what i like about melvins is...

Started by lifer, May 25, 2010, 09:48:42 PM

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the ether bunny

melvins don't give a fuck what people here think, and i'm sure no one else on this board does either in the long run. it's all for entertainment. speaking of entertainment, i'm surprised you're not bored silly of trolling this board, lemmy. i'm sure there's a motorhead board out there somewhere that is in desperate need of your little touch of insight.

he was a mongoloid.


Quote from: theeNOTORIOUS lemmyRamone on August 31, 2010, 02:26:06 AM
melvins don't give a FUCK what a bunch of sniveling trolls under the internet bridge have to say about anything

and neither do i

You`re hurting me, Lemmy!


"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.

dijk cheese

i say i can't, but i really mean i won't.


give him a little credit.   at least he had enough fall-in-line to black out the finger in question.
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.


Quote from: glen on September 01, 2010, 06:32:10 AM
give him a little credit.   at least he had enough fall-in-line to black out the finger in question.


Lemmy has started his quest for becoming a better human-being, but be careful, he can turn evil again when Jupiter aligns with Mars!


Their ability to evolve thruout the years in a way that doesn't piss you off... but makes you love them even more...The positive vibe they have even though they're fucken' heavy...The fact that they do what they like and don't give a rats ass about what any idiot has to say...They make me feel good. :D/


I like how you can never really pin them down and they always surprise you, they have a certain unpredictability that is seriously lacking in many other bands. I like how they are obviously very clearly in it for the music, they could have made a lot of money if they had really tried. I of course also like their music, Dale's drumming is a pretty unique thing and there isn't a drummer like him, maybe even my favourite drummer in terms of actual technical talent. The Melvins also seem to be the only band who have released a five star album in 3 seperate decades(Gluey Porch Treatments, Bullhead and Houdini, (A) Senile Animal).


Dumpster D

Quote from: Bronson on February 03, 2012, 02:36:19 AM
Quote from: lifer on May 25, 2010, 09:48:42 PM
:shock: :shock: :shock:
what lifer (lemmyRamone, previous) actually said before the censorshit contigen that ruins this board changed my words was...

what do you like about( the)MELVINS?

what i like about melvins is that they don't give a fuck what we think! 


I'll see you in hell. 


Quote from: Glens Bloody Vanilla Anus on May 01, 2012, 06:20:49 AM
you silly fucks need to be taught a lesson...

so now I'm a username.    :love:   I accept your love and adoration.
"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.


Quote from: glen on May 01, 2012, 07:28:51 AM
Quote from: Glens Bloody Vanilla Anus on May 01, 2012, 06:20:49 AM
you silly fucks need to be taught a lesson...

so now I'm a username.    :love:   I accept your love and adoration.
he's still jealous over the amount of dicks i have. get over it.
"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.


What in blazes is going on here?