Crystal Fairy! New Band w/ Buzz, Dale, Teri Gender Bender & Omar Rodriguez-Lopez

Started by vince furnier, October 04, 2016, 08:48:45 AM

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If buzz and dale did a record with the backstreet boys, id give it a solid listen regardless of who they're working with. Dont judge by the parts, judge by the whole.
"Mess with the best, trolled like the rest." - Jacket Man.

(the) Razor

Quote from: FartLips on October 06, 2016, 03:40:22 PM
If buzz and dale did a record with the backstreet boys, id give it a solid listen regardless of who they're working with.

I wouldn't, I'd get on the internets and criticise it.  :lol:
Don't click this


This has been a long time coming for me. Been 16 years since the track with Bliss Blood. In the meantime, they've had 2 albums where they let weirdos jack their sound for the entire record (POTRE, Hold It In). Time for a whole album of female vox. Or maybe they switch it around, I don't know.
There's been some online articles with some interview type snippets floating around, but damn if no one will share them with a brutha.  :P
"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D

von grip

"im ol' south!" -wf (2009)


I like this song. Whoever is playing bass on it, I tip my hat to you.


Quote from: 119 on October 07, 2016, 04:03:42 PM
I like this song. Whoever is playing bass on it, I tip my hat to you.
I read it's Omar. From someone who read the interview type thing that's not posted here.
"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D


I do really like this song, looking forward to the full album. Really curious if they will tour with this line-up, hopefully..


Well, at least the single is not going to include any rare/exclusive song so my wallet will take a rest for now... between TAD reissues, Soundgarden's Batmotorfinger deluxe edition and my trip to Santiago in November my poor wallet is having a really hard time.
cartoons, chocolate milk & rock 'n' roll!!
Fuzz is love.
Foot fetishism means love, because, it's the magic of feet odor... Long live depravation.


"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D

the ether bunny

I watched that Omar music video that had Buzz, john Frusciante, and the gender bender punching him in the face, and my first thought was "hey, welcome to six degrees of Mike Patton and Anthony Kiedis collaborations."

I saw the Mars Volta a decade or so ago and it bored me to tears. My friends that I grew up with that were into At the Drive In were the same people that thought Californication was the best album of all time. (Needless to say, as we've grown up, I hate these people now. Who woulda thunk that they would have become judgemental tasteless assholes?)

That said, I like this song. Teri's vocals are superb. Still, I can't help but feel reluctant. And I'm really curious about Omar's random relationship with all things Ipecac.
he was a mongoloid.


The Mars Volta cop a bit of shit some of it certainly justified and although I never cared for ATDI these two TMV songs are the tits.


Quote from: ))))(((( on October 04, 2016, 02:07:14 PM

Is she that petite? Or is she standing on her knees? Anyways, I like her vocal on what is a typical Melvins sound, riff- and drumwise. Never liked what I`ve heard with Bucherettes, but here Teri deliver to grade A. If a tour is coming up, I expect it to be Crystal Fairy on one set and Melvins for themselves, in the same gig.


dead mike

I really wanted Broken Bat to happen this year. 

*dejectedly walks away to "Christmas Time is Here"*
Can you all shut your damn cocks for one second? Music is the only thing that's real in this queef world of dildo ass chodes.

              - hemispheres