Buzz top 5 John Huston movies

Started by black stallion, April 12, 2012, 08:57:14 AM

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I have very fond memories of watching The Man Who Would Be King with my Gran many years ago  :)

Hot Pants

Buzz has killer taste in movies, unsurpisingly.

Sierra Madra is a really amazing film. The Misfits is the only other one of those i remember seeing, also a great film. need to see the rest at some point.

thanks for posting!

also SPOILERS!  :lol:
the place where i sleep is cold and abandoned
you can't even fathom a hole being dug so deep


i watched the treasure of sierra madre yestreday and loved every single minute of it! great characters and story, just like buzz said. joh hutson's father reminded me of charles manson quite a bit. i bet that was buzz's favorite character btw. hysterical laughter at the end.

how does one pronounce huston actually? is it "houston" or "hush-ton".

i'm determined to watch the others as well. the only move i had seen from this list until yesterday was wiseblood; highly recommended needless to say!


Quote from: norecess on May 06, 2012, 06:11:14 AM
i watched the treasure of sierra madre yestreday and loved every single minute of it! great characters and story, just like buzz said. joh hutson's father reminded me of charles manson quite a bit. i bet that was buzz's favorite character btw. hysterical laughter at the end.

how does one pronounce huston actually? is it "houston" or "hush-ton".

i'm determined to watch the others as well. the only move i had seen from this list until yesterday was wiseblood; highly recommended needless to say!

"Houston" I believe. Seems to be the way TV bods in the UK pronounce it anyway



Buzz does have good taste in films.  I never found Wiseblood the movie to be anywhere nearly so interesting as Wiseblood the book despite a great cast led by Brad Dourif.  Maybe I ought to give it another day in court.
Treasure of Sierra Madre is in my own top ten favorite films list.  It simply gets better with each viewing.

And I think Houston is pronounced the way Texans say Houston - the city.  "Hue (as in huge or hue of a certain color or shade) & ston (as in the thing weighS-aTon).  Least-a-aways that's how I've always heard it pronounced.

A side note that seems worth mentioning.  If any of you guys are really interested in Treasure of the Sierra Madre, the book it's based on is by a writer called B. Traven.  This Traven is a most mysterious character.  Some believe Traven was actually  Ret Marut - a well know German actor and anarchist living in Mexico among other places.  Whatever his identity, his novels and stories would likely be of interest to many here.

My favorite book by Traven is called The Death Ship (1959).

The book is excellent and, thematically, I might even dare to suggest it has influenced Melvins or at least Buzz.
I read it around the same time I read Celine's Journey to the End of the Night and was shocked by how similar both novels seemed to me at the time.

Anyhoo, I don't want to throw us too far off topic but Melvins forum bibliophiles take note. 



Quote from: )))((( on May 06, 2012, 06:28:32 AM
Quote from: Illusionator on May 06, 2012, 06:17:24 AM
Quote from: norecess on May 06, 2012, 06:11:14 AM
i watched the treasure of sierra madre yestreday and loved every single minute of it! great characters and story, just like buzz said. joh hutson's father reminded me of charles manson quite a bit. i bet that was buzz's favorite character btw. hysterical laughter at the end.

how does one pronounce huston actually? is it "houston" or "hush-ton".

i'm determined to watch the others as well. the only move i had seen from this list until yesterday was wiseblood; highly recommended needless to say!

"Houston" I believe. Seems to be the way TV bods in the UK pronounce it anyway
I think i say it like YOU-STEN. I think.  :-k

Aye that's a better approximation


Quote from: Hortense on May 06, 2012, 07:07:10 AM
Buzz does have good taste in films.  I never found Wiseblood the movie to be anywhere nearly so interesting as Wiseblood the book despite a great cast led by Brad Dourif.  Maybe I ought to give it another day in court.
Treasure of Sierra Madre is in my own top ten favorite films list.  It simply gets better with each viewing.

And I think Houston is pronounced the way Texans say Houston - the city.  "Hue (as in huge or hue of a certain color or shade) & ston (as in the thing weighS-aTon).  Least-a-aways that's how I've always heard it pronounced.

A side note that seems worth mentioning.  If any of you guys are really interested in Treasure of the Sierra Madre, the book it's based on is by a writer called B. Traven.  This Traven is a most mysterious character.  Some believe Traven was actually  Ret Marut - a well know German actor and anarchist living in Mexico among other places.  Whatever his identity, his novels and stories would likely be of interest to many here.

My favorite book by Traven is called The Death Ship (1959).

The book is excellent and, thematically, I might even dare to suggest it has influenced Melvins or at least Buzz.
I read it around the same time I read Celine's Journey to the End of the Night and was shocked by how similar both novels seemed to me at the time.

Anyhoo, I don't want to throw us too far off topic but Melvins forum bibliophiles take note.

Definitely check out the other works by Flannery O'Connor.  I don't really see her stories as anti-religion, but more of exploring concepts of Grace and other concepts..

"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus