Crystal Fairy! New Band w/ Buzz, Dale, Teri Gender Bender & Omar Rodriguez-Lopez

Started by vince furnier, October 04, 2016, 08:48:45 AM

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Quote from: Oscar on March 01, 2017, 09:26:19 AM
I think being a Melvins fan doesn't really help going into this album.
And by that I don't mean that the Melvins set an unreachable bar, because I did try and keep an open mind and listen to this as a new band. But what does happen to Melvins fans is that you get wind of Buzz talking about the project. Saying how great it is, how easy the sessions were and how quickly everything came together. Those would be interesting points if this music weren't so aggressively mediocre. And to truly engage with them as a new band, it's sounds too much like recent Melvins. Hell, it's even partly recorded by Toshi. It's my own fault that I read and watch interviews but for people that constantly talk about how ahead of the curve and weird they are, this is awfully derivative and not at all challenging. Teri seems to be perfectly content sounding like a second rate PJ Harvey and Omar's nondescript bass lines might as well have been overdubbed by Dale. Not that it matters, but even the name stinks.

Now some of you might scoff and call me a hater which is fine. But this is a forum, it's not like I'm waiting outside the venue after a show to tell them what I think about their work. Some of my lifelong heroes have dropped stinkers and I still love them all the same.
Agree with everything.


This is a good interview with Buzz. Especially when he talks about music and metal. He's likes Meshuggah too!! By the way (((O))) is not me.

black stallion

nice interview! I disagree so much with Buzz about Ozma and songwriting process in general. Stoner Witch took a lot of time to be recorded but you can hear more stuff and ideas on that album than on four/ five latest Melvins releases.the more time you spend in the studio the more quality you get.especially when you speak of super talented musicians like Buzz or Dale.just my opinion


Quote from: black stallion on March 02, 2017, 02:38:38 PM
I disagree so much with Buzz about Ozma and songwriting process in general. Stoner Witch took a lot of time to be recorded but you can hear more stuff and ideas on that album than on four/ five latest Melvins releases.the more time you spend in the studio the more quality you get.especially when you speak of super talented musicians like Buzz or Dale.just my opinion
Hmm im not sure myself. I think of course it depends on the type of music people record i guess. I have no experience of it myself but i think i do tend to agree with Buzz here that keeping things quick and to the point keeps it fresh and vital. I think you can actually hear that in a song or an album. When alternatively sometimes things can easily get bogged down over thinking things or adding layers. But yes i agree that if it's a great musician they probably bypass a lot of that to an extent.



Quote from: ))))(((( on March 02, 2017, 01:51:34 PM
This is a good interview with Buzz. Especially when he talks about music and metal. He's likes Meshuggah too!! By the way (((O))) is not me.

Melvins double album incoming!


black stallion



Quote from: rimb on March 02, 2017, 05:05:16 PM
Melvins double album incoming!
I know! It's exciting isn't it? But at the same time im bracing myself for the old, familiar responses that double albums are subjected to. You know, the familiar - "it should have been two separate albums instead" or "if they took out the filler and kept it as a single album it would have rocked". However the bad and disappointing thing being...  i can see myself ending up saying both of those!


Quote from: ))))(((( on March 03, 2017, 04:14:31 AM
Quote from: rimb on March 02, 2017, 05:05:16 PM
Melvins double album incoming!
I know! It's exciting isn't it? But at the same time im bracing myself for the old, familiar responses that double albums are subjected to. You know, the familiar - "it should have been two separate albums instead" or "if they took out the filler and kept it as a single album it would have rocked". However the bad and disappointing thing being...  i can see myself ending up saying both of those!

Aaaaah... but if I may counter- Pigs of the Roman Empire was a double and I think it definitely NEEDED to be a double Lp. a single disc just wouldn't have made the same impact and artistic statement.


Quote from: johnnyg on March 03, 2017, 10:37:13 AM
Aaaaah... but if I may counter- Pigs of the Roman Empire was a double and I think it definitely NEEDED to be a double Lp. a single disc just wouldn't have made the same impact and artistic statement.
POTRE was a double album?? I suppose that was the case in the sense of vinyl, but i took it Buzz meant it was going to be a double CD release. Or let's put it this way - about 80+ minutes of music in total. A "double album" like The Wall is or such.


Quote from: ))))(((( on March 03, 2017, 10:43:54 AM
Quote from: johnnyg on March 03, 2017, 10:37:13 AM
Aaaaah... but if I may counter- Pigs of the Roman Empire was a double and I think it definitely NEEDED to be a double Lp. a single disc just wouldn't have made the same impact and artistic statement.
POTRE was a double album?? I suppose that was the case in the sense of vinyl, but i took it Buzz meant it was going to be a double CD release. Or let's put it this way - about 80+ minutes of music in total. A "double album" like The Wall is or such.

Well, we will see. A double CD double album is A LOT of music for sure...


Quote from: johnnyg on March 03, 2017, 01:02:30 PM
A double CD double album is A LOT of music for sure...
It's with Buzz saying "we've never done one before" that makes me think he means a full-on DOUBLE record. Al la Swans!! Can't wait to see what it will be. That "history of rock n roll" idea that Steve mentioned seems the most obvious (and likely) to me from what we know anyway.


"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D

von grip

Quote from: ))))(((( on March 03, 2017, 04:14:31 AM
Quote from: rimb on March 02, 2017, 05:05:16 PM
Melvins double album incoming!

wonder if it'll be one of those old school double cd cases ie the wall OR the single cd case w a swing divider lol
"im ol' south!" -wf 2009