Started by MeddlingCrybaby, November 23, 2008, 08:57:09 PM

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They have gotten better with each album.  Don't disagree or I will smash you to pieces.  You may, however, agree with me.
Fester Rules You Drool


Every single Melvins album is the best cuz they want the best !


Melvins are decent i guess, Wolfmother is a lot better.


"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.

seas of luck

I just wonder why they are constantly ripping off Kiss.  Peter Criss would be ashamed of this Dale guy.


Eye in Triangle

All of the Melvins albums actually sync up precisely to the Wizard of Oz. Buzz came up with the whole dress thing so he could look more like the way his idol, Judy Garland, looked in the film.



I was just listening to godheadSilo, that's slightly more like it. My ears still hurt from Battle of the Planets, one of the few things I've ever heard that can resemble Charmicarmicat's brutality at times.


"I actually checked to make sure I wasn't posting balls."  (IDLEHANZ)

".PS: please,  allow me to reitterate...  dale crover = super human " (GLEN)

"If the world is going to end on Saturday I might as well hold in my shit and save a few bucks on Shit-Paper." (GRIM)

ANACONDA:   All-around genuine motherfucker.



Yesterday Moloko was on the radio (The Time is Now), and my colleague showed me the scene above on his iPhone and told me there was 'moloko' written all over the wall. This morning when I got here at the office, I told him I had to think of that scene from the milk bar again, and told him 'moloko' probably means 'milk' in some language, then he checked it and indeed, it means 'milk' in Russian.


actualy a lot of words in Clockwork Orange are inspired by or even exact Russian: the strange language in the book (and movie) is called nadsat
"They were playing guitars and getting loud and they spilled beer on Jesus" (Daniel Johnston)