Started by pinkyslim, October 30, 2012, 11:06:29 AM

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black stallion

still from fb:

QuoteDale has seen Red Kross 7 times, and has a funny story about that first show:

"Kurt and Krist were at that first Redd Kross show, and they thought the band were too happy on stage. Ha, ha!"


Redd Kross, The Melvins


Despite the myriad achievements of the human race throughout history — moonshots, pyramids, penicillin and the late-night food truck — one never-realized dream haunted civilization: getting Redd Kross and The Melvins to play on the same show. If you were thinking about something with artificial intelligence or faster-than-light travel, then obviously you've never sensed the capacity for societal advancement inherent in a limited-edition 12-inch EP. So: Finally, these undisputed titans of punk and rock — these choosers of perfect cover songs, these producers of the shits which rippeth, these knowers of the single awesome Osmonds track — will share a bill on the last night of 2012. This must be that oft-discussed "rapture of the nerds," right? Cocktails served and black formal attire requested. This is history, people! —Chris Ziegler

(the) flutter nuts

Quote from: Kolonel Kurtz Kobain on December 26, 2012, 07:58:07 PM
Quote from: (the) flutter nuts on December 01, 2012, 04:48:02 PM
Is this gonna be Melvins Lite or Big Melvins?


I got the shits real bad.

(the) flutter nuts

I got the shits real bad.


If I could do one thing on NYE this year, this would be it.

Wonder if this'll be the gig that sets the world to blaze.

Holy moly.

(the) flutter nuts

I hope they film/record this show
I got the shits real bad.


Quote from: (the) flutter nuts on December 27, 2012, 11:22:50 AM
I hope they film/record this show

That would be awesome!... I hope that I get my hands on one of these records.

John Schuller

Redd Kross and (the) Melvins. They have been my two favorite bands since as long as I can remember. Neither band ever released an album on SST or Sub Pop although many of their contemporaries in the 80's did. Both bands started out as great "punk" bands and have led changing and twisting musical paths since. Redd Kross were around for the birth of the Los Angeles punk scene and the Melvins were around for the birth of the Seattle grunge scene. They both released what many consider the first two grunge albums (Neurotica and Gluey Porch Treatments) in 1987. Redd Kross is widely considered to have been a huge influence on Seattle's grunge scene while the Melvins were there when it began and were nowhere near Seattle when it blew up. Both bands have two core members that have been a constant through their histories and have defined everything about their musical paths. Both bands also have a ton, and I mean a TON of ex-members including people who would at sometime in their lives play in Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Mudhoney and The Cows. All of these different lineups and musical directions have led to each band having specific eras that their rabid fans love and sometimes hate. Bill Bartell also known as Pat Fear (White Flag) has written, performed or recorded with both bands He also has worked in side projects with members of each band such as Sawed Off and Tater Totz. He even released a boxset on his Gasatanka label with 7" records by both Redd Kross and Melvins. Gasatanka's logo was a piss take on the Casablanca label. Casablanca was of course, the label for KISS. Both Redd Kross and Melvins have covered KISS, as well as many other bands songs - and I mean a lot. They both love to play covers both absurd in nature and pure in intention. Speaking of absurd - both bands have always had one foot in the absurd, whether it is their cover songs, song titles, themes, outfits, hair, interview content, merch, album covers, t-shirt designs - you name it. Although they were both on Atlantic records neither band saw the huge fame of other Atlantic artists such as Aretha Franklin or Led Zeppelin. Speaking of giant bands - did I mention the influence on Nirvana? How about strange Hollywood connections such as Shirley Temple Black's daughter playing in the Melvins or Sophia Coppola nude on the cover of Third Eye by Redd Kross. Going deeper - how about David Cassidy starring in "The Spirit of 76" with Jeff and Steven McDonald of Redd Kross - or Leif Garret touring with the Melvins playing "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? How about Redd Kross covering "Blow You a Kiss in the Wind" from the Bewitched television show on the Teen Babes record or Melvins performing John Cage's 4'33 to crowds of screaming fans and then releasing it as a 7" called "Shit Sandwich...and you just took a bite". Deeper yet, Jello Biafra teamed up with the Melvins for awhile, the drummer of the Bangles was in Redd Kross at one time. It all creates a really wonderful universe with a bizarre pop-culture all it's own. Redd Kross are entering their 34th year and the Melvins their 30th year. Melvins released Freak Puke and The Bulls and The Bees and Redd Kross released Researching the Blues this year (2012) and all three of these records are stellar and will stand the test of time. Classics already. To end this year they are teaming up to do a split 12" vinyl record and play their very first show together called the New Years Eve Ballroom Blitz in the King Eddie Ballroom at the Aleandria Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Rumor has it there is a connection to that ballroom and The Shining. Long live Redd Kross and Melvins. The two greatest living bands. (We all know the Beatles are the greatest ever, but aren't they almost all dead now?)


