Portland 8/20

Started by blacksanta, August 21, 2013, 02:55:38 AM

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"It was too savage, too aggressive." - Hunter S. Thompson

Happy 30th Melvins :cheers:

This was my 15th show since 1996, and it may be my favorite show of them all. It was my first time at the Wonder, I was stuck in law school hell the previous times they played here. It's hot as hell, but the overall vibe is so much nicer than the Roseland. It's a bit smaller, a bit more intimate, and much more relaxed. Going into the Roseland lately has felt like entering prison...or court. Plus its fucking LOUD. This was bar none the loudest Melvins show I've ever been subjected to. The setlist was just fucking heavy all the way through. I've been waiting to see Your Blessened for years, that was the highlight for me (plus Roman Dog Bird, my favorite). As heavy as it was, the vibe from the band was loose. Buzz was smiling throughout. Everyone just seemed to be filled with pride and having fun, knowing that they could stomp any rock band into dust. If ever a show should have been pro-shot for a release, this was it.
Also melvins is gay cuz some of their songs are just noise, i tell you this so you all don't buy albums and find out only one two songs is good on them.


Aw man I missed the mighty black Santa????

von grip

wayyy louder than last years 51 dates show at the Hawthorne. goddamn, coady and dale were laying down some pummeling beats not to mention dale hula hooping was a total riot! picked up the show and anniv posters, coupla random walsby prints, the "different strokes" print, and the "cheeseburger" tee
"im ol' south!" -wf (2009)


We were treated to Dillard coming out and finishing the night with Fascists Eat Donuts again while Dale hula hooped. I'd have great video of this except for people kept getting up and fucking LEAVING while they played and I had to move. But, that's what happens I guess. Can't  complain more than that, phenomenal show. So happy to have seen the Pop O Pies cover twice now. An excellent way to finish the set. Dale would make for a great frontman. Reminded me of Iggy up there :)

Hey Glen, Dc is in the other room passed out, I'll fart in his face for you. 

It's 330 am, goodnight.


"Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care." - Richie Goodtimes

Glen. You can totally go fuck yourself. I have no idea who you are and I really don't care.


Damn that was good.  Honky was fun and the Melvins were devastating.

One of the best versions of Let it all be I've ever heard them do.
Ended up buying one clown poster, the Everybody Loves Sausages CD and a Walsby Fat Albert print.

Just woke up and my ears are still playing my favorite Tinnitus single.
As I told the wife after the show, if it wasn't hot, oppressive and you didn't want to flee from the room in terror it wasn't a Melvins show!

At one point during the show the lighting was just perfect and you could see Coady's and Dale's drumsticks having a tracer like effect so that you could see multiple drumsticks moving along the path of the arc of their drumming.  Ok so I was a little high at the time, but still it was fucking awesome.

Oh yeah, it was really cool seeing Dale drumming for Honky.  It is easy to take it for granted how awesome a drummer he is but to see him play in a different style really shows off his skills.  Even the "simple" drumming he does is freaking amazing.



"I can push over twelve year old girls easy." - Fart
kill yr idols
emperors wear no clothes
"We don't have alot of information right now, but for all we know monkeys might fly out of my butt"- rictus



(the) flutter nuts

I got the shits real bad.




P.s. what's that "Shapboopbee" song at the end of the set?

black stallion

Quote from: Jarjaxle09 on August 22, 2013, 03:54:19 AM
The show was amazing, and so loud i don't think I can have children anymore. :-)

:lol: you become sterile? :shock: