Jared's Vacuum Cleaner Sound Effect

Started by (the) Razor, January 16, 2014, 06:05:41 AM

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(the) Razor

I wish to know more!

Friends Before Larry is the most obvious appearance, but it's also all over Battlefields Forever.

I can't think when I first heard it, but it is a great signature sound which I hope is employed more in any future Melvins.
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dead mike

I thought it was just a snare strategically placed by the amp.

Edit: I'm probably confusing what the OP was referring to with something else, so nevermind and also shut up.
Can you all shut your damn cocks for one second? Music is the only thing that's real in this queef world of dildo ass chodes.

              - hemispheres


You might be hearing the POG.  It's a killer pedal.  I have the POG 2 and use the shit out of it. 

(the) Razor

Quote from: anaconda on January 16, 2014, 01:13:54 PM
Sounds like an octave divider

Yes, that would have to be it. Right in front of me.

Sounds like shit with a guitar, but with Jared's bass, I think it sounds exceptional! I guess Tweak Bird and Torche use it quite a bit too.
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