Bangers Melvins Shitkid

Started by bUTTHOLEmAN, June 28, 2019, 09:05:51 AM

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"Everlong", "Learn to Fly", and something more recent that I've never listened to.


Is this the boys locker room? Sad fucks you R.

Dumpster D

vince furnier

Welcome to my Nightmare!

Israeli billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery


Feels like the Movies, has a great Dale drum outro with Buzz jamming, give this release a second try.

This is another "might have been" moment for the home team.

I love the female vocals and her pronunciation of English language words.

Dumpster D

I missed out on this and Crystal Fairy...but glad they happened, and it's something I'll go back to at some point and enjoy checking out when I'm looking for something.