Video Interview with Buzz and Dale

Started by brian, August 23, 2007, 02:13:25 PM

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Okay, I'm new, and on dial up, so it will be 3 days before I get to see the interview.  I'm currently psyched about the ATP fest in Monticello.  Can I sayit?  BOOTLICKER< BOOOTLICER< BOOTLICKER!  Hey guys, I used to plan on seeing ya'll in my hometown about every 2 years, now it's going on 3,  so     I'm travlin and payin big bucks to hear you play, so please play some of the ole bootlickin or maggot tracks up'ere in ole Montysello.

I last attended a  show in August of  '08 in New Orleans where I met Mr. Brian himself and bought manchild 3.  Am currently and eagerly awaiting my copy of the 4th.

cya in New York
Damnit!  I have to fly on 9/11

Most probably and unfortuneately your one and only fan in Hernando, Mississippi

Buick GN


fasten your seatbelt and enjoy your flight (we're out of life-jackets, sorry!)