The Grohl story...

Started by Bro Hammer, March 28, 2014, 02:54:46 AM

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Buzz could certainly fo stand up if he wanted. He knows the art of timing. Brilliant!

dead mike

Quote from: Captain CoryCory on August 03, 2018, 02:45:47 PM
Quote from: ))))(((( on August 03, 2018, 09:06:35 AM
I've just been reading elsewhere about people's opinions (good and bad) about Grohl. It got me wondering what would have happened to Melvins if he had joined them as a second drummer (like Coady did) which Buzz suggested to him back when Nirvana ended. Would Melvins have got a hell of a lot bigger off the media attention and name or would their careers continued as they have done.

Maybe a bit more media attention but they wouldn't be getting Gold records from the RIAA or anything. I could see that lasting one or two albums even back then.
No Foo Fighters. Which is its own reward.
Can you all shut your damn cocks for one second? Music is the only thing that's real in this queef world of dildo ass chodes.

              - hemispheres

Dumpster D

I had to learn That Foo fighters song "Hero" or whatever...There's a few cool Drum lines in it...but the more I played it out on Drums the more and more I realized it's pretty much the Drum line from Night goat sped up a little with a few different accents and some variations and a non-offensive bass line... a bit understandably.

this may be something more subconsciously recognized once you try to play it, I wonder if they even knew it while they were writing it. I doubt any of the fans would notice.

Dale is a big inspiration to all drummers, I mean come on!

He does exactly what he needs to do, exactly when he needs to do it.

And he's even a great singer and guitar player first and foremost, He's Just such a cool guy.

Anyway Dave seems like a good guy too, he's doing his best for himself.

It's a bit silly to have an opinion on him as a person unless you know him. Foo fighters are pretty good...Those songs are definitely still stuck in my head from when I was a kid in the 90's. There's so much Kurt Cobain songwriting in there it's hard to know where the line is drawn between where Nirvana Stopped and Foo Fighters started sometimes. A lot of musical rudiments are general, especially when it comes to Catchy tunes.

When you're a Melvins freak it Just gets stuck *in* there somewhere and ultimately there's nothing wrong with Just means it's good music.

Dave was a big Melvins fan, he rates them very highly and I'm sure nothing would sway that opinion even despite the years of distance between them.

It's tit for tat IMO. I would have done the same thing ditching Dave, sorry man...It's hard to be left out by your friends...honestly, you gotta be reminded how it feels. You don't get over that shit so easy once the damage has been done. ESPECIALLY if you helped them out and they never return in kind and you're sort of left confused.

I've had similar experiences, and it fucks with your pride a little bit.

When I first heard night goat I was Just blown away as a kid..I showed it to my friend when we were first learning to play guitar and he didn't like it because he said it was too repetitious. I think he missed the point, to me it Just opened up a mean dark world of heavy fuckin' Rock and roll with that pounding intro, straight into the drop. What a simple little bass lick but it's so effective that way...I don't know where it came from but could it have de-evolved from 80's Thrash metal? I don't's a stand alone Riff, over and over...It's so hellish and cruel.

Speed it up and it would become a good hair-metal sort of thing with like those high pitched YEeaaaaaaaa-AAA-aaAAAAaaaoooww!!! screams in there for good measure...Take anything from Oven and speed it up a little bit and it's total Thrash metal, It's what they are NOT playing that makes it so out of whack. How they got it so tight is beyond me, no band I know can do something so mischievous.

Think of the Riff from boris and play it as if it was like a slayer guitar line at 90MPH and you'll be like WOAH! he's right!!! It chugs along like any general heavy metal does. The creative break through was in mutating it and going slow.  Another thing about how Buzz maybe Came up with the Open tuning in Boris may have stemmed from utter frustration during a song writing session where maybe his guitar wasn't holding tune and he got pissed off and Just Dropped the damn string down in utter disgust. Fuck you guitar!!! And it caught on, someone realized god damn now THAT is a sound!!!

I mean, His Les Paul was vintage when he bought it right? maybe it was right around when he first got it that it was giving him some problems, Guitars can be temperamental things when the are in the hands of a new owner...and the owner himself may be equally temperamental from time to time, especially doing the best they can with what they got.

Night goat...It's like the Melvins version of Louie Louie.

vince furnier

Welcome to my Nightmare!

Israeli billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery

Dumpster D

Captain CoryCory

Thinking back to that infamous video I do recall one thing I didn't notice anywhere in this thread.

Buzz stated at some of those acoustic shows that he had an "asshole story" and a "hero story" (The Iggy Pop story), a key part of the story that "calling out" video didn't catch at all.

Buzz stated that he was the asshole in the "asshole" story for blowing Grohl off. I remember this vivdly at the Louisville show. In another variation on that tour he also stated that Mackie told him that "you're literally the only person who would've done that".

vince furnier

that's why we need to petition the guy to change the youtube video title. it doesn't fit the tone of the story at all. I cringe every time I see it  #-o
Welcome to my Nightmare!

Israeli billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery

Dumpster D

Quote from: vince furnier on August 15, 2018, 07:59:18 AM
that's why we need to petition the guy to change the youtube video title. it doesn't fit the tone of the story at all. I cringe every time I see it  #-o

Yeah, I strongly do NOT agree with the way the title spins it.

I'll hang my own dirty laundry out in public, thanks.  :buzz: