Melvins in Australia!

Started by Mash, December 02, 2008, 04:28:11 PM

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Hey guys,
Fantomas are coming out with Serj Tankian in January, doing Director's Cut in its entirety, etc etc, which is exciting enough (cept the supporting Tankian part) ... but NOW I'm pissing-my-pants excited, cos the Ding Dong Lounge have said Melvins will be doing a show there when Fantomas comes out! WOWEE!
So yeah, does anyone have any inside info, some specifics of what Melvins we can expect? Will Big Business be down here with them? Will there be other Melvins shows around the country? I need to know these things!


awesome. cant wait!!!!!!!!!!
melvins and big business..fuck yeah!

dijk cheese

its been 5 years pretty much to the date since melvins last played in aus

which means its days of my 5th year anniversery of being posessed
i say i can't, but i really mean i won't.

Michael Jordan

I'm not getting excited until everything is confirmed but of course I'm there if it does go on!
Why say no to drugs when you can say yes?


Ok, so according to another board I frequent, looks like this Fantomas tour is with Dale on drums, so that prolly means the Melvins gig will be with Dunn on bass, yeah?


Quote from: Mash on December 02, 2008, 06:48:30 PM
Ok, so according to another board I frequent, looks like this Fantomas tour is with Dale on drums, so that prolly means the Melvins gig will be with Dunn on bass, yeah?
I'm pretty sure just Jared will still be on bass, for the melvins.

"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus


I'm hoping so, I want BB down under too!!!


Man I hope they do some Brisbane shows, but I'll go to Melbourne if I have to.


I'm hoping it works out that I can do a trip up to Syndey to see em as well.

Michael Jordan

Yep, I'm planning to go to Sydney and Melbourne and hopefully Brisbane. Again, just waiting for confirmation...
Why say no to drugs when you can say yes?

The Fool

I find it hard to believe Dale will be playing drums for Fantomas, but who knows.
I also heard a rumour Fantomas are playing the BDO but they aren't advertised on Ipecac, but the support shows are.

I figured since Fantomas was coming down, they only needed to bring Dale and they could play some shows with Trevor on bass as a three piece. Personally I doubt the BB boys will be coming for a handful of such small shows though- not sure they could even fit both drum kits onstage!

Anyway- got tix to Fantomas and should be at the Melb. Melvins show as well!  :D
take care,
The Fool


I'm not going to let myself get excited yet until i know it's actually going to happen and i have the tickets in my hands.


Damn, I'm heading for Australia in February...
"They were playing guitars and getting loud and they spilled beer on Jesus" (Daniel Johnston)

black stallion

Quote from: Mash on December 02, 2008, 06:48:30 PM
Ok, so according to another board I frequent, looks like this Fantomas tour is with Dale on drums,
double drums or Dale only?

(the) Razor

Melvins in Australia? This is too good to miss. Hold the phone, cancel work,  fuck the deadlines, I'm there.
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