cleveland rewind

Melvin's did a contest for pairs of tickets on Facebook. I won a pair. YaY. I may have an extra ticket or two
i may never go down in history but i will go down on your sister


Quote from: sadcorps on December 27, 2012, 12:35:55 PM
Redd Kross and (the) Melvins. They have been my two favorite bands since as long as I can remember. Neither band ever released an album on SST or Sub Pop although many of their contemporaries in the 80's did. Both bands started out as great "punk" bands and have led changing and twisting musical paths since. Redd Kross were around for the birth of the Los Angeles punk scene and the Melvins were around for the birth of the Seattle grunge scene. They both released what many consider the first two grunge albums (Neurotica and Gluey Porch Treatments) in 1987. Redd Kross is widely considered to have been a huge influence on Seattle's grunge scene while the Melvins were there when it began and were nowhere near Seattle when it blew up. Both bands have two core members that have been a constant through their histories and have defined everything about their musical paths. Both bands also have a ton, and I mean a TON of ex-members including people who would at sometime in their lives play in Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Mudhoney and The Cows. All of these different lineups and musical directions have led to each band having specific eras that their rabid fans love and sometimes hate. Bill Bartell also known as Pat Fear (White Flag) has written, performed or recorded with both bands He also has worked in side projects with members of each band such as Sawed Off and Tater Totz. He even released a boxset on his Gasatanka label with 7" records by both Redd Kross and Melvins. Gasatanka's logo was a piss take on the Casablanca label. Casablanca was of course, the label for KISS. Both Redd Kross and Melvins have covered KISS, as well as many other bands songs - and I mean a lot. They both love to play covers both absurd in nature and pure in intention. Speaking of absurd - both bands have always had one foot in the absurd, whether it is their cover songs, song titles, themes, outfits, hair, interview content, merch, album covers, t-shirt designs - you name it. Although they were both on Atlantic records neither band saw the huge fame of other Atlantic artists such as Aretha Franklin or Led Zeppelin. Speaking of giant bands - did I mention the influence on Nirvana? How about strange Hollywood connections such as Shirley Temple Black's daughter playing in the Melvins or Sophia Coppola nude on the cover of Third Eye by Redd Kross. Going deeper - how about David Cassidy starring in "The Spirit of 76" with Jeff and Steven McDonald of Redd Kross - or Leif Garret touring with the Melvins playing "Smells Like Teen Spirit"? How about Redd Kross covering "Blow You a Kiss in the Wind" from the Bewitched television show on the Teen Babes record or Melvins performing John Cage's 4'33 to crowds of screaming fans and then releasing it as a 7" called "Shit Sandwich...and you just took a bite". Deeper yet, Jello Biafra teamed up with the Melvins for awhile, the drummer of the Bangles was in Redd Kross at one time. It all creates a really wonderful universe with a bizarre pop-culture all it's own. Redd Kross are entering their 34th year and the Melvins their 30th year. Melvins released Freak Puke and The Bulls and The Bees and Redd Kross released Researching the Blues this year (2012) and all three of these records are stellar and will stand the test of time. Classics already. To end this year they are teaming up to do a split 12" vinyl record and play their very first show together called the New Years Eve Ballroom Blitz in the King Eddie Ballroom at the Aleandria Hotel in Los Angeles, California. Rumor has it there is a connection to that ballroom and The Shining. Long live Redd Kross and Melvins. The two greatest living bands. (We all know the Beatles are the greatest ever, but aren't they almost all dead now?)


Great write up.. Thanks for sharing

(the) flutter nuts

I got the shits real bad.


QuoteGreat write up.. Thanks for sharing

Yeah, that was excellent (except for the part about the Beatles  :wink:)


Quote from: spunkmonkey on December 28, 2012, 04:14:43 PM
QuoteGreat write up.. Thanks for sharing

Yeah, that was excellent (except for the part about the Beatles  :wink:)

Buzz said this last year..   "Any one who says that they don't like the Beatles is obviously an idiot and can't be trusted."

John Schuller

Quote from: jonE5 on December 29, 2012, 11:36:43 AM
Quote from: spunkmonkey on December 28, 2012, 04:14:43 PM
QuoteGreat write up.. Thanks for sharing

Yeah, that was excellent (except for the part about the Beatles  :wink:)

Buzz said this last year..   "Any one who says that they don't like the Beatles is obviously an idiot and can't be trusted."
