Seattle: Crocodile and Hell's Kitchen tickets on sale now!

Started by rhett E rock, July 11, 2010, 08:17:51 PM

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rhett E rock

got mine today!  long story short i missed them at the showbox even though i had tickets.  this will BY FAR make up for it.  who's else is going???


"I actually checked to make sure I wasn't posting balls."  (IDLEHANZ)

".PS: please,  allow me to reitterate...  dale crover = super human " (GLEN)

"If the world is going to end on Saturday I might as well hold in my shit and save a few bucks on Shit-Paper." (GRIM)

ANACONDA:   All-around genuine motherfucker.


Quote from: rhett E rock on July 11, 2010, 08:17:51 PM
got mine today!  long story short i missed them at the showbox even though i had tickets.  this will BY FAR make up for it.  who's else is going???

Thanks for the heads up. I'll be heading down to Sonic Boom in the next day or so to get my ticket.  This is going to be all kinds of loud, the Croc is small (although I haven't been there since they remodeled).


I'll be at the Croc show. Just got my ticket yesterday
Have you ever only eaten what's alive?

grays harbor mafia

im pretty sure hells kitchen is smaller than the croc... so im gonna go its closer...and im goin to the capital theater show in oly as well\
"the ass is last"      oldfartlips
"im just here for the sex" DC


Fuck yeah!  Bellingham tickets purchased!  Get to see my favorite band AND sleep in my own bed!



Yeah, B'ham's great, though I'm not too hot on the Buff.  A bit too much of a jam band vibe, and their security really doesn't know how to handle a "metal" crowd.  They have learned to take down the paintings they don't want to have touched.  It's nice enough, but the really good venue in town is closed (their owner had problems with paying his taxes.)


Got my Croc ticket today at Sonic Boom in Cap Hill. Only $17 bucks cash.

dwr budr

Got my Croc ticket today at Sonic Boom in BALLARD. Only $17 bucks cash.

grays harbor mafia

someone needs to update the tour dates section on the home page.... its only about 2 years old
"the ass is last"      oldfartlips
"im just here for the sex" DC

the baron

Quote from: grays harbor mafia on August 17, 2010, 12:02:46 AM
someone needs to update the tour dates section on the home page.... its only about 2 years old

You can just change the year in the address bar to go to the newer dates.

rhett E rock

fuck, only going to the Croc show now.  Hell's Kitchen won't change the will-call from my ex-girlfriend's name to mine.  and i'm not going to buy another ticket.

oh and to answer yr question Smellis...i was waaaaaaaaaay too drunk.

grays harbor mafia

3 melvins shows in 4 days!!! it does NOT get any better than that... could go down as the best 4 days in HISTORY!!! ( at least in my world anyway)
"the ass is last"      oldfartlips
"im just here for the sex" DC