THE MELVINS to play on Pink Floyd tribute project 'The Wall [Redux]'?!?!?!

Started by vince furnier, March 03, 2017, 09:45:17 PM

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vince furnier

gotta admit the preorder (why do a kickstarter at all?  :-k oh yeah! publicity!  :lol: ) looks enticing on this bad boy.  :D
Welcome to my Nightmare!

Israeli billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery

Precious Pupp


From today's version of the Bandcamp pagefir this project:

releases September 28, 2018

The Melvins have put out two albums since this was announced. Have they played this Floyd cover anywhere? Anyone heard it? Does it exist?


"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D



The Wall [Redux] by Various Artists

Pre-order of The Wall [Redux]. You get 3 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it's released.
releases November 9, 2018


Hail, not fail.
PS:  fuck him.


"Get off of our stage. If you want on this stage, get in show business." -King Buzzo
"Yeah, we don't come in the 7-11 where you work and get up on the counter." -Mark D


"Is this not what you expected to see?"

What happened with the lyrics!! That aside, good cover though. Sing the damn lines Buzzo!!!

#2 Pencil

Quote from: ))))(((( on November 03, 2018, 03:42:23 AM
"Is this not what you expected to see?"

What happened with the lyrics!! That aside, good cover though. Sing the damn lines Buzzo!!!

There's nothing wrong with the lyrics. It's just not Pink Floyd. I'm surprised no one has mentioned which song or band they're originally from.
I heard their periods attract bears


Ah!!! I didn't know it was Blondie!! I thought the band had wrote new lyrics. I guess this is another example of Melvins quirky polarizing humour. A Pink Floyd/Blondie mash-up!

#2 Pencil

I heard their periods attract bears

vince furnier

Welcome to my Nightmare!

Israeli billionaire dies during penis enlargement surgery