Melvins, 13th Sept 1991.

Started by youllneverbe, May 22, 2012, 04:56:46 PM

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Hello fellow Melvins fans. Goddamn it's been a long time since I've posted on here. Got my tickets for this Friday's ATP show (with Slayer, YOB and Sleep: which is obviously going to be the best show I've ever been to) and Monday down in Brighton. Should take my Melvins gig count up to ten... hmm... possibly nine...

ANYWAY. This is not what I meant to post about. I was snooping about on YouTube tonight and I found this gig:

Lounge Ax, Chicago, Illinois, 13th Sept 1991. It's probably one of the most disgustingly heavy and brilliant Melvins shows I've ever seen a video of. Is this one a reasonably well-known-among-fans bootleg? Because it really really should be. 'Antitoxidote' and 'Boris' in particular are just brutal. I haven't even built myself up to watching 'Charmicarmicat' or 'Eye Flys' yet. 


Quote from: youllneverbe on May 22, 2012, 04:56:46 PM
Hello fellow Melvins fans. Goddamn it's been a long time since I've posted on here. Got my tickets for this Friday's ATP show (with Slayer, YOB and Sleep: which is obviously going to be the best show I've ever been to) and Monday down in Brighton. Should take my Melvins gig count up to ten... hmm... possibly nine...

ANYWAY. This is not what I meant to post about. I was snooping about on YouTube tonight and I found this gig:

Lounge Ax, Chicago, Illinois, 13th Sept 1991. It's probably one of the most disgustingly heavy and brilliant Melvins shows I've ever seen a video of. Is this one a reasonably well-known-among-fans bootleg? Because it really really should be. 'Antitoxidote' and 'Boris' in particular are just brutal. I haven't even built myself up to watching 'Charmicarmicat' or 'Eye Flys' yet.

Metalhead Cow

Oh wow thanks for the post-I'll have to check out those youtube videos. I've never seen early footage of Charmicarmicat.



Well I've had an audio recording of it for a while, didn't know there was video too.
Hail, not fail.
PS:  fuck him.

Mount Ambulance

I've had this dvd for at least 10yrs. Nothing new, its been circulating on dime since I got it ... probably before ... I'm pretty sure I've got a vhs copy from way back too? Not positive, I've got like 4 early 90s Chicago shows on vhs ... haven't watched 'em since lateish 90s? (most of the VHS I've upgrade onto dvd).

Though mine doesn't have the snazzy menu ... just a straight vhs-dvd transfer

Now what I'd really dig is if that whole "Positive Force" show from Bethras MD (91?) would surface ...

The NYC New Music Seminar one was a really cool recent "unearthing" ... never saw that one circulating previously ... its freaking great!!


Is that the one that looks like it's in somebody's living room (with Billy Anderson on bass)?


i was there and my hearing is still damaged from that show.
Again,a gorgeous tragedy approaches,in the wake of those thought contained.But sonic reverberations shake the very marrow of the fragile chamber of mans lifeforce,and again the minions quiver in fear,as daylight fails to come,and Melvins walk the battlefield,bored and hungry...
